Dogby Walks Alone
An original English-language "manga" by Wes Abbott and published by Tokyopop, Dogby Walks Alone tells the story of Dogby, The Voiceless mascot of Happyplace, a Disney-esque theme park. One crowded day, all hell breaks loose when many of the park's mascots organize an armed assault stealing a week's worth of ticket money, as well as the murder of Princess, Dogby's former lover. With the help of Snack Girl, he has to solve both crimes, with many a Shout-Out along the way.
The second volume has Dogby heading to Alaska, having left Happyplace at the end of the first volume, having to rescue a small town from a Russian criminal regime, calling in the help of Squad B, a group of People in Rubber Suits who do mercenary work on the side. Also, he fights a Kodiak bear.
A third volume was planned, but then Tokyopop shut down.
- The Baroness: Contessa
- The Chew Toy: Katty Kit
- Corrupt Corporate Executive (Roy Happy)
- Defeat Means Friendship: In Volume 2, the Kodiak Bear shows up in the final battle and mauls a Russian soldier when Dogby gives the okay.
- Disappeared Dad
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Most of Volume 1's cast such as Snack Girl, Princess, Duchess, Head of Park Security, New Shift Supervisor, etc.
- Everything Is Worse With Bears
- Expy: Squad B is essentially The A-Team in rubber suits.
- Film Noir
- Gold Digger: Princess
- Homage: Let's see, Star Wars, Metal Gear, Super Mario Bros.., Chinatown, G.I. Joe, The Blues Brothers, Street Fighter and Twin Peaks in the first volume alone.
- Jerkass Katty Kit
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Michael is essentially Michael Jackson in an iron mask.
- Scarf of Asskicking: Dogby wears one in part of the second volume.
- Shout-Out: Quite a few, especially to the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series - the author is a fan and a regular at the forums (which is how this troper found about the comic in the first place).
- Souvenir Land
- The Faceless: Dogby. When he is unmasked, his face is always kept in shadow or obscured some other way.
- The Voiceless: Dogby
- Walking the Earth