Does Not Play Well With Others
The 2005 gag-a-day webcomic by Michael Poe, creator of Exploitation Now and Errant Story, starring Francesca (a college age wizardess) and her roommate, Naga (a, er, Naga).
Started at the beginning of 2011. Signs so far point to it being closer in tone to the first rather than the second of his previous series. Can be found—surprisingly—at "Does Not Play Well With Others."
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Not really. Having low expectations helps.
- Alt Text: Generally containing commentary and alternative punchlines or continuations on them.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Amusingly justified and lampshaded. See Nipple-and-Dimed.
- Comes full circle to an aversion in later comics, after the webcomic moved to it's own domain name: Naga loses her shirt in an Out-of-Clothes Experience and both Scenery Censor and Barbie Doll Anatomy are averted. Amusingly, the nipples go from a dot, to a undefined circle where the areola are, to being fully detailed over the next few strips.
- But You Screw One Goat!: Bill the alien was exiled from his home planet for Scully Slash Fic.
- Dead Baby Comedy
- Die for Our Ship: After Falchion tried to fix the problem with fanfics.
Falchion: Seth, what's a OTP and why do these people think my girlfriend needs to die a gruesome death for the sake of it?
- And then it comes to this.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Inverted. Falchion finds one of Tekmage's schemes to have such a low "evil" content that he just can't bring himself to foil it.
- Five-Token Band: "Short, Questionably Packed Content".
- Flying Broomstick: Fran's transportation method of choice.
- Partially deconstructed: she dosn't find it all that comfortable.
- For Halloween I Am Going as Myself: Not Halloween, thanks to the easily offended monsters... But their LARPs are weird.
Craig: He and bunch of neighbor people went out to the woods to pretend to be monsters, wizards and crap.
Janis: You mean LARP.
Janis: ... Aren't they already all elves, monsters and wizards?
Craig: Yep, which means it's double nerdy.
- Hero Insurance: "And after that, they never bitched about all the property damage dad caused ever again".
- Hippie Parents: Francesca was raised by the Wiccans, but "left due to ideological differences". On the next page she plainly called them out on being mostly "weird hippies who go to the woods on the weekends to do drugs and fuck".
- Idiot Hair: Naga's old design.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Naga. It's ok, though, as she eats pedophiles she meets online.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Naga again—she has no nudity taboo, is actually outright opposed to the idea of wearing clothing, and only wears shirts because her contract includes royalties on any shirt designs they help sell.
- I Thought Everyone Could Do That: See Nipple-and-Dimed.
- Jerkass: Par for the course for a Micheal Poe comic. Naga's the worst offender of course.
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Janis. Subverted, see Samus Is a Girl.
- Nipple-and-Dimed: Naga's are retractable!
- No Hard Feelings: Janis's prisoner stated a "No hard feelings" quip as he was waiting for her mooks to come over. But she has other plans involving stealing a van, bringing him to her evil lair, and organ harvesting him. Just so she can get him to squeal to reveal his employer.
Janis:"...But, no, hard feelings."
- Not Safe for Work: Heavy profanity, some nudity, violence, sacrilege...
- Offscreen Villain Dark Matter: They mystery is solved: she has a sponsor
- Oh Crap, There Are Fanfics of Us: Internet to Falchion: yup.
- Out-of-Clothes Experience: Naga.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: Naga eats people. This is played up for horror... until she reveals she's been eating pedophiles she meets online and tricks into meeting up with her. That doesn't exactly make it ok, but the other characters can't bring themselves to get her to stop.
- Please Put Some Clothes On: Francesca to Naga over the course of the first few strips.
- Punk Punk: Mocked here. See also Alt Text.
- The Rant: Several.
- Obvious Betas and Game Mods here.
- Rape as Drama: Discussed Trope here.
- Samus Is a Girl: Tech Mage.
- Sarcastic Confession: Quite knowingly used here. And the Alt Text is related to a another trope...
- Scenery Censor: The original filler comics from Errant Story used this and lampshaded it heavily. Later strips avert it.
- Sky Pirate: Of a drone-plunderin' variety.
- The Swear Jar: They have at least two, neither of which is exactly swear jar (that would overflow too quickly).
- The Trope Formerly Known as X: The superhero formerly known as Shadow Knight.
- Unsound Effect: John Johnson, the muscle wizard, attacks with a Ka-Fist!
- Urban Fantasy: Major characters include a Wizard, a Naga, a Vampire, an Elf, a Superhero, and a group of alien geeks.
- Villain Has a Point: On at least two occasions, Falchion has found Tekmage's goals so sympathetic that he didn't really want to stop him. On one of them, he actually did take a dive and let Tekmage succeed.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Tekmage's actual ideology seem to be nothing more sinister than mainstream American liberalism. It's just that he pursues it by means of killer satellites and mind control rays...
- In other words, mostly amounts to doing stupid things when bored.
- Wikipedia: Naga isn't allowed to random-browse it when bored. And for a good reason.