< Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom/YMMV


  • Author's Saving Throw: Any time Doom has an Out-of-Character Moment, it's always a Doombot. Always. (Including the movies. Doom does not "quip".)
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Capcom was wise enough to recognize my greatness and made this theme for their fighting game, Marvel Super Heroes. Marvel vs Capcom 3 uses a very fitting and ominous remix of said theme for me. They also made a victory theme fit for a monarch like myself in Marvel Super Heroes. And someday, I hope to tar and feather the fool who made that caterwauling that passes itself as Marvel vs Capcom 2's music.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: While the foolish writers try to paint Doom as a villain, innumerable readers nevertheless see Doom for the true hero that he really is.
  • Foe Yay/Ho Yay: Many of the vermin crawling on your Internet look at Doom's relationship with that blasted Richards and blithely assume that Doom's righteous hatred and supposed obsession with him is merely a crude mask for sexual desire. This suggestion is, of course, nothing more than prurient NONSENSE!
  • Jerkass Woobie/ Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
  • Magnificent Bastard: Doom has been accused of many things by fools, but Doom can indeed achieve anything by force of mind and wisdom alone, if he tries.
  • Memetic Badass: Doom is one of the few people who with preparation time can give the Batman a run for his money. Genius shall always trump mere physical strength and wealth.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Doom has done many things that fools' paltry attempts at moral reasoning will categorize as "inexcusable". Yes, I could easily explain all of my reasons for doing such "abominable" acts... but then again, I am Doom - he who cares not for whatever judgments your feeble opinions might have of him, and see no need to try rationalizing these deeds for your satisfaction.
    • A notable moment of recent times has to be Unthinkable, where I reunite with my long-lost love, only to sell her soul to a trio of evil demons and wear her skin as a magical costume. In the same story I abduct Richards's two children- the son is sent to Hell with said demons; the second, my (self-considered) Goddaughter (named after the aforementioned lost love) I keep safe, but I do consider torturing and/or killing her too just to drive her accursed father even madder. I torture the Four in horrible ways as well, but that doesn't really count.
    • In the novel trilogy 'The Chaos Engine, an enfeebled elderly version of Doom announces that he will use his Cosmic Cube- which he had used to set up a despotic tyranny with an invasive psychic police force- to kill everyone on Earth just before he dies. As ruler he used said Cube to get Magneto (replacing the defeated Richards as his enemy, Doom finding total victory boring) to commit needless slaughter by destroying Paris, running concentration camps, and meting out horrid punishments for the flimsiest of transgressions, like when his wife (Storm, from the X-Men) was accidentally seen naked by her bodyguard- said bodyguard had his eyes gouged out (and delivered to Doom), a more merciful fate than that given to the man's wife and daughter.
    • In the story "Dr. Doom and the Masters of Evil," when I have the chance to wish for anything I could desire - to have any dream fulfilled - I wished for the destruction of my own conscience, so I could continue crossing this line with no bothersome sense of guilt at the back of my mind.
    • Taunting the Asgardian Kelda by saying that a relationship between an immortal and a human is impossible. She tries to avenge her dead lover by attacking my castle but I easily defeat her and rip her heart out. She recovers, but my words still ring true: Her lover remains dead.
    • Killing Cassandra Lang after she finally reunited with her father and former lover, Iron Lad.
      • All reversed now as everything since Unthinkable has been the manipulation of EVIL Valeria Richards.
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