Dive Quest/Characters
Characters of the RPG style story Dive Quest.
Beware of spoilers!
Muschio Malto
A former Volto prince who had the royal rug yanked out from under him, Muschio Malto seeks to regain that which he has lost to a revolution.
- Affably Evil
- Anti-Villain
- Badass: He has his moments.
- Casanova/ Chick Magnet: Slept with Ashedel and Arabella, is pursued by Finesse, and now Iesgip seems to have taken a shine to him.
- Even Evil Has Standards: For someone who wants to become the Devil, Muschio has quite the set of moral codes and regulations.
- The Evil Prince
- Playing with Fire
- Villain Protagonist
A goblin by birth and a tinkerer by trade, Finesse works for Muschio whipping up assorted gadgetry.
- Angiushed Declaration Of Love - It goes HORRIBLY wrong.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Hair Decorations: More like an ear dec, she wears it to remember Muschio's father saving her dad.
- Kawaiiko: Awwwww, Lil!Finesse~!
- The Smart Guy
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Has warmed up as of late.
- Wrench Wench
The d'awwable cutebold alchemist and hunter.
- Break the Cutie: The explosion that cost most of her face. Aw, man...!
- Cloudcuckoolander
- The Cutie
- Perky Female Minion
- Viewer Gender Confusion
The silent type. A New Breed kobold, it's damn near impossible to get more than a few words out of him. Is a craftsman, and is cool as a cucumber. Desires to become a fisherman.
A female Nedynvor. Commanded a presence at the Tower of Olber.
- Hot Amazon: With her own Amazon Brigade
- Lady of War
Can hit people real hard and eats lava. Also a self-proclaimed ladies' man ogre.
- The Big Guy
- Chivalrous Pervert: At least he's nice about it.
- The Collector
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Mighty Glacier
Marjani "Ona" Openda
A Kepling witch doctor (doctoress? Witch nurse?) specializing in herbalism and voodoo. Has an extreme aversion to rape caves and getting hit in the "taco."
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Was able to fix Tislomer good as new, but not without a "mishap".
- Genki Girl
- Groin Attack: Rare female version.
- The Medic
- Unusual Euphemism: ..."Taco?"