< Digimon Xros Wars

Digimon Xros Wars/YMMV

  • Angst? What Angst?: Taiki and Zenjirou don't seem too upset about being stuck in an entirely different world away from everything they hold dear. Akari, on the other hand...
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Gotta feel bad for Lilithmon and Blastmon by the end.
  • Awesome Music:
    • The evolution theme We Are Xros Heart!.
    • X4B The Guardian definitely counts as this.
    • Sky-Dancing Hero! X5! also fits, complete with sounding like a Super Robot opening!
      • They're sung by KOUJI WADA. Of course they're awesome.
    • Blazing Blue Flare is pretty damn cool as well.
    • Adding yet another evolution theme to the mix, we've got Evolution & DigiXros - ver. TAIKI, an insanely Hot-Blooded duet between Kouji Wada and Tanimoto Takayoshi. Toei really is spoiling us with all these epic insert-songs.
    • And to top it all off, we get We Are Xros Heart! - ver. X7. But honestly, what else would you expect from a new rendition of an already awesome song, sung by not just Kouji Wada and Takayoshi Tanimoto, but AYUMI MIYAZAKI as well?!
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Upon the release of the latest scans, many were in glee that there were going to be other humans...not to mention the seiyuu!
    • For fans of Toei's Tokusatsu series, Riku Sanjo of Kamen Rider Double is taking the story's helm. As the series is among the neatly written ones in the Kamen Rider franchise, it's enough to rejoice.
    • When Shoutmon and MetalGreymon learned to do proper, traditional evolution, heralding the triuphant return of the franchise's hallmark. And it was unbelieveably epic.
  • Broken Base: As with virtually every series since the second, some fans have lambasted it for being different from its predecessors.
  • Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: Ugh...
    • Power Levels. Complaints how the "high-tier" Digimon get defeated so easily popped up, despite the fact that it had never happened at all. Most prominent example is Neptunemon being easily killed, despite the fact that he was simply outwitted and was impaled on his own very powerful weapon anyway. Note that the older series pretty much do the same thing. With Arkadimon reappearing again, people have once again resorted to complaining about this.
      • Related to this is people complaining about "strong Digimon being fed to Shoutmon". Not only is that complaint negated by ignoring the existence of Power Levels, but also they are forgetting the one thing known in Combining Mecha anime - that is, the leader always gives the shots. DigiXros can be viewed as something like Digimon combining into a single entity, with Shoutmon being the head pilot.
    • DigiXrossing. People complained about it being toyetic... despite the fact that the whole series is a toy show. Note that this series is also attributed as Digimon meets Power Rangers (due to the combining Digimon, a la MegaZord), even though it is more appropriate to Digimon Frontier, and that this is more of a homage to Super Robot than Super Sentai.
    • Recurring Digimon. People expected that the same Digimon must retain the same personality. So now people are complaining about Lucemon being a goody-two-shoes... despite the fact that the Digimon itself is an angel of goodness by default. Besides, there is more to Lucemon than what he appears to be...
  • Complete Monster: Tactimon ordered several of his soldiers to slowly torture a child to death. He later attempted to kill said child with a pair of highly destructive cannon blasts.
    • Then there's NeoVamdemon. He's a Homage to the Vamdemon from Digimon Adventure, who of course was the most celebrated Complete Monster of the franchise until Kurata, right down to the sadism.
    • Gravimon, considering how mercilessly he played off of Kirihia's psyche and set in motion the events that resulted in, among other things, the death of Deckerdramon.
    • Apollomon's Whispered mode was designed to be this. Apollomon himself doesn't actually count, but due the the deeds of his Split Personality, he is perceived as a monster in-universe.
    • Bagramon and DarkKnightmon become one when they are fused together into DarknessBagramon, who wants nothing more than to destroy the universe and have God-like power over all that still lives.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Nene Amano is loved by many.
    • Lunamon, to the extent that Shipping him/her and Shoutmon is already rather common.
  • Epileptic Trees: Taichi appearing in the X Arena game as a boss, who DigiXrosses WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon into Omegamon. This never had any impact on the series, but it's very easy to see why the trees kicked in. Given that he's going to show up in Young Hunters for at least one episode, though, it wasn't completely unfounded either!
  • Evil Is Sexy: Lilithmon, obviously. She's the Demon Lord of lust, for chrissakes.
  • Fridge Brilliance: At first it seems like the animators have forgotten about Dorulumon in episode 15, but then you realize that to avoid causing damage on the statues due to his size, he's most likely kept in Taiki's Xros Loader.
    • Taiki's second outfit has a jagged white line separating the red and blue portions of his shirt. In circuit design, zig-zags symbolize a component called a resistor - a fitting symbol for the man leading the resistance.
    • Similarly, an Omega appears on Taiki's Xros Loader when evolving Shoutmon, and a Z appears on Kiriha's Xros Loader when evolving MetalGreymon. Omega was possibly chosen as a nod to Omegamon, and Kiriha's Z is possibly a parallel to Taiki's omega. Alternatively, though, Omega is the symbol for an ohm, the physical unit of electrical resistance. Z is the variable most commonly used to represent impedence, which is the effective resistance of a given circuit component.
  • Fridge Logic: When it's believed that Olegmon's hypnotic waves are less effective on machine-type Digimon like Ballistamon, Kiriha suggests that they attack with Cyberdramon in the lead, as his body is more like a machine than the others... this is coming from the General with MailBirdramon, a pure Machine-type Digimon, on his team.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Episode 30, where the kids have returned to Tokyo. Tactimon rampages the whole place, obliterating buildings and even destroying a bridge. The Tohoku earthquake struck just three days later. That's got to be some kind of record.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight:
    • Chika Sakamoto is voicing Shoutmon... who also voiced Kappei in Super Robot Wars games. And Shoutmon is essentially the "lead pilot" of the various Shoutmon X DigiXrosses.
    • One of Shoutmon X5's attack is Meteor Impact. He is only able to do it with Sparrowmon, a bird-themed Digimon. Said punch has only been used twice, both on very powerful Digimon (one was absorbing data of the Zone and the other was able to live in Digital Space). Said attack is referred to as Sparrow Punch.
    • What keeps happening to IceDevimon becomes even funnier when you look back at what IceDevimon's previous appearances have been like.
    • NeoVamdemon kidnaps a bunch of Lopmons to forcefully DigiXros them to him to grant him immortality. The episode that reveals this aired in Easter Sunday. Lopmons are essentially chocolate bunnies; note that they evolve from a Digimon literally named "Chocomon".
  • Holy Shit Quotient: The Xros Wars Manga Adaptation started just like the anime, then it quickly went its own way with the plot and has not looked back since then, steadily rising the quotient with its own departures from the anime plot. It then literally rocketed from chapter 16 onwards, starting with the battle against Lilithmon's army, to an even larger scale battle involving Machinedramons (the original version) and Kimeramons, to Tactimon unsheathing his BFS and beating up Shoutmon X7, to an even larger scale battle involving everyone's super evolutions, the Royal Knights, several Milleniumons and then ... Dark Knightmon snaps, leading to the appearance of Zeed Milleniummon. Had it been animated, the quotient would definitely be 1.
  • Ho Yay: As traditional it's already starting to hint at The Hero/The Lancer (but as usual, it's probably not serious).
    • ...Or not. The character map at the beginning of episode 7 shows Kiriha staring at a drawing of Taiki with the caption "My Taiki", making this an Ascended Meme. In the same image, there's also a music note floating over his head.
    • Blastmon and Tactimon enjoy some nice bromance... or so Blastmon thinks. He also enjoys being loved by male Digimon like Scorpiomon, Cyberdramon and even Bagramon!
      • In one later episode, he hits on Beelzebumon, calling him "sexy." In the middle of battle.
    • Dorulumon shares a...rather obvious blush for Cutemon's begging face in episode 27
  • I Knew It!: It is this for Genre Savvy Digimon fans when it is revealed in episode 30 that Shoutmon could evolve into OmegaShoutmon.
  • Karma Houdini: Kiriha for ordering his digimon to kill and inflicting mortal wounds on Deckerdramon. Sure, he felt bad afterwards and made it his quest to bring Deckerdramon back, but still, he didn't get so much as one What the Hell, Hero?.
    • Considering that this had come right on the heels of Gravimon playing off years of psychological and emotional damage, not to mention Deckerdramon outright forgave Kiriha and helped him get his head back on straight right before dying, one would feel that calling him out would be... rather cruel.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Everyone seems to be obsessed with Taiki.
  • Les Yay: With Nene and Akari in Chapter 6 of the manga.
    • They also had some moments in episode 23, what with Akari becoming good friends with Nene and actually being the one to defrost her.
    • One could make a case of Nene and Mervamon as well.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Yeah, like you would actually kill Shoutmon with that sting, Flymon! He did, and Shoutmon felt excruciating pain and almost died, had Whamon not give his ambergris.
  • Magnificent Bastard: DarkKnightmon
  • Mary Tzu: Tactimon.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Despite not doing much, many people were calling for ChuuChuumon's head when he just sat there, bored, watching Damemon slowly die from his wounds. Thus, ChuuChuumon's eventual death was very satisfying.
    • Just about everything done by the characters listed in Complete Monster above can be said to belong to this trope.
  • Nightmare Fuel: After having absorbed the Gehenna Sphere, Lucemon.
  • Paranoia Fuel: According to their Digimon profile, for every single Monitamon able to be seen in plain sight, there are 30 more hidden.
  • Ruined FOREVER: There were calls of this after the first few images revealed the series was returning to its traditional roots, the Digimon would combine into some mecha-like form, and Taiki was the only human (this last one ended up being debunked.)
  • Squick: Mugendramon's... face, after a part of its helmet plating has been removed. Now just imagine those supposed robot characters being cyborgs. On the other hand, that specific example is exclusive to Xros Wars, since the original Mugendramon was specifically a combination of machine parts.
  • Tear Jerker: "Sayonara, Lopmon."
    • Many of the scenes between Shoutmon and Ballistamon in Episodes 40 and 41.
    • Deckerdramon's Heroic Sacrifice in episode 43.
    • In episode 48, Beelzebumon goes and sacrifices himself again. Except this time there is no Reincarnation.
    • And in episode 49, we have both the deaths of Apollomon and Damemon in rapid succession.
  • Too Cool to Live: Grademon
  • The Untwist: Come on, who was surprised when it was revealed that Lucemon was evil? IT'S FREAKING Lucemon! The most effective former BigBad in Digimon history! He's named after Satan for crying out loud!
  • Troper Critical Mass: It may not have been anywhere near as big a mass as other, more popular works would normally get, but note that all the Xros Wars' pages are significantly longer and more trope-heavy than their equivalents for any other Digimon work on this wiki... Young Hunters may be heading the same way.
  • Tough Act to Follow: Contrary to popular belief amongst its fans, Xros Wars is this to the digimon franchise in general as it had the worst ratings of any Digimon season. For scope of how bad it is Digimon Savers's highest ratings were twice that of Xros Wars's. Also contrary to popular belief it wasn't title and time slot change that started it, as even before then this series's ratings was still the lowest of the franchise.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Cutemon, Sparrowmon and Lunamon all look girly and have an effeminate tone in their voice and use boku. However, Cutemon has been confirmed to be a male. Lunamon and Sparrowmon are yet to be confirmed, but because they both use "boku", they are considered male.
    • Lunamon has a thing for Shoutmon. So going by the pattern of this series, Lunamon might be a boy. However, Lunamon are traditionally female, so this Lunamon is either a Bokukko with a Precocious Crush or a young male digimon with a case of hero worship (or this is an example of Ho Yay).
    • Don't let the fashionable hot pink collar confuse you, Lilithmon calls Mugendramon a "good boy".
  • Ugly Cute: The Gaossmon in the Blue Flare army. They're basically walking mouths with dinosaur legs and tails, but somehow, they manage to be somewhat endearing.
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