Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Leaping Through Time/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: The rumor about past characters returning is true. Taichi Yagami is the first to be confirmed to return.
    • On the Japanese side of things, users at 2ch were ecstatic when the preview for episode 14 revealed the return of Kiriha and Greymon.
    • Episode 76's going to have Taichi and Masaru! And not as a cameo, they'll actually do stuff!
    • Episode 76 aired, and Ruki and Mimi return as well. It's not just the Goggleboys.
    • AND the preview for the next episode shows Shoutmon X7 coming back!
    • In Episode 78 Akari and Zenjirou finally get Xros Loaders!
  • Arc Fatigue: Apparently, many of the fans are getting fed up with this arc, as it takes an awfully long time for anything resembling a plot to really kick in. It's first hinted at in episode 14, and only gets going by episode 22, with only 3 episodes in the whole series left after that. This was made worse when the build up didn't really lead anywhere. Just a team up for the old characters to beat up some mooks, and the generic shonen lead to defeat the generic villain in an anti-climatic duel.
  • Awesome Music: The theme song by Twill, "Stand Up," is a rather catchy song that gives a sense of ethereal mystery befitting the tone of the new series. The instrumental version played during the episode preview is even better, and features a fabulous-sounding saxophone portion. one that gives a sense of ethereal mystery befitting the tone of the situation. The instrumental version played during the episode preview is even better, and features a fabulous-sounding saxophone portion.
    • "Tagiru Chikara", the insert song that plays when Gumdramon evolves from the first time, is pretty great in and of itself. Bonus points go to the fact that it's done by the one and only Psychic Lover, of Tokusatsu fame.
    • Meanwhile, the jazz Leitmotif that plays when Astamon makes his appearance was immediately noticed by fans. Bonus points go to them for using musical stylings that are evocative of earlier series.
    • In episode two, the original version of "We Are Xros Heart" from the previous arc makes its glorious return.
    • And of course, you can't leave out Yuu and Damemon's theme, "Shining Dreamers", which played for the first time during Damemon's return in episode five.
    • Nene's rendition of "New World" and "Stand Up" in episode ten are pretty impressive.
    • Episode fourteen brings back "Blazing Blue Flare" as Kiriha and ZekeGreymon lay the smack down on Volcdramon.
    • The song celebrating the series' anniversary, Legend Xros Wars, is not only awesome, but beautifully nostalgic as it incorporates elements from all the previous series.
      • Here's the translated lyrics. Notice how they refer to all five of the Japanese openings.
  • Complete Monster: Quartzmon, who's responsible for spreading the Digi-Quartz that's destroying the multiverse, absorbs the entire earth into himself, and uses the absorbed spirits of the heroes as a shield so that Tagiru can't attack him.
  • Creator's Pet: Even for the main character, Tagiru's screentime utterly eclipses everyone else's, including the former hero of last two arcs, Taiki. He also gets almost all the Digimon wreaking havoc, even if the others do the work for him.
    • Due to the events of the finale, many are calling Canon Sue on him as well, as even though there's a literal army of heroes from all past Digimon shows on the scene, none of them partake in the final battle and merely serve as power ups for Tagiru, who fights it alone.
  • Designated Protagonist Syndrome: Tagiru isn't very well-liked by some members of the fandom.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Airu. Being the only female character out of the six-person main cast helps. Also, she's cute and her crazy antics with Yuu are hilarious.
    • Kaoru, a one-off character is well-liked, having a nice bit of fanart to her name.
    • Ryouma is rather well-liked, for being an very polite rival ( most of the time) and being fabulous right down to his Tender Tears.
  • Fanon Discontinuity: Some fans think the previous arc of Xros Wars had a decent ending with the defeat of Bagramon and consider Hunters a poorly written and unnecessary addition to the series. Among the most common complaints are the Monster of the Week action composing most of the episodes and the new main character, who is seem by many as too generic, unintersting or just plain annoying, receiving too much focus and overshadowing the rest of the cast with no noticeable or long lasting development. In fact, many people only watched it for the crossover finale and even there Tagiru managed to fight the final battle alone, which led to him being labeled as a Canon Sue as well.
  • Fix Fic: Since the finale, there has been much fanart and fanfic that has Ryouma reunite with a purified Quartzmon as Psychemon/Astamon.
  • Foe Yay: Tagiru with Ryouma, and Yuu with Airu.
  • Ho Yay: Between Tagiru and Yuu. In episode 16, when Yuu and Tagiru are trapped in a phone booth together and a girl finds them with their arms around each other, they say that they are "really good friends". They were trying to divert suspicion, but still...
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Many people only watched it for the leaders.
  • Magnificent Bastard: All three rival hunters have tried their hands at being this, to varying degrees of success. The one who comes closest in the end is Ryouma, who is actually under the control of Quartzmon and is part of the Big Bad Duumvirate with him, and who manipulates and backstabs the other characters masterfully without them ever catching on until it's too late.
    • Quartzmon himself then outshines him when it's revealed that he's technically been Ryouma's Digimon partner this entire time!
  • Misaimed Fandom: This season was meant to be about Tagiru's self-growth to becoming a leader, rendered moot due to the lack of usual plot most of the season, Tagiru's Static Character, and the old leaders coming in, causing people to be more excited about that, than what the arc was about. Arguably, this is the show's fault because many fans saw the crossover event and what was causing it to be much more interesting than Tagiru. See Designated Protagonist Syndrome.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The state of Blossomon's victims after he drains them in episode four. Seriously.
    • This may be intentional or not, but Dracumon's evolution to Yaksamon shows him ripping his own face off.
    • Sephirotmon was just plain creepy. The scene where laughing children appeared from inside his mouth didn't help.
    • Quartzmon is even worse, even reaching D-Reaper levels of creepy.
  • The Scrappy: Betsumon seems to attract a lot of hate from fans who find him just plain irritating.
  • Shocking Swerve: The Watch Man being a reincarnated Bagramon. That really came out of nowhere.
    • Astamon being Quartzmon was also a little left field, considering he hardly said or did anything
  • The Worf Effect: Although he is still allowed to have its moments and is still portrayed as a Badass, OmegaShoutmon was sometimes subject to this treatment after its first appearences. It is pretty much noticeable since he was able to level whole armies in the previous arc and is now often struggling against the Monster of the Week.
    • Of the guest heroes, Takuya is the one to get hit with this. His Aldamon form is the only one completely unable to beat the MaloMyotismons, he never gets to use his EmperorGreymon form, and even Susanoomon never really does anything
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Rather ironically, there were a few people who were angry that the series seemed to be dropping DigiXros, after the concept itself was subjected to this trope. Come the preview for episode two, we found out that DigiXros was still part of the show anyway.
  • They Just Didn't Care: There are some minor errors regarding the methods of evolution estabilished in previous seasons like Mimi's digivice being green (it only happens when Palmon evolves into Lillymon) and MagnaGarurumon and Blitzmon fighting at the same time (given Junpei must give his spirits to allow Koji evolve into MagnaGarurumon it shouldn't be possible). There's also the occasion when Astamon revealed himself as Quartzmon in disguise because Arresterdramon made a Digixros with him a couple of episodes before that and didn't notice anything wrong.
    • Also, most of the arc, due to it lacking critical components such as Character Development and being 50% filler with no indication of plot. Also the crossover that felt slapped on, due to the majority of it happening in two separate episodes.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Many feel the Grand Finale Crisis Crossover was vastly underwhelming. The five previous leaders were reduced to living batteries for the Brave Snatcher. Due to everyone getting reduced to DigiQuartz Tagiru is the only one to fight the final battle. At the end all the digimon and humans are separated back into their separate human and digital worlds. Not to mention the open ending, and The Clock Man being Bagramon. In fact, fans are declaring TYH to be Digimon's worst series as well as Fanon Discontinuity.
    • DigiXroses were rarely used in the arc, despite the subtitle. Most of the hunted Digimon never made appearances after their debut episodes, either for Xrosing or for fighting solo, and even the core members of Xros Heart besides Shoutmon hardly made appearances.
    • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: All three rival hunters. We never get any background information on them (what their family lives are, what motivated them to become what they are now, how Airu and Ren met their partner digimon), nor are they all that developed personality wise save for Airu (and Ryouma in the last few episodes). For many, this was disappointing due to their initial potential.
  • Unfortunate Implications: When Taiki and Yuu find Betsumon's hideout, there are children seen sewing clothes in rows as if they were slaves. Think Chinese sewing factories.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In a scene of episode 24 Gomamon tells Joe to hurry up because everybody is heading to Tokyo for the final battle. No one other than the leaders show up for the fight.
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