Digimon Xros Wars (manga)

The Digimon Xros Wars manga is the third major serialized Digimon manga, running in V-Jump from June 2010 to March 2012 concurrently with the anime series of the same name. It's a relatively loose adaptation of the anime, so while the basic plot remains the same - Taiki Kudo is drawn into the Digital World and leads the Xros Heart army to liberate it from Bagramon's empire - there are numerous significant deviations in the plotline setting it up as a standalone work separate from Xros Wars itself.

Tropes used in Digimon Xros Wars (manga) include:
  • Adaptation Distillation: Because the manga is slower it does away with many characters and plot points, such as the Death Generals and the D5 event.
  • Alternate Continuity: To the anime.
  • Anime First: Technically the manga launched two weeks earlier, but it was clearly intended as an adaptation of the anime, which was very late in production by that point.
  • Ascended Extra: The manga specifically develops the roles of the characters Demoted to Extra in the anime series. For example Zenjirou and Akari (alongside Kotone) get their own Xros Loaders and use them to great effect, Lilithmon is always a credible threat, Blastmon took several levels in Badass, etc.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: In order to rescue Nene, Xros Heart goes inside the mind of Zeed Milleniummon .
  • Big Damn Heroes: Zenjiro, Akari and Kotone gaining Xros Loaders, super-evolving Ballistamon, Dorulumon and Sparrowmon, and saving Taiki and Shoutmon from imminent defeat.
  • BFS: Tactimon's Jatetsufuujinmaru (Sealed Iron Serpent God) is unsealed, and he uses it to great effect.
  • Manga Adaptation
  • Continuity Snarl: The manga makes repeated references to past series and manga, hinting that they all share the same reality. For example, it's shown that in this 'verse, Bagramon bore witness to the final battle of Digimon Savers.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Every single time shademon appears Most impressive example so far is they way it gave several eyes...to Dark Knightmon's eyeballs, beating out having Nene scantily clad in eyes and a shadow.
  • Magic Mushroom: MachLeomon ends up using a literal example of this trope.
  • Male Gaze: The cover image to the eighteenth chapter shows off Nene's prominent backside.
  • Manly Tears: Bagramon.
  • Sanity Slippage: Dark Knightmon suffers from this gradually but completely. It's also part of the reason for Bagramon's tears.
  • Shapeshifting: In chapter twelve, the main Digimon of Xros Heart are forced to take on human forms after being sent into the human world. While Shoutmon, Dorulumon, Cutemon, Ballistamon, Tailmon, and Wizardmon take on human forms, Starmon, the Pickmons, and Monimon take the form of a duck, some ducklings, and a capybara, respectively.
  • Stable Time Loop: The Bonus Track chapter shows that after seemingly being killed, Wizarmon was sent back in time, and he gave his remaining Xros Loader to Taiki back in first chapter, which, of course, led to Wizarmon creating Xros Loaders after using Taiki's as a base.
  • Stripperiffic: Shademon Darkness Mode AKA NeneShademon, which amounts to a few wisps of darkness surrounding Nene and covering what needs to be covered, barely. Luminamon is the same, but with angelic wings.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Kotone, Nene's little sister, takes the place of Yuu from the anime.
  • The Load: Kotone.
    • Thanks to a certain wizard, not anymore since chapter 17.
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