Devil and Her Love Song
Devil and Her Love Song, known as Akuma to Love Song in Japanese, is a shojo manga series created by Miyoshi Tomori. The story revolves around an unusual and shockingly beautiful girl named Kawai Maria who was expelled from her previous school for "violence against a teacher", and soon transfers to Touzuka High School, a public school with low standards. Her sharp tongue and straightforward personality often leads everyone else to hate her with the exception of two boys, Shin Meguro & Yuusuke Kanda, who eventually get involved with her. With a devil's aura like hers and an arrogant facade to pair it up with, it's just too hard to be understood. And so Maria needs to deal with bullying, adjusting, fitting in and romance.
There is a total of 13 volumes available in Japan. In the US, it is licensed and translated by Viz Media. 2 volumes are avalaible as of April 2012.
- After-School Cleaning Duty - used for bullying.
- Almost Kiss: See Forceful Kiss below.
- Amazing Freaking Grace: A song sung often by Maria.
- Broken Bird: Maria.
- Brutal Honesty: Ladies and gentlemen, here is the queen of this trope.
- Bishonen
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: It's a shoujo manga, what would you expect?
- in fact, it's as if all the secondary female characters are out to screw Maria over in the cruelest way possible.
- Cat Smile: Kanda tends to do this sometimes :3
- Caught the Heart on His Sleeve
- Child of Rape: Maria
- Cute Mute: Anna.
- Concert Climax: Twice.
- Cross-Popping Veins: Meguro, when he gets annoyed.
- Creepy Cool Crosses: The necklace worn around Maria's neck.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Maria is sometimes dressed like this in cover art & such.
- Forceful Kiss: A (failed) attempt by Kuros to Maria. Later, Meguro succeeds.
- And then Maria to Meguro.
- Girl Posse: Ayu Nakamura and her friends.
- I Don't Want to Ruin Our Friendship: Maria towards Meguro.
- I Will Protect Her: Both Kanda and Meguro, especially Meguro. Not that Maria can't protect herself, she does so pretty well with her straightforward personality, but Meguro tells her he will always stand by her side no matter what. Also in recent translated chapters Meguro rejects Maria's confession in order to protect her from the 'truth' about her mother's death. According to Anna, Maria remembers nothing of it.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Meguro, ultimately also Ayu Nakamura.
- Keet: Kanda, so very much. He's usually the chirpiest out of the bunch.
- Kids Are Cruel: More like highschool girls are cruel.
- Luminescent Blush: There's one panel where it gets so bad Maria's nose inexplicably disappears.
- Perky Goth: Tomoyo. Maria looks like she should be this but she likes fluffy, white, angelic things.
- Pick on Someone Your Own Size ...Sensei.
- Sarcastic Confession: Kanda's declaration of love. Twice.
- Schoolgirl Rival: May apply to Anna. But she isn't your typical stuck-up school rival. She knows how to scheme things behind your back while smiling kindly at you.
- Shrinking Violet: Tomoyo.
- Split-Screen Reaction
- Stalker with a Crush: Maria considers herself to be one in the past. For Anna.
- Stepford Smiler: Kanda, but Maria sees through it.
- Super-Deformed: Kanda does this a lot when being overly friendly.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Maria.
- Sweet Tooth: Maria likes obscenely sugary foods.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Maria.
- Tareme Eyes: May apply to Hana and Anna. Looks can be deceiving though.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Young Maria when her mother died.
- Tsundere: Meguro and, to a lesser extent, Maria.
- New Transfer Student: Maria in chapter 1. She was transferred to another school because she had hit a teacher in her old one. Her new classmates didn't welcome her so much in the beginning...
- Unusual Eyebrows: Hana Ibuki. Probably her most noticeable feature.
- Yandere: Anna, though her violent and manipulative tendencies might be for more reasons than just Meguro.