Destine Enormity/Characters
Messiah Complex
Aidric Carter
Leader of the Messiah Complex and the most wanted man in the city, Aidric is trying for all intents and purposes to be the standard hero. A charismatic man and a powerful fighter, Aidric battles for truth, justice and all that is good and right in the world. Of course, he's also a hobo without a job and to say he's quirky would be putting it nicely. The man is childish at best, reckless and an absolute headache to many around him... but he's determined to save "his" city and that has to count for something, right?
- Berserk Button: Messing with anyone in the Messiah Complex, particularly Antoinette.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Aidric may be an idiot, but he's a capable leader and extremely powerful. He's wanted for a reason.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Try to hit on Antoinette. No really, just try.
- Confusion Fu: One of his main talents.
- The Determinator
- Guile Hero
- Ham-to-Ham Combat With Arco. And Dimitri. Okay, just... with everyone.
- The Hero: He sees himself as this.
- Idiot Hero: But he's more like this... or is he?
- Hot-Blooded
- Indy Ploy: Aidric is the MASTER of this trope.
- Knight Templar
- Large Ham Of course!
- Obfuscating Stupidity: It's not clear if Aidric's idiot tendencies are a ruse or not.
- Genius Ditz: The other explanation
- Older Than They Look: Because of his powers
- Papa Wolf: Do not mess with anyone in the Messiah Complex. Just don't. Particularly Clara or Antoinette.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Is constantly using this. It works due to Rule of Funny
- Clark Kenting: He manages to pull off a job at the Cafe on occasion through this
- Scars Are Forever
- Soul Power: Not the standard application of this trope, but his powers technically qualify as this.
- Ki Attacks: Also falls into this.
Antoinette Richard
The owner of Cafe Richard where Aidric lives and where MC has chosen to locate their base. She is a saavy businesswoman, a hard worker, and does not take crap from anyone. She is cold, sarcastic, and doesn't open up easily. However, deep down, she cares deeply for everyone in the group. This is especially true for Clara and Aidric. Her power is to manipulate the wind, though she isn't much of a fighter.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: (Clockwork’s set of three female characters)
- Blow You Away
- Brainy Brunette
- Broken Bird
- Can't Stand Them Can't Live Without Them
- Childhood Friends: With Clara
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Aidric should really learn to stop saving so many pretty girls....
- He Is Not My Boyfriend
- Mama Bear
- Meganekko
- Odd Couple
- Only Sane Man
- Parasol of Prettiness: Whenever she is out of her cafe
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Clara’s red
- Team Mom
- The Cynic
- Tsundere
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!
- What the Hell, Hero?: Ant LIVES to enforce this trope
- Will They or Won't They?
Azalea Dawning
Cynical superpowered tech support.
Clara Mcculty
Substitute Gym teacher at SIN Academy, Member of Messiah Complex, and Aidric's personal sidekick, Clara is a ball of energy. She tends to just go with the flow of things, agreeing to whatever Aidric comes up with. She's a bit brighter than she seems and is a talented archer. She has power over plants, though she tries not to rely on that too much when fighting.
- Action Girl
- A-Cup Angst
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Big Sis
- Fiery Redhead
- Genki Girl
- Green Thumb
- Lethal Chef: Everything she touches while in the kitchen explodes.
- Motor Mouth
- Redheaded Hero
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Antoinette's Blue
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: With Cyrus on occasion
- Shipper on Deck
- Sidekick: To Aidric
- Sunny Sunflower Disposition
- The Archer
- Tomboy: Bit of a subversion, as she not only enjoys playing sports and getting a little dirty, but engages in more traditionally feminine pastimes such as designing clothes.
Resa Jones
One of the younger members of the Messiah Complex, Resa is also a student of SIN Academy, and is easily identified by her messy silver hair (or premature grey) and pair of enormous grey wings. She's a little bitchy when the mood takes her, and prone to sarcasm, but is otherwise pretty friendly.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Outside of school it's easier, but otherwise she tends to keep her distance.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Not overly pretty but still.
- Heroic Albino: Not technically albino but...
- Messy Hair: No comb shall tame it!
- Winged Humanoid: An obvious one.
- Cool Big Sis: To Aryil.
- Big Eater: To compensate for the amount of energy she uses.
- An Odd Place to Sleep: For the same reasons above.
- Acceptable Feminine Goals: Averted.
- Can'tHoldHisLiquor: A couple of glasses (of wine) will get her tipsy.
- Kids Are Cruel: Being pushed off a roof by a bunch of giggling children waiting to see the show is not nice... nor was their reaction when she just glided down.
- Nobody Calls Me Chicken: To stupid extents.
- Not a Morning Person
- Pink Is for Sissies: Averted, she actually likes her pink things. Sometimes.
- Skilled but Naive: Not so wide-eyed as you'd think, but this still counts.
- Mama Bear: To annoying levels
- Undying Loyalty: Ditto.
- We Used to Be Friends: Happened to her a couple of times, but it may be one-sided, who knows.
- Buffy-Speak: Is prone to this occasionally, especially around people she likes.
Katie (Ruel) Harris
The Badass
James Kincaid
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
Ria Ackerly
Ackerly is an adrenaline junky, a former Wise Man who switched sides when the Messiah Complex started to win.
- Chaotic Evil
- Blood Knight
- Heel Face Turn
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Heroic Sociopath and Comedic Sociopath
- Heel Face Turn
- Spikes of Villainy
- Large Ham
- No Indoor Voice
- Body Horror - Her powers
- Hot-Blooded
- The Berserker
- Covered with Scars
- Victory Is Boring - she left the Wise Men when the Wise Men won the war, and if the Messiah Complex ever triumphs, you can bet she'll be right back out the Heel Face Revolving Door like a shot.
- It Amused Me - Ackerly does everything For the Lulz.
- Laughing Mad
- Slasher Smile
- Token Evil Teammate - Yeah, the only real moral difference between Ackerly and Gabriel or Arco is that she happens to be working with the heroes.
Corinne Zhang
A 20 year old robotics geek, Corinne was abandoned by her parents when the war hit. A woman who doesn't want to grow up, Corinne's more than happy to just keep on trucking, partying, and generally being annoying as hell. She joined the Messiah Complex because it sounded fun—but only time will tell if she'll regret her decision.
- Technopath: Complete with conversing and arguing with her technology.
- Buffy-Speak: Delves into this sometimes.
- Asian and Nerdy
- Really Gets Around: Corinne enjoys sex. A lot.
- Master of the Mixed Message: Toward Mai, intentionally. Corinne has commitment issues.
- Genki Girl: AND a Motor Mouth, at times. However...
- Stepford Smiler: Type A. Corinne violently denies this, but it's there.
The Wise Men
The almighty rulers of Arcadia, the Wise Man is a council formed by the most influential and powerful people in the city, whose individual jobs keep it running. Officially there are 24 members, each one represented by a letter from the Greek alphabet, with Wise Man Omega as the leader. Since a coup was pulled in the council years prior to the beggining of the story, there hasn't been anyone to sit on the chair of Omega, and the remaining members work on equal grounds of power. For how much longer this balance will remain is anyone's guess.
Tropes that apply for the whole council
Wise Man Α, Dimitri Ener
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
Wise Man Σ, Giovanni Del Arcobaleno
Giovanni (or "Arco", as he likes being called) is one of the youngest Wise Men to date, sitting on the chair of Sigma. Obtaining his position by inheriting it from his father, he also obtained control of Tartarus, Arcadia's political prison, where all of those whose "ideas" clash with what the council envisioned are sent to. If that wasn't bad enough for them, Warden Arco just happens to be a sadist who abuses the crap out of the inmates for kicks regularly. Thought usually presenting himself as a cheerful, rather effeminate playboy who only wants to enjoy life, Arco is cunning, manipulative and ultimately only works for himself.
- Bishounen
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: He is absurdly camp and narcisistic, but he is also feared by almost anyone who saw what he is truly capable of.
- Camp Straight
- Dark Is Evil: His powers are represented by coiling shadows and mist-like darkness.
- Fashion Victim Villain: The problem is not much his wardrobe as it is his obsession with colors. One day he is covered from head to toes in shades of green, the next in shades of pink, and the one after that in shades of magenta.
- Gravity Master
- Neutral Evil
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair, and green hair, and hot pink hair, and...
Wise Man Θ, Alessa Hunt
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
Wise Man Γ, Theodore Geralds
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
The Elite
Valentine Svarc
A shape-shifting Master of Disguise, Valentine has a strong moral compass - it's a pity that it generally points south.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Affably Evil
- Even Evil Has Standards
- False Friend: To Gabriel Lazriel
- Lawful Evil
- Master Actor
- Master of Disguise
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Shape Shifter
- Shapeshifter Default Form
- Consummate Liar
- Knight Templar
- Straight Edge Evil
- Wrong Genre Savvy
- Holier Than Thou: Ohhh is he ever.
- Mission from God: He's convinced he's on one.
- Asexuality
- Non-Action Guy
- What The Hell, Villain: His sister delivers one in Just To Talk
"So you've lied to all of your friends, shot your girlfriend, tortured God-knows-how-many-people . . . and now you're feeling sorry for yourself because of that."
Gabriel Lazriel
Gabe is your average loather of all Normals who wishes that they would all be exterminated. He controls LIGHTNING!
- False Friend: To Valentine Svarc
- A Nazi by Any Other Name
- Cold-Blooded Torture
- Evil Laugh
- Shock and Awe
- Faux Affably Evil
- Wicked Cultured
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Secret Police
- Cain and Abel: With Henry Degagne
- Psycho Electro
XIII, "The Watchdog".
A woman with no past, no emotional attachments, and no mercy. Thought she is "officially" a part of the Elite, with authority on par with the Grand Justicar himself, XIII is the eyes, ears, and crushing hands of the Wise Men, the thirtheenth to occupy the position. She's the only non-member to observe their meetings, and takes her orders directly from them, and she never hesitates when it comes to execute them. XIII's position in the Elite has no official name, but the regular soldiers refer derogatively to her as "Watchdog". Her power is the healing factor, which coupled with cybernetic implants that make her stronger, faster, and more resistant than the avarage person, makes her an implacable force.
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Cool Car: An armor-plated black Ferrari. And it's possibly the only thing she has something that could be called "affection" towards.
- Cool Shades
- Dark Action Girl
- The Dragon: To the Wise Men.
- Facial Markings: A small black crescent mark under her left eye.
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Punch Clock Villain: She doesn't serve the Wise Men themselves, but their positions. She will always obey their orders, but not necessarily agree with them or their ideals.
- The Stoic: If you're lucky, you can get an annoyed frown or a smug half-smirk, but that's about it.
- Undying Loyalty: To the Wise Men.
- Weapon of Choice:Plenty.
- Guns Akimbo: Customized automatic handguns with the Wise Men's symbol on the handle.
- Knife Nut: Black bladed army knives which she Dual Wields.
- More Dakka: A machine gun that she keeps in her car.
- Sawed-Off Shotgun: Which she keeps stashed in her car.
- Sniper Rifle: Stashed in the car.
- You Are Number Six
Vincent Natal
An officer in the Elite who specializes in interrogation.
Alexandra Flores
Alexa is the insect-controlling scientist in charge of studying the differences between Normals and Power Users - in order to serve the Wiseman's propaganda mill.
- For Science!
- Black and Nerdy
- Berserk Button: Probably not a good idea to refer to all insects as "bugs" in front of her.
- Bee-Bee Gun: One possible use of her powers
- Beetle Mania
- A Friend To Bugs
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Carlotta
- Love Triangle: With Carlotta and Syrin.
Cyrus Blake
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
- A list of characterization tropes associated with this character, separated by bullets.
SIN Academy Students
Emily Pennington
Emily is one of the top students in SIN Academy, a member of the Elite, and it's been mentioned that she seems to be right on track for a position in the Wise Men. She has even become Arco's assistant. She's a Teleporter and, when injured badly enough, her power switches to telekinesis. Despite how she presents herself as a proper young lady, she is very unstable and very, very disturbed. She is also obsessed with her classmate, fellow Elite member, and ex boyfriend Noah. Almost all her free time is spent stalking the unfortunate young man. Woe be to any young lady that tries to get involved with him on her watch....
- Alpha Bitch
- Axe Crazy
- Blondes Are Evil
- Coy Girlish Flirt Pose: She tries....
- Dark Action Girl
- Devil in Plain Sight
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Fan Girl: Not just for Noah, but also for Wise Men and for higher-up members of the Elite.
- Lonely Doll Girl: She used to be one before she started school at SIN. She still has most of the dolls she collected in her room.
- Love Makes You Evil or just Love Makes You Crazy
- Stalker with a Crush
- Stepford Smiler
- Yandere
- Zettai Ryouiki: When wearing her school uniform, she wears thigh high stockings, allowing for this.
- The Dragon: To Arco
- Villainous Friendship: Type 1 with Arco, Type Two with Alessa
- Unholy Matrimony: A bit one sided for Emily (Big surprise there), but it doesn't appear that Arco does much to dissuade her affections for him, even if he doesn't return them.
- Mad Love: In SPADES for Noah and shades of this for Arco.
- Am I Just a Toy to You?: She wonders if this is how Arco feels for her.
Aryil Caeren
Short and soft-spoken, Aryil is girl who desires nothing more than to leave SIN Academy in one piece. Bullied by her peers and used as target practice on a good day, her healing powers tend to give her more grief than actual good. She's appalled by the treatment Normals receive, but is considering joining the Elite anyways to ensure that her family and friends will remain safe.
- My Nayme Is: Her name is pronounced Ahh-ree-elle and is essentially just a weird way of spelling Ariel. Has shades of Psmith Psyndrome.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: ALMOST. Her hair's really light, but still technically falls under...
- Hair of Gold
- Dark Skinned Blonde: Aryil has a distinctive tan skintone.
- Shrinking Violet: Only at school.
- Dojikko
- Nice Girl: Her real personality, with shades of The Pollyanna.
- Beware the Nice Ones: After terrifying Aryil to the point of giving her a panic attack, Resa attempts to do damage control and say that Aryil is the most important person to her. Instead of its intended purpose, Aryil SNAPS and viciously calls Resa out on having never been there for her.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Laura.
- Patient Childhood Love Interest: Aryil would have been willing to wait forever—or step away, if Laura picked someone else.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Literally, in this case.
- Twice Shy
- Moe Couplet: With Laura.
- Healing Factor
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Healing Hands: Inherited from her grandmother.
- Achilles' Heel: Aryil has no immune defenses to speak of, and if her powers were ever shut off, she could die from something as small as a papercut or someone sneezing on her.
- The Woobie
- Break the Cutie
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- World of No Grandparents: Averted! Aryil is adopted by her grandfather because...
- Death by Origin Story: ...her home was burnt down due to an Elite raid, with everyone still inside. Aryil only survived due to her healing abilities.
- Infant Immortality: Literally, in this case. However, the Elite intended to kill her because they assumed she was also a Normal.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Aryil has no idea her parents were Normals.
- Survivor Guilt: Somewhat. It's not intense, but she does wonder why they had to die and wonders who they were.
Christopher Collins
A Wiseman in disguise.
Laura Dubois
A shy, nervous, tall girl with the power to transform herself into a tree and talk to plants. She has little to no contact with her family since joining SIN Academy, and is Aryil's best friend. She wants to become an Elite solely so she can try to make her family's life better and because she would be treated better herself.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Floral Theme Naming: Her whole family has names that have to do with trees. Her surname means "from the forest." Laura's name comes from "laurel," as in laurel tree.
- Hazel Eyes
- Huge Schoolgirl/One Head Taller: In comparison to Aryil.
- Moe Couplet: With Aryil
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Aryil.
- Shapeshifting
- And I Must Scream: Temporary case. When Laura is fully transformed, she is very much aware of what is happening but can't move or speak until she forces herself to change back—something that is very difficult when...
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: She can't control her power too well, and sprouts branches and leaves when she's nervous. Sudden shocks make her completely transform.
- Magic Pants
- Shrinking Violet
- Talking to Plants
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: A side-effect of her powers.
Noah Wilder
Aidric's second in command. A dutiful boy, he is good at keeping his calm and coming up with plans on the fly. He's cool and quite popular, also Emily's ex. He and Clara have a close, sibling-like relationship.
Alexander Darnell
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
Mark Vorters
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
- A list of characterization tropes associated with this character, separated by bullets.
Isaac Kurai
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
- A list of characterization tropes associated with this character, separated by bullets.
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
- A list of characterization tropes associated with this character, separated by bullets.
Melody (Jumper) Cider
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
- A list of characterization tropes associated with this character, separated by bullets.
Theresa (Resa) Jones
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
- A list of characterization tropes associated with this character, separated by bullets.
Hector Andrewson
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
- A list of characterization tropes associated with this character, separated by bullets.
Anya Mori
Saved by Dimitri from a sudden fire, the girl now owes the man her life. Working her way into the ranks of the Elite, she'll do whatever she can to be of use (Buuut since Dimitri rarely calls on her personally, she tends to take jobs from random others within the city). Protect what's important to you, since everyone is simply protecting what's important to them!
- Berserk Button - Don't mess with Dimitri, or the fuzzy things.
- The Determinator
- Action Girl
- Lawful Evil
- Punch Clock Villain
- Death by Origin Story - Goodbye Uncle, Hello Dimitri!
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
- Bunny Ears Lawyer - Er...Elite.
- Kuudere
- Cuteness Proximity
- Cuteness Overload
- The Comically Serious
Fisher King
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
Other Characters
Angela Wood
A general description about the character's personality, motivations, etc.
Adam Monroe
Aryil's grandfather, Adam is a kindly old man who owns an antique clock shop in Thea's Plaza. His wife died many years ago due to the nature of her powers and his daughter and son-in-law—Aryil's parents—were killed in an Elite raid on Acheron's Run. Behind his kindly self is a man desiring nothing more than revenge, but he's just lying in wait for now...
- Cool Old Guy
- Bald of Awesome
- Nice Hat
- When Elders Attack
- Cane Fu
- Papa Wolf: Do NOT threaten Aryil in any way.
- It's Personal: His hatred of the Elite and the Wisemen stems completely from the loss of his daughter and son-in-law. And he plans on getting even.
- Time Travel: But it falls under the restrictions of...
- My Future Self and Me: Adam occasionally dabbles in this when he ventures to the past, creating a bit of a time loop.
- Time Travel Romance: Somewhat. Adam travels into the past to spend time with his wife, even though she'd dead in the present.
- Heartbroken Badass: He can't handle the heartbreak of losing his wife and daughter.
- Time Stands Still: A bit. He slows down time instead of stopping it completely, however.
Maitho Savat
A Normal born to Normals- not to mention, blind- Maitho has no illusions when it comes to his lot in life. It's an attitude that begs the question of just why he's decided to join the Messiah Complex in the first place. His true passion, however, is his greenhouse made from scavanged glass bottles and poisonous plants.
- Limited Wardrobe: A necessity to keep him from becoming a fashion disaster.
- Mysterious Informant: For the Messiah Complex.
- Master Poisoner: He's something like this in his spare time.
- Prophet Eyes: Of the non-supernatural type, unnerves more than a few people.
- Talking to Plants: Quite fond of doing so in front of company.
Ricardo Cordova
SIN Academy's easygoing head nurse and partial supporter of the Messiah Complex. Ricardo doesn't care for the MC's aggressive promotion of its ideals, but when his stepdaughter's powers fail to manifest, he begins to rethink his stance on Normals' Rights...
- Artificial Limbs - There's a veritable catalogue of prosthetic right arms in his possession.
- Badass Spaniard
- Bi the Way: He has Friends with Benefits of either sex.
- Erudite Stoner: Ricardo's consumption of psychotropic tea tends to bring out his philosophical side.
- Ki Attacks
- Let's Get Dangerous - An uncommon occurrence, but boy howdy, when he does...
- Papa Wolf - Don't threaten his loved ones or favoured students.
- Perma-Stubble
- Romancing the Widow - How he won over his closest lover, Brione Miller.
- Overprotective Stepdad - Towards his stepdaughter, Temperance Miller.
- Handicapped Badass - He was born without a right arm.
- Waistcoat of Style - Wouldn't leave the house without one.