"Voldemort is gone, now the question is: What to do with the Marked Ones that haven’t really committed any crimes? The Wizarding World’s solution: Place them under the care and ‘protection’ of a Guide from the Light. The problem is most of Abuse, Anal, BDSM, Humil, M/M, M Preg, N/C, Oral, Slave, Spank, WIP"—AFF dot net's fittingly-abbreviated summary
Deserving by moonofthesea picks up the Potter Verse in the year 1998. The Second Wizarding War is over, and Harry Potter and friends must decide what to do with the surviving Death Eaters. This being fanfic-world, a marriage law is instituted whereby each "Marked One" must come under the supervision of a "Guide of the Light" and bear his child. (Yes, even if male.) Harry sacrifices everything he has to be Guide of the Light to Severus Snape (who in the fic survived Deathly Hallows), and Deserving tells their story.
Tropes used in Deserving include:
- And This Is For: Harry does this when he's buggering Snape, culminating with "Dumbledorrrrrrrrrrre!"
- Anticlimax:
Harry took out his wand ready for battle, but just then Ron walked in. Walked right up to him and took the wand away from Harry. Then he turned to the other two Aurors: "Take him away."
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Millicent and her son have been thrown out of the house by her vindictive husband and the kid put up for sale, yet the crossing of the Moral Event Horizon is supposed to be his naming the kid "Sin", not even that bad a name by wizarding world standards.
- Artistic License: Biology: It's inherent in the concept.
- As You Know: Characters will tell other characters things they already know, and in some cases the reader also knows, and the actual phrase "As You Know" is used at one point.
- Author Avatar: Madam Pomfrey seems to have become one.
- Author Vocabulary Calendar: A shot for any of the following: "stated", "dared" as a dialogue tag, "rectum", "ministration(s)", "butt cheek", "entrance" in a sexual context, "penetrate", "git".
- Awesome McCoolname: Sin, which we're supposed to believe is actually a Fail O'Suckyname.
- Babies Ever After
- Babies Make Everything Better: Harry suggests that his baby was exerting some kind of influence on Snape before he was even born, thus helping him along the road to redemption.
- Big No: Several of them, to the point that it's almost an unintentional Running Gag.
- Bishounen: Dennis.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: Several factoids about male pregnancy and wizard infants are invented for the sake of the plot.
- Black and Grey Morality: It's hard to see who the good guys are in a fic where the "Guides of Light" are enslaving, raping and forcibly impregnating people.
- Body Horror: Implicit in the concept, of course, but see also the spoilered text under Squick.
- Camp Gay: Dennis.
- Chekhov's Gunman: The dire fates of Gregory Goyle and Pansy Parkinson are mentioned in passing in the first chapter, but become relevant to the plot later on.
- C-List Fodder: If you're a minor Slytherin character, this fic is going to put you through the wringer.
- Continuation Fic
- Crack Fic: If you were in any doubt, this fic has Crabbe shagging a house elf.
- Crapsack World: You have read the rest of this page, right?
- A Date with Rosie Palms: A particularly bizarre Filler Arc in chapter 7.
- Death by Childbirth: Male pregnancies are said to be quite dangerous and Goyle finds out the hard way.
- Deus Angst Machina: Snape gets this piled on thick and deep.
- Did Not Do the Bloody Research: No, "wanking" is not a word to use in polite company. Contrariwise, "git" is a very mild term for the uses it gets put to in this fic.
- Doorstopper: 53 chapters, weighing in at slightly over 200,000 words.
- Dysfunction Junction: The closest to a well-adjusted character in this fic is Kreacher, which should tell you all you need to know.
- Everybody Lives: Implied to be the outcome of the Second Wizarding War. Snape and Vincent Crabbe have survived the events of Deathly Hallows, and nobody can see Thestrals, though the latter may just be a minor Plot Hole.
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: Wizard babies cast "twinkles" to show they're magically adept.
- Fridge Logic: There's also a blue light when they're born. One wonders how the parents of Muggle-born wizards have never noticed this.
- Exact Eavesdropping: Happens several times.
- Fandom-Specific Plot: It's a marriage law fic.
- Fanon Discontinuity: What the author does with Snape's death and the epilogue.
- Fridge Logic: This pushes the "Harry pays Snape for sex" thread from potentially tragic to utterly risible even before you consider that it's just a more honest version of what a great many relationships are about anyway.
- The "Marked One bears the Guide's child" thing doesn't seem to account for the possibility of a female Guide. Obviously a female Guide won't bear the Marked One's child because that messes with the Anvilicious symbolism, so one can only assume that in a world where men can be impregnated without the slightest trace of a justification then a woman can somehow impregnate another woman or a man. Or the author hadn't considered the possibility of a female Guide, which shades into Unfortunate Implications.
- Gender Bender: What Snape tries to do in response to Harry's Narmful outburst.
- Genius Loci: Hogwarts Castle personally sends out all the admission letters. It also controls its registration with an iron fist. Any attempt to alter the admission records causes them to vanish and be replaced with a new one. Despite hundreds of years of attempts by the Ministry, Hogwarts alone decides who may attend it.
- Godwin's Law: Chapter 6 has Marked Ones explicitly likened to Holocaust victims; given that "Marked Ones" are ex-Death Eaters, Unfortunate Implications abound.
- Goo-Goo Godlike: Serena, so very much.
- Heel Realisation: "When did we become DARK WIZARDS and WITCHES?"
- Idiot Ball: It would be easier to list the characters who aren't holding it in this fic.
- IKEA Erotica
- The Immodest Orgasm: The infamous "Dumbledorrrrrrrrrrre!" is only one example of many.
- Indecisive Deconstruction: The fic reads at times like a (possibly unintentional) deconstruction of both the "marriage law" sub-genre and mpreg.
- Info Dump: Very common throughout.
- Interspecies Romance: A lot of Marked Ones escape by romancing house elves.
- In the Blood: The canonical trend for Hogwarts houses to run in families (a rule with notable exceptions) is flanderised into Harry and Snape's ass-baby having literally a 50/50 chance of being in Slytherin or Gryffindor.
- Kid Fic
- Kudzu Plot: Each chapter seems to develop more plot threads than it resolves. Good luck keeping track if you're not taking notes.
- Lamarck Was Right: Whatever it was that stopped the Marked Ones from using magic also did the same with their kids. Maybe.
- Lemon
- The Loins Sleep Tonight: Harry. Illogically, this isn't revealed until Chapter 36 despite having free access to Harry's POV.
- Malaproper: The author's apparent reliance on autocorrect causes this a lot.
- Mister Seahorse
- No Indoor Voice: Everyone in the fic spends half their time shouting. They make Harry as of Order of the Phoenix seem calm.
- Offstage Waiting Room
- One Steve Limit: Averted. There's a Mark Sly and a Mark Rogers, neither of whom are Marked Ones.
- Out of Character: Everyone, by the author's own admission.
- Paedo Hunt: Appears as a Diabolus Ex Machina when Harry and Snape's family life starts to become as normal as it can be. And vanishes just as quickly.
- Pair the Spares: Neville and Dennis, also a Last-Minute Hookup.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: The point of the fic's premise, vengeance upon the defeated Death Eaters... Er, "Marked Ones".
- Prophetic Dreams: Millicent gets one of Snape birthing more kids.
- Purple Prose: To the extent that it's been likened to The Eye of Argon. It's practically ultraviolet.
- Put on a Bus: Happens to Harry's Nakama in the first chapter.
- Rape as Drama
- Reactionary Fantasy: Despite being a world in which same-sex and multiple marriage are commonplace (in 1998!) and it's not unremarkable for a child to have two daddies, women are still expected to defer to their husbands and purity and chastity are prized above all else for young women and Bishounen. The juxtaposition gets quite jarring.
- Red String of Fate
- Rouge Angles of Satin
- Said Bookism: Lots of it, often combined with a refusal to use character names and pronouns, produces a What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? effect when phrases like "proclaimed the Chosen One" appear in a conversation about interior design.
- Second Hand Storytelling: Over the course of the story, Harry and Snape get married twice, and both times are off-screen despite the ship being the entire point of the fic.
- Situational Sexuality
- Slash Fic: Well, yeah.
- Smug Snake: Madam Pomfrey of all characters has her moments.
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: Dennis bemoans this in Chapter 39.
- Sophisticated As Hell: A result of the children's inconsistently-written dialogue alternating between baby talk and Little Professor Dialogue often in the same scene.
- This Is Sparta: "Dumbledorrrrrrrrrrre!"
- Token Minority: Dennis is the only character who's depicted as being actually gay rather than subject to Situational Sexuality. The only purpose this seems to serve is to tell the rest of the cast that Dumbledore was gay, because apparently he came out to him. Uh... thanks?
- Unfortunate Names: Invoked to Narmful effect. See Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking above.
- Then played unintentionally straight as the baby gets referred to throughout as "Baby".
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Men are getting pregnant left, right and centre, and only once in passing is it noted that this isn't exactly normal.
- There is also a scene in which it appears that Snape is naked during dinner with Harry and Mrs Weasley, and nobody comments on this either.
- Victim Falls For Rapist
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The author's writing style tends to cause this.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: The business with Millicent's kid's name.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Everyone seems to be queuing up (sometimes literally) to give Harry this treatment, especially Madam Pomfrey.
- Wimpification: Snape and Draco.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: It comes with the Gary Stu territory for Richard, who is fully fluent in Little Professor Dialogue and offers accurate opinions on relationships and office politics (!) before he's three years old.
- Serena takes this Up to Eleven when she's talking and using controlled wandless magic before her first birthday.
- World of Ham: Every character is given to overdramatic dialogue and behaviour. One memorable scene has Harry casting fireworks with his wand to emphasise a point in a conversation about a birthday party.
- X Meets Y: Harry Potter and the Seahorses of Gor.
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