Delta State
Delta State is a Canadian animated television series, based on a comic book by Douglas Gayeton, featuring four amnesiac roommates with the ability to subconsciously enter an ethereal realm known as the Delta State. They face the dual tasks of piecing together their past lives and battling a group of Delta State denizens called Rifters, who seek to control the human mind. The main characters are Claire (Ilona Elkin), Martin (Dusan Dukic), Luna (Lizz Alexander) and Philip (Nicholas Wright).
The series debuted September 11, 2004, on Teletoon, the Canadian cartoon television network. It is the first animated television series to be entirely rotoscoped, taking over 27 months to complete.
Delta State is a French/Canadian co-production with designs, storyboards, etc. done by Alphanim in Paris; shooting and recording were performed by Nelvana Canada. The project was conceived by Douglas Gayeton, who also directed the original pilot and wrote the bible for the show.
The show has won the Special Award for a TV program at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival and the Frames 2004 for best Asian Production.
The series aired in France from March 9, 2005, on Canal+.
- Butt Monkey: Philip.
- Dating Catwoman: Philip and Maria develop feelings for each other, leading to...
- Dead Little Sister: Carlita
- Deadpan Snarker: Philip
- Downer Ending: The group manages to destroy the Big Bad, and stop the Earthshattering Kaboom, but their mentor is dead and they have absorbed a lot of rifter's energy. Luna then has a vision that reveals that they will eventually become rifters themselves because of this.
- Earthshattering Kaboom: What will happen when Broody's immense powers goes into Superpower Meltdown.
- Heel Face Turn: Maria is torn between her loyalty to the rifters and her feelings for Philip. She eventually chooses him, leading to...
- Heroic Sacrifice: Philip's mother
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Redemption Equals Death: Maria saves Philip from Sven's attack but is wounded in the process. She recovers, only to die two episodes later saving the whole group again.
- Seers: Luna can see into the future, Philip can see into the past and Claire can see to faraway places.
- Telepathy: Martin. Interestingly, he cannot read Brody's mind.
- Xanatos Gambit: Broody trains the group so they will eventually gain enough power to kill him.