< Deadliest Warrior

Deadliest Warrior/Characters

The various warriors featured in the show:

Tropes about Season 1 warriors


Appeared in the first episode fighting against the Gladiator.







  • Badass Boast: Murderous killer of the high seas.
  • Boom! Headshot!: The pirate does this at the end of the re-enactment, removing the Knight's visor and blasting him right between the eyes with his pistol.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: The first warrior (on the series, that is) to use an explosive weapon - in this case, a primitive grenade.
  • War of the Spanish Succession: Many pirates of the type and period described on the show were veterans of this war, either as naval officers/sailors or privateers.


  • Badass Boast: Sword-wielding slayer of the medieval age.
  • Hundred Years' War: Based on the info given at the beginning of the episode, the Knight would have fought here.
  • Rock Beats Laser: Averted. The pirate's more advanced technology (read: gunpowder) is cited as the reason the knight lost the matchup.


The Sicilian crime family who flourished in the 1920s New York. Appeared first in Episode 5 fighting against the Yakuza.


Green Beret


Shaolin Monk

Maori Warrior

William Wallace

Kieran Elliot: "[William Wallace] married a lovely girl, and the English murdered her, and that's when he just went off the rails..." (Cue Skyward Scream, cut to Wallace kicking ass)

Shaka Zulu

Irish Republican Army


Tropes about Season 2 warriors


  • Badass Boast: The elite special forces of US law enforcement who take on the country's most dangerous police missions.


  • Badass Boast: The top-secret paramilitary arm of the German police known as the most lethal counter-terrorism squad in the world.
  • Badass Crew: What the GSG-9 are trained to be; they completed their first ever deployment in under 7 minutes with no civilian casualties.
  • The War on Terror: It could be argued that they were the first elite force specifically designed for it.

Attila the Hun

Alexander the Great

Jesse James

  • Badass Boast: The vicious outlaw whose bloody crime sprees made him the most famous bank robber in America.
  • Guns Akimbo: The Colt Revolvers are always wielded one in each hand.
  • Historical Domain Character
  • The American Civil War: Took part as a guerrilla in Missouri. Half of his weapons on the show were designed for this war as well.
  • True Companions: James' gang is portrayed as this; J.W. Wiseman, one of his experts, had this to offer about them.

"The James Gang worked as a democracy. They looked out for each other. They took care of you and you took care of them.

Al Capone

Aztec Jaguar

  • Badass Boast: Swift moving slayer of the ancient Mexican empire.
  • Badass Native
  • Human Sacrifice: The Jaguars were the cornerstone of the Aztec's sacrifice business, being responsible for the capture and execution of victims.


Viet Cong

Nazi Waffen-SS

Roman Centurion

  • Badass Boast: The killer commander whose brutal assaults led Rome to conquer the world.
  • Punic Wars: The Roman Centurion highlighted on the show came much later than this, though.
  • Jewish Revolts


  • Awesome but Impractical: The aara; which was deemed capable of mainly lacerations, but ended up getting zero kills in the sim.
  • Badass Boast: India's menacing martial arts master who defeated enemies with a diabolical arsenal designed to kill.
  • BFS: The Khanda.
  • Rings of Death: The Chakrams.
  • Whip Sword: The Aara.

Somali Pirate

  • Badass Boast: Africa's deadly new breed of high seas hijackers who make millions holdings merchant ships hostage.
  • Enemy Mine: The ships fishing in the waters of Somalia were a common enemy for people who once fought each other in the Somali Civil War, from fishermen who spent their lives in the water to militiamen who knew guns.
  • More Dakka
  • Ruthless Modern Pirates

Medellin Cartel:

Persian Immortal:

  • Awesome but Impractical: Played with via the chariot scythes. They look nice, and tore through two pig carcasses, but was deemed to lack true killing power and lost the edge to the Celt's burda club. However, it still got over 100 kills.
  • Badass Boast: The precision killer in a massive war machine who forged the largest empire the Middle East has ever seen.
  • Elite Mooks
  • The Empire: Because history is written by the winners, and they were imperial troops.
  • Spiked Wheels: What the Immortals' chariots become with the scythes attached.
  • Greco-Persian Wars


  • Badass Boast: The savage, war-loving barbarian from 400 BC who dominated Europe through brute force and raw fighting skills.
  • BFS: The Celtic Longsword.
  • Punic Wars: Loads of these guys fought in these wars.



  • Badass Boast: America's elite corps of espionage artists, fighting an undercover war around the globe.
  • Cold War

Vlad the Impaler

Sun Tzu

Ming Warrior



  • Badass Boast: The born-in-the-saddle killers who terrorized the 18th century American plains.
  • Horse Archer
  • Injun Country: Protecting their lands is often described as one of the reasons why they fight.


Israeli Commando

Tropes about Season 3 warriors

George Washington

Napoleon Bonaparte

Joan of Arc

William the Conqueror

  • Badass Boast: The daring and deadly French duke who crushed his English enemies and crowned himself king.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Edward the Confessor promised William that he would be the next Duke of Normandy. After Edward's death, when William found out that the new duke became the son of Edward's advisor, William felt that he was betrayed and started a campaign against Harold.
  • Eye Scream: How William used his crossbow to kill Harold.
  • Historical Domain Character
  • I Have Many Names: Also known as Duke William of Normandy, and William the Bastard before earning the one above in becoming King William I of England.
  • Large and In Charge
  • The Magnificent: He actually gets this treatment twice (see I Have Many Names Above) and one of them just so happens to be The Conqueror, which he is also.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He is momentarily surprised to find himself fighting a teenage girl, but it doesn't stop him.

U.S. Army Rangers

North Korean Special Operations Force

  • Dirty Communists
  • Yellow Peril
  • Seppuku: Ok, they're Korean, not Japanese, and it is with guns by someone else, but the crucial elements of being Asian and making a big deal about submitting to their own deaths for honour are there.
  • The Korean War: Technically, the situation described on the show would go here.
  • Cold War


Genghis Khan

Saddam Hussein

Pol Pot

Theodore Roosevelt

Lawrence of Arabia

Ivan the Terrible

Hernan Cortes

Crazy Horse

Pancho Villa

French Foreign Legion




  • Genre Blindness: What's the first thing to do in a zombie attack? Split up! There is no way this can possibly go wrong.
  • Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Nobody was expecting a fantasy creature to appear in Deadliest Warrior.
  • Last Stand: Sort of. The final vampire can't escape because the sun is rising, and thus has to fight back against the remaining horde of Zombies. Does it end well? Yes.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: If those 189 zombies were the extent of the zombie outbreak then the three vampires may have saved the world a Zombie Apocalypse.
  • Oh Crap: Cited as an actual X-Factor. As powerful as they are, they are still capable of feeling human emotions, like fear. Sure enough, the vampires freeze up, stare, and then retreat upon seeing a comrade get torn to pieces and then eaten.
  • One-Man Army: A fair fight was considered near 200 zombies vs. 3 vampires because one on one the vampires would win every time thanks to being able to One-Hit Kill zombies thanks to their superior strength. The vampires win.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: 30 Days of Night version.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Technically won the fight, but then infection starts to set. Though the experts couldn't decide on rather becoming a Zombie Vampire was this trope or Cursed with Awesome.
  • Rise from Your Grave: Three vampires rise up from their coffins as soon as the fight begins.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Followed it in regards to the female vampire.

The hosts

Geoff Desmoulin

Max Geiger

  • Cool Shades: A pretty enviable pair of aviators, often seen whenever the group ventures outside.
  • Teen Genius: Implied to have been this, given his young age (23 at Season One's start) and obvious aptitude and experience with computers.

Doctor Armand Dorian

Richard "Mack" Machowicz

Robert Daly

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