< DarksydePhil


  • 0% Approval Rating: For a time, Phil had claimed to be "the most prolific YouTuber on the platform" due to his massive number of videos uploaded, and that he will leave a "legacy" behind if he leaves the internet, citing the number of years he's been there for. Contrary to what Phil believes, however, he and his content are almost universally despised by the mass populace, and the only memories people will have of Phil when he finally leaves the internet are unanimously negative. Yet somehow, Phil still refuses to see this.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Is Darksydephil just a character pretending to be incompetent at video games? Is this man just pretending to be bad at games to get some extra clout? These are questions many on-lookers ask themselves when DSP comes up in conversation, and many still refuse to believe that what they see is his real self.
  • Broken Base: The video he made in May 2019 in which he "debunked" the most common criticisms levied against him. While a small handful of fans saw it as an adequate attempt to clear his name from everything said about him, the vast majority decried the video as a poor attempt to gain sympathy by playing the victim while not actually debunking anything, instead making excuses and simply denying any and all wrongdoing despite the overwhelming video evidence to the contrary.
  • Comically Missing the Point: One can see traces of AVGN mannerisms in Phil's commentary sometimes, like the copious amount of swearing and use of phrases like "What the fuck were they thinking?!", but he seemed to understand very little about why the character was so popular.
  • Creator's Pet: Fans started accusing him of this trope with his treatment of the Souls/Bloodborne franchise at the beginning of 2017, which he often spent a lot of time on these games during 2017 and 2018.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: Phil's humor, on occasion. Even got him banned from Blip.tv during his It Got Worse times in early(?) 2011.
  • Dude, Not Funny: Much of Phil's humour can qualify depending on your tastes. However, it is mostly agreed that his "Space Nazi/Necromorph Jews" skit was nothing short of tasteless, to the point where blip.tv staff caught wind of it and permabanned him from the site.
    • Same thing when he makes jokes about recently deceased celebrities, like a tasteless joke he made about Stan Lee dying in a mosh pit only days after the Spider-Man creator had passed away.
  • Funny Moments: Any time Phil fails in a video game due to an actual glitch is often quite funny to some, as are some of his other misfortunes.
    • There is also that part in Far Cry 4 where he pissed off a rhinoceros so much (by shooting it a couple of times, and a setting it on fire) that it mauled him to death!
    • In the same playthrough, an eagle swooped down and carried off a wild boar he was tried to hunt, which is as funny as it sounds (Phil: "Fucking Eagle!!)
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Phil made his "Debunking 7 Years of Slander" video after he got some "positive" attention from some tweet he made mocking ProJared when he was dealing with some serious allegations. In hindsight however, the video only makes Phil look like an even bigger clout-chasing attention hog after Jared came out and addressed the allegations three months later. Also demonstrates that Phil's intentions with this video were more spiteful in retrospect.
  • Karma Houdini: Phil uses his pre-streams as an avenue to beg his viewers to give him money to either pay his bills or his taxes. It's worth noting that asking for donations for personal financial support violates Twitch's terms of service, and yet Phil has never received proper punishment for it in spite of the insurmountable evidence of him doing so.
  • Moral Dissonance: Phil is always complaining about TIHYDP videos ruin his livelihood, even claiming they almost got him killed...somehow. Yet, he doesn't see anything wrong with being rude and sometimes borderline abusive to his viewers, frequently breaking platform rules, refusing to get a more sustainable job, using his friends and loved ones for personal gain, and scapegoating one individual for a string of failures from November 2018 onward.
  • Nightmare Fuel: One of the more prominent TIHYDP makers, The 0utsyder, incorporates a really horrifying looking JPEG of Phil's face (which is drained of colour, complete with an uncanny wide-eyed grin) into the thumbnails of a lot of his DSP related videos; have fun trying to sleep after seeing that horrific abomination for more than five seconds!
  • Seasonal Rot: While DSP's content can never be considered high art, there is a lot of debate over when it really started to deteriorate. Some claim it started when he really started to make a substantial income, others will say it was when he began involving his girlfriend in his videos. Nobody truly knows when Phil's brand of Seasonal Rot truly began.
  • What an Idiot!: Sometimes, good ol' DSP will shout about how the game's he's playing never explained what he's supposed to be doing... and a prompt that told him what to do was onscreen seconds before.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Played with; obviously hasn't actually committed such an act, but he did threaten to hit an 11 year old girl on stream once when he was playing in a VR chat session. He also made sure to make said threat when the girl in question was out of earshot.
  • You Keep Using That Word: Phil is always going on and on preaching about "positivity", but comes off as rather disingenuous considering his poor attitude and venomous personality. Seems to be a common tic amongst content creators of his ilk.
  • You Keep Telling Yourself That: Often invoked when his more prominent critics respond to his content. Usually, they say something to this effect whenever Phil feels the need to remind everyone that he does Let's Playing/Live streaming for fun and not for money.

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