This page describes the many characters of the Long Runner webcomic Darkbolt.
The Heroes and Allies
The Main Cast
Naoko Yamino
Host of Darkbolt, the Demon of Darkness. Naoko is the comic's reluctant but iron-willed heroine and the leader of the Demon hosts. She is specifically chosen by Dakuu because she's a shy and meek bookworm who he thinks will be powerless to resist Darkbolt's will. That doesn't work out too well for them.
- Cool Sword: Chou.
- Determinator: In the vein of all good anime protagonists.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: She starts out largely fighting just so that the Tenma will leave her to return to a normal life.
- I Will Wait for You: Subverted. Naoko is waiting to meet Fushi and to begin their romance rather than for him to return.
- Jekyll and Hyde: It's repeatedly Lampshaded that Naoko is almost a completely different person when transformed for battle, becoming almost implacable and ruthless.
- Lady of War: Grows up into this.
- Meaningful Name: "Yamino" means "of the darkness" or "dark."
- Power Nullifier: Naoko can shut off Ikkou's ability to draw on the Orb.
- Shrinking Violet: At first, but this fades through Adrenaline Makeover.
- The biggest step away from this comes during the climax of "Song" when she realizes that with Darkbolt's power, she has no reason to fear anything again.
- Talking in Your Dreams: With Darkbolt.
- Technical Pacifist: At the start of the series, she couldn't even watch her friend's martial arts tournament and wondered why people liked that sort of thing. Even later, she repeatedly expresses weariness at all the fighting before finally becoming a Martial Pacifist who trains in the sword with Yun.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Young Naoko tends to blindly trust people who want peaceful resolutions.
- Unwanted Harem: Played for drama, rather than laughs.
- You Gotta Have Colorful Hair: Dark green yet unremarkable.
Mariko Ikusa
Host of the Demon of War. A high school friend of Naoko and Yun. She is a tough tomboy with great talent in martial arts and sports. She eventually hooks up with Yun.
- A Day in the Limelight: The never-finished spin-off game "Darkbolt: Summons" was supposed to have Mari as the main character.
- Badass Normal: At first. She manages to kick around a freshly revived Darkbolt for a page or two before he gets more serious. After he craters her into a wall, and she lives through it, he considers her a good host for War.
- Blood Knight: Does come to love a good fight almost as much as War.
- Cute Bruiser: Tomboy to Naoko's girly-girl. Red oni to Yun's blue.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Elemental Powers: Blades, wolves, and blood are her main theme.
- Chain Pain: Bloodbound Link.
- Deadly Disc: War Blades.
- Flechette Storm: Razor Storm.
- Summon Magic: War Wolves.
- Hot-Blooded: More and more so as her and War start to work together.
- Meaningful Name: "Ikusa" can mean "war" or just a "battle" or "match."
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Especially when they become Glowing Eyes of Doom.
- Talk to the Fist: Versus Tatsuya.
"What? I though you said you weren't gonna waste any time talking!"
- The Worf Effect: Happens more often over time. Mari's almost as reckless as Ikkou but not as close in sheer destructive power.
- You Gotta Have Colorful Hair: Blonde native Japanese girl.
Yun Shino
Host of the Demon of Death. A high school friend of Naoko, Mariko, and Ikkou. He spends much of his time training in kenjutsu and spirituality at a local temple. Yun is has a calm and wise demeanor that hides a lot of turmoil over his relationship with his distant parents. He eventually hooks up with Mariko.
- Badass Normal: Just like Mariko, he managed to get some good cuts in on Darkbolt before he got serious. This also impressed him enough to consider Yun for Death.
- Cool Pet: Shoki, a crow Yun saves.
- Cool Sword: The Holy Sword of Order.
- Elemental Powers: Death, ghosts, darkness, and crows are his main theme.
- The Grim Reaper: Yun's "Death Soul" attack summons this with a Soul Cutting Sinister Scythe.
- Necromancer: He's got power over Death. Being a good guy he mostly uses this for instant-kills, exorcisms, and resurrection.
- Summon Magic: Can summon crows.
- Master Swordsman: He grows into this.
- Meaningful Name: "Shino" can mean "of death" or "Death's."
- Parental Abandonment: His father is rarely home, and his mother's not much better according to him.
- Abusive Dad: Yun's father manages in the first scene you see him to insult Yun and Mariko's hair and the genders they imply and tells him to take his time getting home from a trip and not to bother him if he gets into trouble.
- Shipper on Deck: Yun prodded Ikkou to ask out Naoko because he's friends with both.
- Spider Sense: Even before bonding with Death, Yun could sense the presence of the Demons and later shows that he can track them.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Not all that tall, but 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
- Technical Pacifist: Refuses to kill Kansha when he has her at his mercy.
- Wise Beyond His Years
Ikkou Zenkai
Host of the Demon of Destruction. He is introduced as a friend of Yun who has a crush on Naoko but can't work up the courage to ask her out. Hot-headed and reckless, he becomes the host of Destruction when he gets caught up in a fight between Naoko and General Dakuu. Unfortunately, he's unable to control Destruction, who takes over his body for the first arc.
Ikkou's hot-temper leads him to frequently get into trouble or cause trouble for others. He is, however, absolutely dedicated to Naoko. Eventually, he is forced to give up on Naoko and begins seeing Shiori after she becomes human and after he is convinced to give up the Orb of Destruction. Unable to accept being on the sidelines, he eventually bonds with the Orb of Chaos and rejoins the main cast.
- Can't Spit It Out: Towards Naoko. Until he gives up and moves on.
- The Chew Toy / The Load: Spends a good chunk of the series mind-controlled by immensely powerful enemies on more than one occasion. When he's not, he's often hot-tempered, impulsive, and reckless in combat, and he possesses a dangerous mix of immersive destructive power and of a lack of concern for collateral damage when angry. More than one unnecessary fight starts or almost starts thanks to him.
- Determinator: Especially when Naoko is at risk.
- Fighting From the Inside
- Hot-Blooded: And how!
- Knight Templar: Ikkou takes a very hard line with the Tenma and isn't all that careful about collateral damage.
- Meaningful Name: "Zenkai" can mean "complete destruction." "Ikkou" can mean "absolutely, completely, totally."
- Offhand Backhand: To Fushi when Evil/Yasha mind controls him.
- Put on a Bus: Socially, anyway, once he gives up his powers.
- Villain Teleportation: Subverted in that he retains these powers from Destruction after regaining control of himself.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Wow. So much.
- Accidentally destroying all life on Earth as he broke Destruction's control.
- Killing Onchi just as she (unknown to him) broke through her Tenma conditioning and became an innocent again.
- Picking a fight with the Knight of the Holy Order and later pissing off the Angel of Order.
- Blows up Mt. Fuji just to injure the Knight of the Holy Order.
- Eventually, this pattern of behavior makes the rest of the main cast cut him out of the loop and then later abandon him after he gives up his powers and no longer needs to be sat on to keep out of trouble. Ouch.
- The Worf Effect: Happens on rare occasion. It would happen more if Ikkou wasn't just that powerful.
- You Gotta Have Colorful Hair: Sandy blonde in Japan.
Fushi Yoriyama
The Phoenix Samurai and host of the Angel of Life. Naoko's future husband. First appears as a grown man who doesn't realize he's travelled back in time. He plays a critical role in "From the Ashes," and eventually joins the cast again later as a teenager.
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Not a Fiery Redhead in personality, but he does have hair to match his flame powers.
- Cool Sword: Chou.
- Knight Templar: Fushi was more than willing to murder a helpless Tenma captive before Yun and Mariko walked in on him.
- Later he, cold-bloodedly sacrifices Bumper to ensure Destruction dies.
- Foreshadowing: His time in "From the Ashes" is a virtual fountain of foreshadowing for the plot of Requiem, which was published 10-11 years later.
- Futureshadowing: Dear Lord, did we really read a scene on pp. 257-260 from pp. 2400 [dead link]
- Also, look at all the future character designs and semi-spoilers in Fushi's memories on p. 350.
- It Makes Sense in Context: His early dialog with and reactions to Naoko and Ikkou, and they only get even more confusing over the course of the comic until you finally catch up with where he left.
- Futureshadowing: Dear Lord, did we really read a scene on pp. 257-260 from pp. 2400 [dead link]
- Meaningful Name: "Fushi" can mean "eternal life."
- Playing with Fire
- Samurai
- Stable Time Loop: How he met Naoko. And Chou.
- You Gotta Have Colorful Hair: Orange (real-world red) hair in Japan.
Other Allies
Shiori Murasaki
A mysterious, purple-haired transfer student in Naoko's class. She and her brother seem strangely interested in Naoko and Ikkou and keep a distant watch over critical events. She is a Time Elemental sent on a mission with her brother to retrieve the Orb of Destruction from Ikkou. Eventually she becomes human after a Heroic Sacrifice and decides to find happiness on Earth. She eventually falls in love with Ikkou and is handed control of the Genji Corporation.
- Alien Among Us
- Humans Through Alien Eyes: She has a lot of adjusting to do to life as a human and is very appreciative of many of the little things people take for granted.
- Friendless Background
- Heroic Sacrifice: She gives her life to give Ikkou more time to charge up an attack. Thankfully, she gets better.
- Humanity Ensues: Yun can't bring all of her back when she dies, and so she becomes human. She is absolutely delighted with it.
- Meaningful Name: "Murasaki" means "purple," like her hair. Her Time Elemental name is "Shichiji" or "seven o'clock."
- Mysterious Watcher
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Rescue Romance: With Ikkou. She'd been keeping an eye on him, but you get the sense that things really clicked when he caught her falling into the void in Elysium. Later reversed when Ikkou realizes she's literally the kind of girl who would give her life for you.
- Shrinking Violet: Subverted. It's a false front that comes from a mixture of no prior human contact, a mission that requires distance, and fate-bound life that doesn't offer room for happiness. Her modeling / public striptease for Ikkou at the talent show should put to rest any question of whether that's really who she is.
- Time Master: Seems to also include...
- Cool Gate
- Healing Hands
- [[spoiler:Invisibility: Naoko can see through it, though.
- Unexpected Inheritance: Tatsuya gives her Satsuo's control of the Genji Corporation before leaving to perform his atonement as some compensation for her death at his hands.
- You Can't Fight Fate: Zig-zagged. She is initially far more fatalistic that Johji until Chou tells her that she will find happiness on Earth.
- You Gotta Have Colorful Hair: Purple.
Johji Murasaki
Shiori's older brother who keeps a similar mysterious watch over the main characters but is more notable for his quiet hostility towards Ikkou. He is a Time Elemental, sent on a mission before the series starts to retrieve Destruction from Ikkou.
- Alien Among Us
- Chekhov's Skill: The Phantom Zone he fights Ikkou in later lets Ikkou use Golden Crash against a villain without fear of wiping out the city or planet.
- Friendless Background: Part of why he's not good with people.
- Hypocrite: Shiori accuses him of being one over his interest in Naoko and in changing his fate while denigrating her own interest in humanity.
- Jerkass: He mellows some over time, but he never becomes "nice" by any definition.
- Lampshaded at one point when he wears a shirt that says "Jerk" on it.
- Knight in Sour Armor
- Knight Templar Big Brother: Subverted and defied. Johji doesn't care about Shiori's love life in particular; he's just smothering and controlling in general. ..To the point of spying on her thoughts. Semi-justified since he's as much her superior on a mission as her brother. Shiori repeatedly tells him to mind his own business.
- Lonely Together: Johji tries to convince Naoko to let him have a chance for this reason. It's subverted in that Johji doesn't actually care about Naoko; he just wants to Screw Destiny.
- Meaningful Name: "Murasaki" means "purple," like his forelocks. His Time Elemental name is "Juuji" or "ten o'clock."
- Mysterious Watcher
- Time Master: Seems to also include…
- Lightning Bruiser
- Phantom Zone: The zone of frozen time he fights Ikkou in.
- Telepathy: With Shiori. Much to her irritation.
- Unskilled but Strong
- You Can't Fight Fate: Zig-zagged. He tries to court Naoko primarily to prove that he can Screw Destiny and maybe find happiness. He's told by Chou that "not everything" can be changed.
- You Gotta Have Colorful Hair: Cyan with a purple forelock.
Hana is Mariko's girly-girl friend. She's dating Katsu. Later, she is revealed to have the "ultimate human soul."
- Clingy Jealous Girl: To Katsu. He fumes at him if he says anything nice about how another girl looks, including their friends.
- The Ditz: Thinks Mariko talking to someone she can't see and trying to get her to run away is Mariko Rehearsing A Play.
- See also the Intentional Engrish for Funny joke on the main page.
- Genki Girl
- You Gotta Have Colorful Hair: Pink.
Bespectacled friend to Ikkou and Katsu.
Hana's boyfriend and genial jock friend to Ikkou and the rest of the main cast.
The Phoenix Samurai's phoenix companion. Chou has a number of magical powers including the ability to turn into a sword. Stays with Naoko after Fushi returns to the future.
- Bond Creature
- Healing Hands
- Equippable Ally
- The Phoenix
- Stable Time Loop: Chou is eternally part of the loop between Fushi's first appearance in "After the Ashes" and his departure to the past in "Requiem."
- Retroactive Precognition: Chou can show people things to come from his memories.
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Inverted. Chou speaks entirely in squawks, and everyone can understand him. Except the reader.
Antagonists and Neutral Characters by Arc
Antagonists are divvied up by the arc they first make a significant contribution to the plot in. Antagonists who pull a Heel Face Turn should be listed below.
Arc 1: "Darkbolt"
Queen Yasha
- Big Bad
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She seems to genuinely care for Sensha. Doesn't stop her from trying to choke her to death, though she sheds tears while doing so.
- Evil Laughter: She's not one to let a set back crush her morale.
- Expy: Of Queen Beryl from Sailor Moon.
- Load-Bearing Boss: For the Tenma marks.
- You Have Failed Me...: Demotes Dakuu for his failures after 10,000 years of service.
General Dakuu
The first major villain of the series. He wants to unleash the Demons in the hopes that they will help him overthrow Queen Yasha in gratitude for her release. Unfortunately, after failing repeatedly with the first three Demons, he succeeds with Destruction only to end up killed by him. A decade of real world time later, he returns in "Requiem" as the main villain.
- Back from the Dead: In "Requiem," the final story arc.
- In the Hood: Until The Reveal, anyway.
- Chekhov's Skill: White Crusher shows up a bit later in Dolands' hands.
- Control over the Void. It's how he brings back all the fallen Tenma.
- The Dragon: The Dragon Ascendant in "Requiem"
- Enemy Mine: Against Destruction. Ends poorly for him in the long run.
- Genre Blindness: What else can you call the plan to grant Ordinary High School Students a Super-Powered Evil Side?
- The Starscream: Plans to use the Demons to overthrow Yasha.
- Villain Exit Stage Left: Most oddly when he fails to destroy Naoko after she regains control of her body.
Crystal and Stem
Two monsters that serve Dakuu. They lack Tenma marks, but seem to be revived with the other loyal Tenma just fine. Crystal is a woman made of crystal. Stem is a plant-monster girl.
- Combat Tentacles: Stem
- Genki Girl: Crystal.
- Mad Artist: Crystal considers turning people into statues "art."
- Meaningful Names
- Plant Person: Stem
- Taken for Granite: Crystal can turn people into crystal to use as hostages against Naoko.
- Literally Shattered Lives: She threatens Naoko with this if she doesn't turn over the unused Demon orbs.
- When Trees Attack: Stem
- Garden of Evil: Naoko makes the mistake of teleporting the two of them to a park to be away from people.
Yasha's Enigmatic Minion and virtual daughter who is aware of Dakuu's ambitions and loves to taunt him over his failures. Sensha's own motives are a mystery for the first and much of the second story arcs. It turns out that she's been planning to overthrow Yasha and free the galaxy of the Tenma's rule. She eventually becomes the leader of the reformed Tenma and a major ally to the main characters.
- The Chessmaster
- Dark Chick: For her Quirky Miniboss Squad.
- Designated Girl Fight: Subverted. Naoko takes her out pretty quickly and leaves her on the sidelines since she's just not a threat.
- Can't Catch Up: Sensha isn't much use in the fight against Yasha and bemoans the fact.
- The Dragon: After Dakuu's death.
- Enigmatic Minion: Boy does she revel in it with Dakuu!
- Pet the Dog: When Sensha and her team mourn Lang.
- Prophetic Fallacy: Yasha knows that Sensha is fated to bring great change to the Tenma. She does.
- Qipao + Zettai Ryouiki: Rowr!
- Really 700 Years Old: Zig-zagged. She thinks she's 200. She was actually born 10,000 years ago and brought as a baby to the time she thinks she's from and raised by Yasha.
- The Starscream: To Yasha and Rebel Leader.
- Tomato Surprise: Sensha is a human, born on Earth.
Arc 2: "From the Ashes"
A member of Sensha's Quirky Miniboss Squad in "From the Ashes."
- Animated Armor
- The Brute
- The Comically Serious: Tell me panel 9 isn't hilarious.
- Gentle Giant: As seen after Lang's death.
- Made of Iron
- The Speechless
- The Stoic
A member of Sensha's Quirky Miniboss Squad in "From the Ashes."
- Blow You Away: Wind Tunnel. Maelstrom takes it Up to Eleven.
- Razor Wind: Aero Cutter
- Butt Monkey: At the receiving end of Tempus' unwanted advances and generally the most comic relief in the fight with the main characters.
- Tsundere: Maybe. Shippers would probably make a lot of out of him blushing while dropping Tempus after Tempus gushes over him saving him.
- You Shall Not Pass: Sealed by Tempting Fate when taunting the heroes doing so.
The last member of Sensha's Quirky Miniboss Squad in "From the Ashes."
- Avenging the Villain
- Big No: When Lang dies. Seems he really did love him.
- Camp Gay: Extremely flirty with Lang and pretty much beats down Ikkou with slaps.
- Meaningful Name: "Tempus" is Latin for "time."
- Time Master
Leader of the third team of Tenma sent by Yasha after the protagonists to discover both what happened to Sensha and where the Orb of Life is.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Kakko. That or else she genuinely doesn't like him.
- Cool Gate: Gleya has portal powers.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Killed by the broken off blade of her own weapon.
- Invisible to Normals: Mariko is the only one who can see her when she confronts Mariko in the middle of a populated street with Hana at her side.
- Lady of War: Fits her choice of a naginata as her Blade on a Stick.
- Woman in White: And how! She even has white hair and white eyes.
A member of Gleya's search team. She plays the most passive role, trying to observe while avoiding conflict. She is in contact with Onchi's mind when she breaks her Tenma conditioning and is the only member of the team to survive contact with the party to bring back news of Sensha's betrayal to Yasha.
- Blind Seer
- Dark Chick: She'd much rather undertake her mission without violence. At least, until Onchi breaks her conditioning.
- Meaningful Name; "Shiya" sounds like the romanization of "seer." It also can mean "field of vision" or "outlook."
- Stripperific: Her dress covers little of her front torso other than the minimum essentials of her breasts.
Another member of Gleya's team. She's is a recent Tenma inductee who wants to prove herself. However, she's taken an odd interest in the way the people of Earth live. Along with Shiya, she's on the team following Ikkou when Fushi jumps them.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Onchi has light blue skin and green hair with magenta forelocks.
- Death Equals Redemption: The stress of facing death against Ikkou allows her to break her Tenma conditioning right before he kills her.
- Actual Pacifist: She didn't want to fight. She just wanted to live out her dream of being a rock star, here on Earth.
- The Power of Rock: Seeing a girl singing on TV started the chain of memories that broke her brainwashing.
- Loud of War
- Meaningful Name: "Onchi" can mean "tone deaf."
- Stripperific: She pretty much wears nothing but black cups (with no straps) for her breasts and black belts as panties.
The last female member of Gleya's team. Her powers are based on paper talismans. She is capture and then let go by Yun. She later appears in the fight with Yasha as the source behind the effect that is blocking their demon powers and is swiftly killed.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Genuinely doesn't understand that Yun has no intention of killing her after he captured her.
- Meaningful Name: Maybe. "Kansha" means "thanks," but that really doesn't fit the character.
- Ofuda: The core of Kansha's powers.
- Power Nullifier, which lets her Won't Work On Me Yun at first.
- The Paralyzer: This eventually leads to an example ofHoist by His Own Petard by Yun.
- Truth Serum
- Stripperiffic: You remember Shiya's dress? Now have something similar floating and inch or two away from the body with huge floating epaulettes. Oh the magic of "camera" angles. (Are we seeing a pattern for this team?)
The token male member of Gleya's team. A flirt who hits on Gleya much to her irritation and spends much of his time watching the heroes watching pretty girls instead. He meets Naoko and, like Shiya, tries the non-violent approach, only this time with a more receptive audience.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Depends on how you read his relationship with Gleya.
- Boom! Headshot!: How Ikkou stops him from killing Naoko.
- Consummate Liar
- Handsome Lech
- Meaningful Name: "Kakko ii" means "attractive" or "stylish."
- In the Back: Once Shiya discovers that humans can break Tenma conditioning, he decides to shoot Naoko in the back.
- Small Name, Big Ego
Arc 3: Spirit Sanctuary
Yun's Grandfather
Priest of the Holy Sanctuary. Yun's grandfather is the misguided main antagonist of the third major arc. After receiving a letter from Yun in which Yun poured out his worries over becoming the host of Death and of Death's increasing grip on his soul, Yun's grandfather calls upon the aid of angels to save Yun's soul, knowing that it will most likely mean Yun's death.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted, twice. He gives his soul to call upon a powerful angelic warrior to fight the demons, but this cements his last action as an antagonist and not a hero, and it turns out to be a Disney Death anyway.
- Sinister Minister: Subverted. He's the "bad guy" of a Crystal Dragon Jesus church that's trying to kill the main characters, but he's unequivocally a good guy who just doesn't have all the facts.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He thinks Death and the other Demons will claim the souls of Yun and his friends and imprison them within their own bodies while wreaking havoc and terror on the universe. His motives are to Mercy Kill Yun before that can happen or after if it's too late.
The Knight of the Holy Order
A Living Statue created to destroy the demons and seal them away with the Holy Sword of Order.
- Cool Sword
- Church Militant
- Knight Templar: Averted. He won't listen to the heroes at first, but he could…
- Never Hurt an Innocent: Yun knows this and lets him strike him to prove his own innocence.
- Friendly Fireproof: The Holy Sword.
- Never Hurt an Innocent: Yun knows this and lets him strike him to prove his own innocence.
- Living Statue
- Passing the Torch
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe
The Seven Holy Cherubs
The second angelic force called to attack the heroes. They are a group of Super-Deformed angels created to act as direct servants of the Angels, and they seem to regard them as their parents. The names we know are:
- Tenkou - Male with blue hair and feathered silver wings. The Leader
- Seidou - Male with bronze skin and metallic wings. Capable of reflecting attacks.
- Tetsu - Male with lack hair, grey skin, black-feathered wings. Most hostile to the heroes.
- Hot-Blooded
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Fortunately, that gets nipped in the bud.
- Kongou - Female with purple hair, blue-silver feathered wings, and floating crystals. Known as "The Diamond Truth" and Can Not Tell a Lie or be lied to.
The remaining three are a female cherub in a green dress with monarch butterfly wings, a tanned female with blond hair and golden wings, and a blue-skinned male with silver hair and wings that are blurred in constant motion, like a hummingbird.
All of the Cherubs meet the following tropes:
- Immortality Begins At Twenty: Averted. Befitting their child-like appearance, they call the angels of Order and Love "Mommy" and generally act like loving children towards them.
- Parental Abandonment: Tetsu is the angriest about it, but none of have heard from the Angels in millennia.
- Super-Deformed
Arc 4: Elysium
Satsuo Genji
Head of the Genji Corporation, which makes its debut at the end of the prior chapter covering up the appearance of the Angel of Order. Satsuo is in need of help to deal with his brother, who is the antagonist of this arc. Initially he approaches the Time Elementals, unaware of the Demons.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Love Martyr: Figuratively and literally.
- Non-Action Guy
- Not What It Looks Like: When Johji sees that he's partially ripped Shiori's blouse off to see her Time Elemental tattoo.
- Screw the Money, I Have Rules: His worry about his brother is more important than his company to him.
- Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: His reaction to his brother's research.
Tatsuya Genji
An archaeologist who has been studying ancient relics relating to the Demons and Angels. Tatsuya has discovered Elysium, where the Angel of Love sleeps, and is stealing divine power from her. He is also responsible for the other Angels being unable to return to our plane of reality.
- The Atoner: And how!
- Inferiority Superiority Complex: His Freudian Excuse is jealousy towards his much more successful brother.
- Love Makes You Evil: All of his powers come from warped misuse of Love.
- Despair Event Horizon: His arrow attack sends Yun into one by robbing him of love for everything, including life.
- Mega Manning & Power Nullifier
- Love Redeems
- One-Winged Angel: Twice. The second time, literally.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
One of Tatsuya's servants. His powers are tied to deception, seduction, and betrayal.
- Charm Person: Girls-only, though.
- Despair Gambit: Tries it by breaking Mariko's heart as Yun.
- Fallen Angel: Lie looks like a scarred angel.
- Master of Illusion: He can make you see what you want to see.
- Spot the Impostor
- Bluff the Impostor: Ikkou spots the fake Naoko when she throws herself at him. That's what he would want, but it's not what he can have.
One of Tatsuya's servants. His powers are more physical and related to darkness, restraint, and teleportation.
- Bondage Is Bad
- Combat Sadomasochist
- Villain Teleportation: One of the few that can catch and teleport his enemies.
Cosmic Forces
The Demons
The ancient, primordial spirits / gods of evil that spawned all the ills of the universe. They have been sealed away in orbs for 10,000 or more years before the start of the series, with the exception of Evil, which has been Yasha's partner for an unknown period of time.
Darkbolt, Demon of Darkness
- Affably Evil: Once the pecking order is sorted out, anyway. He eventually becomes a reluctant ally to Naoko and eventually seems to have feelings for her.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Why he's the leader of the demons -- and why half of them are The Starscream.
- Dark Is Evil: And directly linked to fear.
- Emotion Eater: Darkbolt thrives off of pain, fear, and despair.
- Humanoid Alien / Petting Zoo People: He's an art-deco-esque panther-man made of shadow.
- Humans Through Alien Eyes: Mostly comes up when Darkbolt criticizes Naoko for her self-doubts and emotional weaknesses.
- Noble Demon: Once beaten, he forms a reluctant and uneasy partnership with Naoko.
- Smug Snake: Even at his nicest, he looks down on all other creatures as his inferiors.
- Trickster Mentor: He slowly works on Naoko's insecurities -- mostly through mockery and derision.
- Blood Knight: It's the demon of WAR. Bloodlust is its reason for existence.
- Elemental Powers: Same as Mariko, naturally.
- Humanoid Alien / Petting Zoo People: A blood-covered, red werewolf with a bladed tail.
- Noble Demon: Willingly submits to Mariko out of loyalty to Darkbolt.
- Elemental Powers: Same as Yun, naturally.
- Humanoid Alien / Petting Zoo People: A humanoid raven.
- Noble Demon: Willingly submits to Yun out of loyalty to Darkbolt.
- Ax Crazy
- Complete Monster: Genocide and mass-murder are all good fun for Destruction incarnate.
- The Dreaded
- Earthshattering Kaboom: Golden Crash, literally.
- Intelligent Gerbil: Unlike most of the rest of the Demons, Destruction isn't humanoid so much as a bus-sized, nasty, apatosaurus-like lizard. Mentally, he's pretty human-like, though.
- Person of Mass Destruction: As shown by the pre-requisite Curb Stomp Battle against the army and air force.
- Smug Snake
- The Starscream: Has wanted to overthrow Darkbolt for millennia, and so he recognizes Dakuu's regicidal ambitions instantly.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Almost does this to Dakuu after he reveals where Yasha is. Decides to spare him to see if he really has outlived said usefulness or not.
- Complete Monster: To be honest, she doesn't have enough lines or actions for us to really know, but given her domain and the history of the Tenma...
- Giant Spider / Intelligent Gerbil
- Hero-Killer: Mari gets better, though.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Her forelegs are sharp.
- Mind Control
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Hypnotizes Ikkou into thinking he's Destruction.
- Master of Illusion: Violet Web causes her enemies to think all their allies have been replaced with monsters out to kill them.
- The Starscream: Wanted to kill Darkbolt and take control of the other demons. However, she seems less eager than Destruction, because she and Yasha only continuously suggest that they don't need Naoko alive rather than directly order her death.
- The Symbiote: Has a full partnership with Yasha.
- Token Girl: Only female Demon.
- The Dreaded
- Eldritch Abomination: Usually appears as a whirling field of static.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Chaos can do literally anything.
The Angels
The Angels are the forces of creation that made all things good in the universe. They once guarded the Earth but retreated from the universe once the Demons were sealed away.
- Playing with Fire
- Samurai: Wears the same armor and uses a similar sword to Fushi but adds a helmet.
- Sealed Good in a Can: Sealed 10,000 years ago by Darkbolt.
- Stable Time Loop: With Fushi and using his power in concert with himself to revive the Earth.
- Balance Between Good and Evil: She mildly admonishes the heroes for killing Evil due to this trope.
- Blindfolded Vision: She's got a Lady Justice motif going on.
- Carry a Big Stick
- Knight Templar: Zig-zagged. In "Spirit Sanctuary," she's the voice of reason holding back her agents from attacking the humans who imprison the Demons within themselves. In "Elysium," she takes a far harder line with the villain than everyone else present, and she collectively punishes the heroes for standing up to her judgment by refusing to aid them or the Earth in the future.
- Forgiveness: She's the Angel of Love.
- MacGuffin Girl: Imprisoned by Tatsuya as the source of his powers.
- Sealed Good in a Can
- Actual Pacifist: Probably, given his sphere of influence. He definitely tries to avoid conflict with the heroes.
- Cool Shades
- Reasonable Authority Figure