Dark Secrets
Jaiden Spencer has never had it so good. She's the new Head Girl at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she's dating Ron (who we're helpfully informed is very nice) and everything is peachy. Well, apart from Voldemort being on the loose. While sneaking around the Hogwarts grounds at night to spy on Voldemort, who has apparently set up camp right outside the school, she discovers an unwelcome secret about her wonderful boyfriend. Who immediately becomes a whole lot less wonderful. But at least she has the Head Boy Draco Malfoy to go running to in their oh-so-handy and non-canonical private quarters.
Welcome to Dark Secrets by Jaiden (ahem) Lee Malfoy. The story can be found here and a forum thread sporking it here (both links NSFW). The sequel Betrayed Revenge, featuring less Wangst but just as much Canon Defilement and evil!Ron coming back from the dead, is here and sporked here.
See also The Last War, which has a similarly Lifetime Movie of the Week plot.
- Agony of the Feet: When Draco gets kidnapped, Jaiden breaks her foot kicking his trunk. This is forgotten in the next scene and doesn't make her any less effective in the Final Battle, not that she was to start with.
- Anticlimax
- Author Avatar
- Back from the Dead: Ron in the sequel.
- Bastard Boyfriend: Definitely Ron and arguably Malfoy. At one point, Ron butally rapes and beats Jaiden because he apparently saw her and Malfoy kissing. The next morning, not only does Malfoy not do anything sensible, like telling a professor or even healing the cuts with magic, he just reminds her that she should conceal her new injuries.
- And at times, Malfoy is just as possessive as Ron.
- Beige Prose: Descriptions are very sparse (with a notable exception) in Dark Secrets, and Betrayed Revenge takes this Up to Eleven.
- Coitus Ensues: See Non Sequitur Scene.
- Conflict Ball: Gets passed around a lot in the sequel.
- Darker and Edgier
- Dead Fic: The sequel.
- Deus Angst Machina: The entire point of the fic.
- Driven to Suicide: Jaiden leaves Draco a note and attempts suicide - it's heavily hinted that in true Purity Sue tradition she's Too Good for This Sinful Earth - but he finds her and averts it just in time.
- Duct Tape for Everything: A particularly bizarre example, in which Ron uses it as a substitute for a restraining spell.
- Everybody Hates Hades: See Sadly Mythtaken.
- Face Heel Turn: Hermione in the sequel.
- Fandom-Specific Plot: The Head Boy and Girl's private quarters.
- Faux Action Girl: Jaiden in the sequel is allegedly an Auror. However...
- Featureless Plane of Disembodied Dialogue: A review of this fic was the Trope Namer.
- For the Evulz: The only thing that could remotely explain Ron's behaviour in the fic.
- Forgot About His Powers: See Transplanted Character Fic.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: Considering the general GRIMDARK tone of the fic, the author is very reluctant to swear, writing "f-cking" when she has to. Jaiden herself swears like Yosemite Sam in one scene.
- How Do I Used Tense: The writer's troubles with the past progressive tense are the source of much unintentional hilarity as characters seem to be undertaking physically impossible combinations of tasks.
- Hurt/Comfort Fic
- IKEA Erotica: Though not as bad as some examples, the sex scene does still tend towards the mechanical.
- Informed Ability: Jaiden advises Draco not to take on Ron because he's too powerful. We've barely seen him cast a single spell in the entire fic. Then again, neither has Draco.
- Lifetime Movie of the Week: Dark Secrets reads like this in fanfic form.
- Lighter and Softer: The sequel, relative to the original.
- Meaningful Echo: Ron menaces (or tries to menace) Jaiden with the line "my precious". Draco echoes the line next chapter pre-IKEA Erotica, which is presumably supposed to be really sweet but manages to top the first occurrence for Narm.
- Mood Whiplash: Draco and Jaiden start shagging straight after she tries killing herself. Made even better by Fridge Logic - even if she went across the street, wouldn't she need some kind of medical help more involved than wrapping a towel around her wrist?
- Murder the Hypotenuse: Literally happens at the end.
- Narrating the Obvious: " Are you sure? " He asked, making sure this is what she wanted.
- Pinball Protagonist: Jaiden, who never actually does anything.
- Rape as Drama: Of course it happens to Jaiden.
- Ravens and Crows: Ron uses a pet raven to spy on Draco and Jaiden, although where he got it from or how it talks to him (of course) isn't explained by the author.
- Sadly Mythtaken: Voldemort invokes the Greek god Hades to bring Ron back from the dead, despite the complete non-appearance of gods Greek or otherwise in Harry Potter.
"Hades... father of the underworld, greatest of the Greek Gods, I call upon you to release a young spirit taken from this earth so violently... I... offer you this blood sacrifice..." He paused, in his right hand a dagger appeared, turning slightly he shoved the dagger into Wormtail’s abdomen, releasing the dagger, he threw Wormtail into the fired, his shrieks of pain followed echoing off the stone walls, they quickly diminished "In return for thy spirit of Ronald Weasley..."
" Are you sure? " He asked, making sure this is what she wanted.
- Shout-Out: Ron to Mary Sue when he's sneaked into her room at night: "My preciousss" In the story it's supposed to be horrifying, butit really isn't.
- Shower of Angst: Chapter 7, possibly, since Jaiden exhibits about as much emotion as a brick wall.
- Straw Misogynist: Guess.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry: "They had begun to fall in love with each other."
- Too Dumb to Live: Ron's master plan when his dark secret is discovered is to... antagonise and alienate the one person who he's relying on not to make that secret public. Good going there.
- After being beaten and raped, Jaiden decides to conceal her injuries with magic rather than telling a professor. Come to think of it, why doesn't she just tell someone about what Ron is doing? He's not exactly the most powerful wizard ever.
- Transplanted Character Fic: The author only occasionally remembers that there's magic in the Potter Verse, having Draco mend Jaiden's injured foot with Muggle first aid when healing potions were mentioned two chapters ago, Ron attacking her several times without using so much as a single curse, and the central conflict resolved with a knife fight.
- One time she does recall that it's a story about, you know, wizards, she has Ron Apparate within Hogwarts.
- The sequel isn't quite so bad about this.
- Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma: The writer appears to be under the impression that a comma is used at the end of all dialogue, even when it doesn't lead onto a dialogue tag.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: As well as Ron the Death Eater we have Dean the Death Eater who's killed in the first chapter and nobody back at the castle ever notices. It's the last we see of Voldemort himself, too.