Shinobu Fujiwara
VA Kazuki Yao
Shinobu was born in the mountain regions of Japan. Shinobu was a cadet of the Australian Space Military Academy before the invasion on the Muge Empire forces. After the school was closed due to destruction, he was transferred to the Far East's Special armoured unit, the Bestial Fighter Troop or Jyusenki Tai (Known in the English version as the Cyber Beast Force). His hobby is hang gliding. Shinobu is an extremely talented pilot, but his rash temper and over confidence tends to land him into situations over his head. Nevertheless he is a straightforward character. "Yatte yaru ze!" (Let's do it!) is his, and the series', catchphrase, and in the Super Robot Wars series, he becomes vocal if others say it. His blood type is A.
- Ace Pilot: While the rest of CBF counts, hes the only one who rides a fighter jet(and a modified one) and its notable that his outrageus skills are mentioned several time.
- Big Damn Heroes: Saves Dancougar Nova and its pilots in Super Robot Wars Z 2: Hakai-hen
- Catch Phrase: "Yatte yaru ze!"[1] In the Super Robot Wars series, he gets vocal if others say it.
- Combination Attack: Dankuu Sougaken with Aoi.
- The Hero
- Hot-Blooded: All the Dancougar pilots are like that, but Shinobu was the patron saint of this trope before Domon Kasshu and Kamina came along.
- Idiot Hero: Somewhat
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Romantic Runner-Up
- Sempai Kouhai: In Super Robot Wars Z 2, Team-D referrs to him as "Sempai."
- Slap Slap Kiss / Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Sara.
- Talking to Himself: Whenever Judau Ashta shows up in the Super Robot Wars series.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Gets called out quite a few times for his lack of discipline.
Sara Yuki
VA: Yuriko Yamamoto
Sara Yuki hails from the Izu peninsula. She was assigned to the Far East Armoured Unit a few days later than Shinobu due to several circumstances. During her days at the Australian Military Academy, she had fallen in love with her Commander Shapiro Keats, before he defected to the Zorbados Corps. Ever since then she had been suffering torn loyalties of both love and hatred towards Shapiro. Sara, like a typical redhead, is known for her fiery temper and enjoys swimming and music. Her blood type is AB.
- Action Girl
- Armor-Piercing Slap: And Shinobu is the most common victim of it.
- Blue Eyes
- Cry Cute: A tough-ass lady usually, but when she cries on Shinobu's embrace, she's... different.
- Fiery Redhead
- Kill the Ones You Love: Subverted. When she shot Shapiro, she had long fallen out of love with him.
- You fool, Shapiro!
- The Lancer and The Chick
- Slap Slap Kiss / Belligerent Sexual Tension With Shinobu.
- Tsundere: Type A.
- Woman Scorned: Towards Shapiro, later in the series.
Masato Shikibu
VA: Shigeru Nakahara
Masato was born in the Iwate Prefecture. Masato's father was the President of an arms manufacturing plant, and his family is quite wealthy. Going against his father's wishes, Masato entered the academy (6th team trainee). He is the youngest member of the Jyusenki Tai. An active lad, though somewhat immature, Masato's emotional strength makes up for his lack in combat experience. Later Masato's father is killed in an engagement involving a Muge survivor, in "God Bless Dancouga". Masato also is the best friend of Laura Sullivan, and her dog Becky. His blood type is B.
- Angst? What Angst?: Admittedly, Masato and his father weren't on very good terms. Even so, Masato seems to get over his father's death with confusing ease.
- Calling the Old Man Out: Masato doesn't like the fact that his father is an arms dealer.
- Parental Abandonment
- Rebellious Scion
- The Smart Guy
- Tagalong Kid
- Talking to Himself: Whenever he meets Shou Zama and/or Trowa Barton in the Super Robot Wars series.
Ryo Shiba
VA: Kaneto Shiozawa
After graduating from the Military Academy, he decided to roam about practicing his Kenpou martial arts. When the Jyusenki Tai was formed General Ross Igor asked him to join the force, he meets with his companions in Kansas City after a major battle has taken place. Born as an orphan, Ryo is a quiet man who practices spirituality according to his Chinese Kenpou disciplines. Ryo's blood type is O.
- The Big Guy
- Celibate Hero: Subverted: he stays like this until the end of God Bless Dancougar, when he gets married.
- Genius Bruiser
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: He's the one who's the most likely to call Shinobu out on his tomfoolery.
- Ineffectual Loner
- Martial Pacifist
Shapiro Keats
VA: Norio Wakamoto
Shapiro was a former commander of the Australian Military Academy, before he defected to the Muge Zorbados Imperial forces. Stubborn and intelligent Shapiro is obsessed with becoming the ruler of the Universe and has delusions of Godhood. Unlike most anime villains, he is extremely competent, and has actually come within a hair's breadth of defeating the Jyusenki Tai by exploiting his tactical knowledge of Earth and the human condition. His greatest weakness is his own arrogance, which eventually estranges him from his own allies and leads to his downfall. He is shot by Sara in the series. In the SRW series, Shapiro often makes his last stand by piloting a robot.
- A God Am I: Drinking game: take a shot whenever he says this. You won't last long.
- Ambition Is Evil: He is a champion of this.
- Back from the Dead: In the Blazing Epilogue OVA.
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: A shocking departure from your standard ineffectual Super Robot villain.
- Evil Is Sexy
- Fashion Victim Villain: Um... is that eyeliner? And what's up with that hair? Is he trying to be Ziggy Stardust?
- Fatal Flaw: Pride
- Final Boss: Of the F Final Guest-Poseidal Route.
- Karmic Death: At the hands of the woman he used and abandoned.
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Mole
- Smug Snake
- Villainous Breakdown: A absolutely epic one.
- Villain Song: Shadowy Dream, the second ending song.
- Villain Team-Up Works with the Guest-Poseidal Alliance in F/F Final, Balmarian Empire in Super Robot Wars Alpha 1 and Grados Empire in Super Robot Wars Judgment.
Emperor Muge Zorbados
- Back from the Dead: Comes back in an even more monstrous form in the OVA sequel to the series, God Bless Dancougar. Also does this in Super Robot Wars Compact, Super Robot Wars Compact 2 and Super Robot Wars Z2.2.
- Big Bad
- Big Bad Duumvirate: In Super Robot Wars Compact with Don Zauser.
- Dimension Lord
- Eldritch Abomination
- Nightmare Fuel
- Villain Team-Up: Works with the Guardisword and Nubia Connection in Super Robot Wars GC; The Campbellians and the Bozanians in Super Robot Wars Alpha 3; The Einst in Super Robot Wars Compact 2; and the Anti-Spiral and Emperor Zule in Super Robot Wars Z2: Saisei-Hen.
General Death Gaia
General Gildorome
General Helmut
Characters from Dancougar Nova
Aoi Hidaka
VA: Haruna Ikezawa
- Action Girl
- Badass Driver: Before she became a pilot for Dancougar Nova, Aoi was a Formula 1 racer)
- Designer Babies: (The source of much personal anguish for her)
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Yes, she really did!
- Even the Girls Want Her: Seimi did flirt with her a bit.
- Fiery Redhead - Curtains Match the Window
- Foot Focus: There are a few shots.
- Hot-Blooded
- Iron Woobie: Still, there's the fact that she refuses to fell sorry for herself in spite of her considerable emotional problems.
- Ms. Fanservice: She's really easy on the eyes! Not to mention how she, in her own words, sleeps in her "original".
- Sempai Kouhai: All of Team-D are Shinobu's kouhais in Super Robot Wars Z 2, but since Aoi is Dancougar Nova's main pilot, she deserves special mention.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Don't try to Hannibal Lecture Aoi. You'll get a fist to the face for your trouble.
Sakuya Kamon
VA: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
- Catch Phrase: See Shout-Out, below.
- Homeless Hero
- Hot-Blooded: The most out of the Nova pilots.
- Innocent Innuendo: With Seimi.
- Lazy Bum
- Ship Tease: With Intrepid Reporter Isabelle.
- Shout-Out: He's the one who borrows Shinobu's Catch Phrase "Yatte yaru ze!"
Kurara Tachibana
VA: Houko Kuwashima
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable
- Cute Bruiser: The youngest of the pilots, extremely Moe, and an excellent shot!
- The Gunslinger
- Improbable Age: Not many people become world-reknown policeagents at the age of 15…
- Improbable Aiming Skills
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Verbally burns the Jerkass American captain of Episode 4 before handing him his ass.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Johnny Barnett
VA: Yuuki Tai
- Badass Bookworm
- Love At First Sight: With Eida.
- Money Fetish: There are some hints.
- Salaryman
- Stoic Spectacles
VA: Yūko Gotō
Moon Will
VA: Norio Wakamoto
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot
- Back from the Dead: Brought back in Saisei-Hen by Muge Zolbados.
- Big Bad
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Moon Will is convinced that humans care about their own life more than everything else, which comes back to bite him in the ass when Aoi confronts him.
- Evil Knockoff: At least in Super Robot Wars Z 2 his so-called 'Original Dancougar' is stated to be one of the actual Dancougar. Shinobu was not amused.
Shinobu:You've guts, calling yours the Original in front of us!
- Hannibal Lecture: To Aoi, telling her that humans upset the balance of the universe and pointlessly cling to their own "pathetic little lives". It fails. Spectacularly.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: He's absolutely convinced of this.
- Kill All Humans
- Large Ham
- Scary Dogmatic Alien
- Shut Up, Kirk: To his good counterpart Earth Will.
- Talking to Himself: Again, with Earth Will.
- Villain Team-Up: Works with Big Gold and Neos Gold in Super Robot Wars L
- ↑ "Let's do it!"