< Crayon Shin-chan

Crayon Shin-chan/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Scrappy: While many people absolutely detest Nene, the episode in which The Flame leaves and she breaks down crying in the bushes without telling him how she feels has proven to be very heartbreaking even from the fiercest detractors. It helps Shinnosuke comforts her.
    • There's also the episodes in which her much-abused bunny comes to life and enacts his revenge on her, even going so far as trying to possess her by forcibly fusing with her. Hated character or not, seeing a 5-year-old like that is horrifying.
    • And then there's her reaction whenever her mother snaps, made even worse by being her the one responsible for her own rage outbursts in the first place.
  • Base Breaker:
    • While all the Noharas are this in some way or another, the biggest of them all is Misae. She's either a funny character who is just stressed out from her family antics, or an unfunny Domestic Abuser who has a great case of Double Standard. This has essentially lessened in later episodes (see Rescued from the Scrappy Heap below)
    • Masao is considered by many to be The Woobie, but just as many hate him for his crybaby and Extreme Doormat attitude and more importantly, his devotion to Ai-chan being completely unnerving and undeserved, which leads to him taking the Jerkass Ball directed at Shin-Chan.
    • Miss Matsuzaka also has some of this going on, her superficial attitude being either funny or despicable.
  • Crowning Moment of Groin Attack: Hima, not satisfied with just one sippy-cup of juice, tries everything in her toddler power to get into the fridge to get another juice cup. After she has exhausted herself to no avail, Shin comes in from playing, hops up to the fridge, and takes and drinks the prized juice. Hima FREAKS OUT, charges Shin like an angry bull, and headbutts him in the groin so hard he goes flying back outside.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny - "To be a man you must have honor, honor and a PEEEEEENIS!!"
  • Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy: While this is a Sadist Show full of Comedic Sociopathy, some episodes go too far in its sadism, causing this.
  • Ear Worm - The dubs ending theme "Party Party Join Us Join Us, Party Party Join Us Join Us"
  • Ensemble Darkhorse- Action Bastard and Happiness Bunny have pretty good followings as characters.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: In Spain, specially in Catalonia, they LOVE Shin-chan in the same way Americans love The Simpsons (maybe more), to the point the author went there several times and befriended the official translator - who eventually appeared in the manga. Hell! It can be argued that it's more popular there than in freaking Japan itself! There was even a Japanese TV show that made a special episode to explain it. Meanwhile, no matter how many dubs, (Gag-like or otherwise) are made, it seems the series can't ever catch in America.
    • It's worth noting that, in the anime, there was a story about the Noharas vacationing in Barcelona. Even though there were lots of quite outdated and slightly off stereotypes (a tour guide named Carmen, paella, toreros, south-american looking people and flamenco) they included some nods at the catalonian fans (such as Shin-chan saying the paella is "Molt bo" (Very good) or doing the "Ass Dance" saying "culet, culet" (What Shin-chan says in the catalan dub, roughly "booty, booty")
    • The phenomenon isn't as widespread in Portugal, but here you can't be an anime fanatic without at least recognizing Shin Chan
    • The show was popular enough in Korea to have the movies dubbed and a line of Shin-chan snacks sold in stores.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Shinnosuke/Kazama (aka ShinKaza), all the way. The fact their relationship is just full of Ho Yay just adds fuel to the fire. They frequently have Bo/Masao and Nene/Ai as Ship Mates.
  • Ho Yay: Shin and Kazama-kun (Georgie) take this to absurdly high levels.
  • One True Threesome: Shinnosuke/Kazama/Himawari. It helps it's occassionally popped up in the series.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: In the newer episodes, Misae's worst traits (her physical abuse of Shinnosuke and Hiroshi, the Double Standard via The Unfair Sex, etc) have been toned down considerably, leading to this to some extent.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: This series is not known for pulling off aesops, but episode 553 pulls off a very important one: Just because someone has similarities to you doesn't mean he's a true friend, and can abandon you when you don't match with their expectations. A true friend stays with you not only in good times, but also (and especially) in bad times too, and you should cherish them even if they're different. Many viewers have been identified or even suffered the same issue, which makes the anvil very effective and the episode being considered one of the most tear-jerkingly heartwarming of the entire series.
    • One of the older episodes involves Shin mistaking Masao's duel with a marriage proposal, and he tells the teachers about this. While weirded out, they show complete tolerance and support (Miss Ageo is downright gleeful at this), with the principal telling them all kids should be treated equal regardless of sexual preferences. This was shown as incredibly progressive at the time it was aired, and is an extremely important message overall.
  • The Scrappy: Nene/Penny is perhaps the most hated character in the entire series, thanks to being flanderized into an abusive, bossy brat who treats her friends (especially Masao) like shit, to the point she makes Misae look likable by comparison. The viewers often want the guys to ditch her, and she has been Out of Focus in the newest episodes as a result.
    • That said, her abusiveness actually depends on the episode. Whenever she's not the spotlight character and doesn't show her obsession with tea parties and abusive treatment of Masao, she's actually tolerable and can act like a good friend, so she zigzags this trope to an extent.
    • Nene's mother is even worse, being the prime example of Bitch in Sheep's Clothing and the main reason Nene is such a scrappy (Hell, Nene is scared of her). Granted, her anger issues are usually provoked by Shinnosuke, but her tendency to (internally) badmouth the Noharas (especially Misae, who is supposed to be her friend) and general overreacting to minimal mistakes simply does not sit well with a lot of fans.
    • Ai isn't well-liked either, for being a Rich Bitch and Not So Different from Nene (hell, even worse), and is way more of a Karma Houdini than her. In this case, this counts as an In-Universe version, since nobody except Masao can stand her (and her existence causes serious derailment to Masao's character). She can be a tolerable character, but the amounts of times this happens can be counted with one hand, and usually only serves to create conflict between the KDO (Nene at least is a member of the group and has moments of genuine friendship with them).
    • Micchi and Yoshirin are also pretty hated for mooching off the Noharas and causing them more problems than they already have, being unfunny Karma Houdinis to top this all off. They count as this In-Universe too, with everyone (especially the Noharas) hating their guts.
  • Take That Scrappy: Nene is absolutely despised by almost all the fanbase, so when things go absolutely wrong for her, it results in this trope (with some exceptions). The best ones are undeniably delivered by her oft-abused friend Masao, however brief they may be.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: The original Japanese version.
    • To a lesser extent, the Vitello dub.
    • To a greater extent, the Malaysian dub (where the elephant dance, ass dance and other forms of nudity, usually by means of a shoehorned Relax-O-Vision, if possible).
    • And then there's the Spanish dub, which is completely uncensored.
    • The Korean dub is Bowdlerised down to actually be fit for kids.
  • The Woobie: Poor, poor Masao. Hiroshi and Shiro/Whitey also qualify.
    • The Happiness Bunny, who finally snaps in episode 7-B of the dub.
    • Jerkass Woobie: Kazama, especially early on. Nene and her mother qualify to an extent, as does Misae. Shinnosuke also has his rare, but pitiful moments.
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