< Cowboys and Aliens (film)

Cowboys and Aliens (film)/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: An alien is killed when molten gold is dripped onto him. In other words, he gets a golden shower.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: Moment spent staring at the upside-down riverboat. Yes, they camp out in it, and yes the movie seems to imply the aliens are behind it, but... the fact that it is an upside down riverboat and is never explained and has no bearing on the plot - it wouldn't have made any difference to the story if they had stayed the night in an abandoned shack instead.
  • Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch: A lot of people panned this movie immediately just because of its name.
  • Complete Monster: The aliens seem to be operating on Blue and Orange Morality, but they're not fucking around. Experimentation, Body Horror, all in a day's work.
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • Fridge Brilliance: The title is a play on the children's game 'Cowboys and Indians.'
  • He Really Can Act: After appearing in the widely panned The Last Airbender, Noah Ringer shows himself as a promising young actor.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: This movie was predicted nearly twenty years ago by Clarissa Explains It All. See here.
  • Meaningful Name: Lonergan = Loner again?; he's a loner. Dolerhyde = Dollar Hide; he's raising cattle and is responsible for keeping the town going.
    • Lonergan... might also be Lone R(ay) Gun? Since he's the only human to wield one in the show.
    • Lonergan also sounds a bit like a play on "alone again".
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: It would take a full page to list all of the changes they made. Practically the only thing they didn't change was the main character's name.
    • Not that anyone's complaining
    • The changes probably have a lot to do with the fact that the book didn't exist at the time the movie was sold to the studio, only a mockup of the cover did. They wrote it after the fact and production was already underway.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Political?: People in The Wild West are being exterminated and driven off their land by foreign, technologically superior invaders who are there for the gold. The presence of Apaches starting at the halfway mark only makes the comparisons more obvious.

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