< Cowboys and Aliens (film)

Cowboys and Aliens (film)/Awesome

Since calling the entire movie a long CMOA would be a tad cheating...

  • Let's start off with the intro shall we? An amnesiac man wakes up in the desert with a fancy wrist band and no clue how he got there. Bounty hunters come along and order him to start walkin'. The man ends all of them without a problem and leaves. Badass doesn't begin to cover that.
  • After spending the entire movie as a wuss who can't shoot straight, Doc takes a HUGE level in badass during the climatic battle when he shoots an alien in the head from a fair distance. This troper's theater erupted into cheers and applause when that happened.
    • The same thing happened when Emmet STABBED that alien in the heart at This troper's theater.
  • Jake, Arm Cannon, alien fighter. No contest. That look he gives to Dolerhyde was icing on the Badass cake.
  • Ella regenerating after her "dead" body is thrown onto the fire at the Indian camp.
  • "We were flying."
  • "That wasn't very nice." *Groin Attack*
    • Followed up by Jake NUKING the Irishman with the Arm Cannon-thing.
    • "I warned you not to call her a whore."
    • Seriously, can we really just say that Jake is a walking CMOA and be done with it?
  • An Apache with a bone club not only kills, but pretty much explodes the head of, an armored alien who can take a whole bunch of bullets without breaking stride--well, without breaking Weird Gallop-Shamble.
  • Also, the bandit attacking an alien with a bowie knife wrapped in dynamite.
  • Dolerhyde saving the Apache chief, taking down an alien with a spear and delivering the Coup De Grace.
  • Dolerhyde and Jake's second altercation after the aliens arrive, they begin arguing and Dolerhyde hits Jake in the stomach with the back of his rifle. Only for Jake to no sell it and punch Dolerhyde in the jaw, which Dolerhyde also no sells. Awesome.
  • Two words: dynamite knife.
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