< Covert Affairs

Covert Affairs/YMMV

  • Cannot Spit It Out: Annie wanting to read-in her sister, but only for a short while.
    • Annie telling Auggie that she likes him.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Annie/Auggie is by far the most popular pairing, outstripping Official Couples Annie/Jai and Annie/Ben.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Of course Joan thinks Arthur is cheating: she's his second wife, and their relationship started as an affair.
  • Marty Stu: Ben has strong elements of this.
  • Growing the Beard: Around the second episode of season 2, the series takes a sharp nosedive on predictability and safety, starting to feel more like a proper spy show.
  • Ho Yay: A handful of people are already shipping Auggie/Jai. Well, they are pretty snarky...
    • Jai/Ben is also being considered. One can certainly interpret things into that look that passed between them at the shipyard...
  • Magnificent Bastard: Referenced in-verse. In the fifth episode a retired spymaster appears, whom Auggie nicknames The Prince of Darkness.
    • May also count as a cross-show Shout-Out since sister show Burn Notice (also featuring spies) has used the nickname twice. Maybe it's a spy thing.
  • Special Effects Failure: Much like sister show, White Collar, some of the green screen scenes are... dubious.
    • In London, Annie sits in a park during "I Can't Quit You, Baby" and it's painfully obvious that the park is a green screen.
    • To a lesser extent, the backgrounds during any driving scene where the actors are in the car talking. This may be a deliberate reference to old Chroma Key spy dramas.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: At the end of the first season's second episode, when Annie and her sister resolve their difficulties in an agonizingly predictable and trite way, complete with tearful hugs and comfort food. Thankfully, it's brief.
    • Most Annie's interactions with her sister qualify: they often quarrel in the beginning of an episode, and their reconciliation near the finish is too far on the sweet side.
    • This aspect has been toned down significantly in the second season; now her sister and civilian life only pop up when important to the spy aspect rather than being shoehorned into every episode.
    • Subverted in "World Leader Pretend. Annie's sister kicks her out after finding out she's in the CIA.
  • Tear Jerker: Auggie's Oh Crap moment when he sees the terrorist plant a bomb near his comrades.

Auggie: Hey, you gotta get out of there, there's a bomb! Chris? Jason? RUN! {{[[[Moment of Silence]] sound cuts out as dramatic music plays}}, bomb explodes]

    • Annie finally working up the courage to tell Auggie she likes him, only to have him reveal that he's following his girlfriend to Africa.
  • The Woobie: Most of the characters, especially Auggie.
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