Cool School

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    This is the educational equivalent of the Cool Car and its vehicular brethren. It's often an Academy of Adventure and/or an Elaborate University High, and frequently an Extranormal Institute, but none of those tropes apply in all cases.

    So then how do you know it's this trope? The Cool School is too cool to be your school, a school that's probably very good at teaching, thanks to no shortage of funding and/or a Reasonable Authority Figure (or a few). Expect the textbooks and the Applied Phlebotinum to be full of Dangerous Forbidden Techniques and Sufficiently Advanced Technology or Magic respectively if the setting is in any way fantastical. If it isn't, it's probably one of the weirder school types not in the Extranormal Institute list like the School of Seduction or Clown College, and/or has a Wacky Homeroom if it's not a Wacky College. The Library will be at least well-stocked, and there's a chance it's a Great Big Library Of Everything.

    Despite this, it's not always sunshine and roses. The villain(s) will attack the school if there are any, the Rival School will almost certainly be full of spoiled rotten over-privileged Jerks with Hearts of Jerk that put the Cool School's resident Jerk Jock and Alpha Bitch to shame (in the other way), and the homework is often brutal.

    The Cool School is often a Boarding School but never an awful one (unless the villains have made a hostile takeover), and the protagonist will lament either often or on rare occasion about how much life at home sucks and they're much happier at the Cool School.

    The Trope is often a Wish Fulfillment fantasy of the writer and almost always one of the fandom. Who wouldn't want to go to/have gone to this school? Even if it's dangerous, it's never the kind of place that treats you like National Student Database Entry #78956723567606 or just the $1,000,000,000,000 "donation" for a new school building, and what you learn there is going to be useful.

    This is where you will find the Stranger in a Strange School, any schools which really are ordinary Boarding Schools but are in a City of Adventure, the normal Muggle public school that somehow manages to do its job well, and is the trope where you should list anything that doesn't fit under the normal examples of overlapping tropes but is definitely too awesome to be real.

    The Extranormal Institutes often fall into this, including but not limited to those that give degrees in...

    ...unless they're the kind to avoid like the plague.

    Examples of Cool School include:

    Anime and Manga

    Comic Books

    • Marvel Comics's Professor Charles Xavier founded the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Mutatis Mutandis indeed.
    • DC Comics has Mystik U.

    Fan Works



    Tabletop Games

    Video Games

    Western Animation

    Web Animation

    Web Video

    Other Media

    Real Life

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