Convict 13
In this 1920 short, Buster Keaton's golf game coincides with the hunt for an escaped prisoner. The convict just happens to find Buster right after he's knocked himself out, and takes the opportunity to exchange clothes with our hero. Hilarity Ensues.
Watch it here, on this very wiki.
Tropes used in Convict 13 include:
- All Just a Dream
- Bavarian Fire Drill: Buster gets the guards marching in formation, pulls an about face, and takes off.
- Bizarre and Improbable Golf Game
- Black Comedy
The Warden: [to the watching prisoners after Buster survives hanging] "Sorry, boys. We'll fix it and tomorrow we'll hang two of you to make up for this."
- Chase Scene
- Dream Sequence
- Dressing as the Enemy
- Failed a Spot Check: Buster, repeatedly.
- Fainting
- The Guards Must Be Crazy
- Great Escape: Presumed motive for the prison riot
- Human Ladder
- Improvised Weapon
- Institutional Apparel
- Lemming Cops: Rather, lemming guards.
- Literal Ass-Kicking
- Look Behind You!
- Loves Me Not
- Mistaken Identity
- Moment Killer: Buster's declaration of love and/or marriage proposal is interrupted by a squad of guards marching him to the gallows.
- Please Spare Him, My Liege: Possibly. It's unclear if the girl is pleading for Buster's life or telling the warden that they have the wrong man.
- Pass the Popcorn: The prisoners assembled for Buster's hanging looks like the crowd at a baseball game.
- Prison
- Punched Across the Room
- Tap on the Head: Dozens.
- Thirteen Is Unlucky
- Watch Out for That Tree
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