Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3/Funny

  • There were Valentines Day videos of the females from the game. Takara's is funny and gives an ideas of what to expect, then we get one from one of the actors in the game, Ric Flair.
  • Speaking of Flair, marketing for Uprising included videos, videos that consisted of wrestling style promos where he would be attacked by someone in a bear suit, complete with Russian hat and evil glowing red eyes.
  • During the Santa Monica mission in the Rising Sun campaign, you can find the EA Games studio not far from your base. The tooltip mentions that the space-time continuum could be irreparably damaged should it come to harm. Destroy it, and one of your soldiers declares that their ill-begotten products shall no longer take the shelves.
  • When President Ackerman betrays you in the Allied campaign, you are tasked with destroying a firebase at Mount Rushmore in order to preserve peace with the Soviets. The firebase is heavily defended, but its real teeth have to be seen to be believed; the defenders have weaponised the presidential busts. George Washington gets Eye Beams!

Allied soldier: Washington! No!
Allied soldier: Why, Jefferson, WHY?!

  • This gem from the Soviet campaign:

Krukov: "You see Commander, while you were hiding behind the barricades of Leningrad, our enemy was thrusting deeply into the Motherland's tender nether-regions."

    • Bonus points for the expression on the face of Dasha Fedorovich as he says it.
  • The various lines you hear from soldiers at certain points.

Conscript: How did the Allies get an aircraft carrier into lake? It would take many men and hours to carry!
Imperial Warrior: Satellites? Such inelegant weapons.
Engineer: Put money in bag. I will not ask second time.

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