< Combined Energy Attack

Combined Energy Attack/Playing With

Basic Trope: An attack fuelled by the combined inner power of a group of people.

  • Straight: Bob blasts Emperor Evulz with the Tropebuster, and empowers it with the energies of the rest of the Five-Man Band, as well as a number of civilians present.
  • Exaggerated: Bob uses the combined energies of everybody on the planet.
  • Downplayed: Only The Lancer adds his power to Bob's attack, and that's his main combat ability.
  • Justified: The Five-Man Band are robots, and Bob's using a Wave Motion Gun powered by Tim Taylor Technology, so he can amp up the power by using his fellow robots' energy.
  • Inverted: Bob is Unskilled but Strong, so his other four teammates use their best attacks on Evulz, while Bob adds his energy to their attacks.
  • Subverted: Bob refuses to use the Tropebuster, because Emperor Evulz might target the civilians to weaken it.
  • Double Subverted: After a World of Cardboard Speech, Bob realizes the risk is worth it to defeat Evulz, who will do far more indirect harm if he is not stopped, and uses the Tropebuster.
    • Evulz attacks the civilians anyway, so Bob shields them with a combined energy shield, before going on the attack with the combined energy and the Tropebuster.
  • Parodied: Bob is getting curb stomped by Emperor Evulz. A fly lands on his finger, and he drains its life energy into the Tropebuster and blasts Evulz across the globe.
  • Deconstructed: Tropebuster was Cast from Hit Points. A lot of people die to power it.
  • Reconstructed: They were unconscious, and reaffirm after they wake up that had they really died, their deaths would have been worth it to defeat Evulz anyway.
  • Zig Zagged:
  • Averted: Bob doesn't need any help to defeat Evulz. Or the Five-Man Band all use their strongest attacks on Evulz instead of adding their power to Bob's attack.
  • Enforced: "Emperor Evulz is strong enough to defeat armies alone. How can Bob beat him? We want him to go down in a huge Beam-O-War, not a cheap assassination, but where can Bob get that kind of power from?"
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked:
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz uses some sort of device to capture the power of the Tropebuster for his own nefarious ends, gaining an otherwise impossible amount of pure energy.
  • Defied: Emperor Evulz targets Bob's helpers before he uses the attack.
  • Discussed:
  • Conversed: "Let me guess. The whole planet is going to team up to give Bob enough power to block the planet-destroying Wave Motion Gun?"
  • Played For Laughs: Bob uses a Combined Energy Attack for Mundane Utility. Everybody in the nearest few blocks collapses. Hilarity Ensues when they wake up pissed.
  • Played For Drama: Bob uses Combined Energy Attacks to beat everybody, and becomes a Jerkass about it, seeing his teammates as mere batteries for his technique. The Five-Man Band get sick of it, and ditch him next battle. His attack pops and he becomes the victim of a Curb Stomp Battle. The Band pull Big Damn Heroes, but refuse to let him use their power for the Tropebuster until he apologises.

Quick! Return to Combined Energy Attack so that I can use your power to defeat the Big Bad!

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