"Hey, ich bin Kaddi aka Coldmirror. Man braucht mindestens sieben Gehirne um den Sinn meiner Videos zu verstehen."
"Hey, I'm Kaddi aka Coldmirror. You need at least seven brains to get the meaning of my videos."—Coldmirror on her YouTube profile
Kathrin Fricke (a.k.a. coldmirror, Kaddi or Kreatur im Spiegel) is a German Youtuber who became famous for her Gag Dubs of the Harry Potter movies. So far, she has completed the first ("Harry Potter und ein Stein” [1]) and the second movie ("Harry Potter und der geheime Pornokeller" [2]); she is currently working on dubbing the fourth movie ("Harry Potter und der Plastikpokal" [3]).
Apart from dubbing, Coldmirror does sketches on various themes, a Vlog Series and Misheard Lyrics.
Due to her enormous popularity, the German radio station You FM took notice of her and offered Coldmirror her own category on their website where she reviews new computer games ("Game Checks") twice a month.
She even has her own TV show now: Starting from October 2010, the small station Einsfestival is broadcasting "Coldmirror - The Clip Show" once a month. The 10-minute Clip Show is modelled very closely on her Youtube channel and includes Gag Dubs, Game Checks, parodies of commercials and Misheard Lyrics.
Her YouTube channel can be found here. Her parody of the first HP movie can be found in English here. As the original contains loads and loads of untranslatable inside jokes (many of which cannot be understood by anyone other than her close friends and internet stalkers) and German teenagers tend to be bad English speakers, you should really check it out if you speak some German.
- The Abridged Series: Averted, since only a few, less interesting scenes are cut; it was not Coldmirror's intention to shorten the movies. She began the Dubs before the concept of Abridged series was even invented.
- Affectionate Parody:
- All Men Are Perverts: In her Harry Potter parodies.
- Ambiguous Gender: Lucy Malfoy. Most likely he/she/it is a Hermaphrodite
- An Aesop: Geht wählen oder sterbt ("Vote or die", for 2009 european elections) and "Da hinten" ("Over there") were over the top sketches. Played straight with "Casting your vote in an election is an essential part of democracy", though.
- Author Appeal: Coldmirror sure likes zombies, Harry Potter, video games and Doug Jones.
- Big No: Parodied.
- Black Humor
- Butt Monkey:
- Dumbledore only hired Hagrid because he knew the half-giant would be perfect for the role.
- Cedric, who is constantly reminded that he will die at the end of the movie.
- The Hufflepuffs. Special mention goes to "Extra no. 27".
- Character Derailment: Played for laughs in the Dubs. The most prominent example is Fresh Dumbledore (Fresh D for short), who is basically Professor Dumbledore AS A RAPPER. Other characters include a gay Draco, a Jerkass Hermione and a butt dumb Ron.
- Catch Phrase: Coldmirror's very special way of pronouncing "Hi!", "Tschüss Kinder!" and Fresh D's "Hey Yo!".
- Character Name and the Noun Phrase: Parodied in "Harry Potter und schon wieder irgendwas".
- Cloudcuckoolander: Ron
- Continuity Nod: Many throw-away one-liners (such as Hermione learning three wikipedia articles a day by heart) are referred to in later videos and become canon.
- Cooking Duel: Dumbledore and Voldemort have a rap battle in the song "Fresh D vs. MC V".
- Media Research Failure: In two videos called "Patzer" ("bloopers") and "Patzer: Folge 2" she lists really dumb mistakes concerning Harry Potter in magazines and on websites, such as mistaking Lucius Malfoy, Snape and even Mr. Ollivander for Lord Voldemort; referring to characters Professor Snake, Sung (Cho Chang, in case you've wondered), Drago
MalfroyMafloyMalefoy and Hermione Gringer (no, not Cringer); and giving Voldemort's name as Valdemort, Voldemoort, Voldermort or Waldemort - Coldmirror suggests to rename him into He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-Correctly. - Crapsack World: In the dubs, Harry is constantly being harrassed by about every teacher, Dumbledore doesn't care about the students or protecting Hogwarts from Voldemort, he just wants to be a rapper, and the trio spends their time playing cruel jokes on Hagrid or Neville.
- Creepy Child: Coldmirror in her review on Edna And Harvey:Harveys New Eyes "Death is funny"
- Deadpan Snarker: Snape. Coldmirror herself also qualifies sometimes.
- Department of Redundancy Department:
- "It's an invisible-making Invisibility Cloak which makes you invisible!"
- Dead corpses!
- The Ditz: Neville; Hagrid and Ron show shades of this as well.
- Eleventy-Zillion: Achtzehnhundertelfundsiebzig (Eighteen-hundred-seventy-eleven), Neuzehnhundertzwölfundachtzig (Nineteen-hundred-eighty twelve)... - Dumbledore does this often, when telling stories about his youth.
- Fantasy-Forbidding Father: When she was young, Kathrin's father criticised her for staying in her room, drawing (she draws excellent) and dreaming all day and wanted her to do "something useful" instead. Maybe one reason why she hasn't had any contact with him for ten years now.
- German Humour
- Gratuitous English / Totally Radical: Fresh D wants the pupils to think he's cool. It doesn't work.
- Gross-Out Show: the "audio drama" Harry Potter und Zitronenbonbons qualifies
- Ha Ha Ha No: At 02:11
- Harassing Phone Call: Parodied in "Bei Anruf Mord!"
- Hitler Ate Sugar: The Weasley twins say this when the candyman introduces himself.
- Hufflepuff House: Lampshaded.
- I'm Your Worst Nightmare:
Harry: "Where am I?"
Voldemort: "In your worst nightmare!"
Harry: "Waking up without my penis is my worst nightmare."
Harry describes his other nightmares while Voldy gets more and more impatient. Several minutes later..
Voldemort: "In your 46th-worst nightmare!"
Harry: "Oh no! Fear!"
- Iron Butt Monkey: Attempts at killing Neville have become a popular sport at Hogwarts. They always fail.
"Is Neville dead now?" "Oh snap, Neville's still alive."
- Large Ham: Snape had a literal one at the beginning of the second movie. After a long explanation by Ron and Harry why they are late for school he just shouts “Schinken!” (which translates to “Ham”). Confronted with their dumbfounded expressions, he smugly adds that they probably weren't expecting him to say something so snappy.
- Let's Play: So far she did Let's Plays for the videogames of James Cameron's Avatar and the games of the 6th and 7th Harry Potter movies.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Geht wählen oder sterbt features nearly every popular German You Tube comedian.
- Mood Whiplash: Any video featuring her younger sister, who died in a car accident in 2007 at the age of seventeen. They wrote a hauntingly beautiful song as a tribute to her as well.
- Parrot Exposition: Parodied
Mme Ponfrey: "Everyone who ate your candy got sick!"
Dumbledore:: Got sick?"
"Yes, they all got racking toothaches!"
"Are you playing "echo" again?"
"Echo again?"
- Politically Incorrect Hero: Fresh D, Hermione in “Harry Potter und schon wieder irgendwas”.
- Product Placement: Often parodied. For example, Voldemort used the Haribo jelly sweets slogan as a line in "Fresh D. vs. MC V".
- Running Gag: In her Avatar Let's Play, she somehow managed to get stuck in the scenery every time she was driving a vehicle. Then she got stuck in mid-air while riding one of the giant birds and quit the game rather frustrated.
- Show Within a Show: "Hässliche mutierte Scheiß-Tiere suchen ein Zuhause" [4] and "Wood`s Sooper-Dooper-Shop"
- Stupid Statement Dance Mix: Some of Fresh Dumbledore`s raps are Remixes of quotes from the movies or the Bloopers from the german audiobooks
- Toilet Humor: Mostly in her early works.
- Too Dumb to Live: Neville, but Ron also fits: "Ron, don't think so hard! It will harm your brain."
- Villains Out Shopping: Voldemort spends 90% of "Harry Potter und schon wieder irgendwas" on the sofa watching TV. The rest of the time he surfs the internet and buys stuff on Ebay.