Circumstances of the Revenant Braves
Circumstances of the Revenant Braves is a Web Comic about a young man named Kanzaki Kei and the trials and tribulations he faces after meeting a strange girl named Aoyama Fio. It is drawn in the style of Anime and Manga and employs a variety of tropes and staples from several anime genres, most notably romantic high-school comedy and Shonen.
As the story begins, average high-schooler Kei is chosen for an unknown reason by a girl named Fio to help her start a club dedicated to "helping others" without any specific focus. Reluctant but unsure why, he joins her. It isn't long after this that he accidentally gets imbued with super powers originally meant for her and has to literally fight his own and other people's inner demons, called 'Vices', that feed off a person's good nature.
Soon others join the group as well and their diverging personalities have to try to get along in between solving problems, fighting monsters, and attending high-school.
It can be found here.
- Ascended Fanboy - Both Sol and, to a less obvious extent, Kei.
- Anthropomorphic Personification - The Vices, who are also The Heartless.
- Blank White Eyes
- Blow You Away - And Razor Wind, for that matter, are part of Kei's repertoire.
- By the Power of Grayskull - "Awaken!"
- Calling Your Attacks - Gensai is particularly fond of this, and usually the attack he yells out is a Homage to different series.
- Combat Commentator - Lampshaded by Fio when Sol is being Captain Obvious and talking too much during a fight.
- Cloudcuckoolander - Sol can be one of these at times, as Kei points out, ". . . and god knows what Gensai's thinking."
- Deadpan Snarker - Kei, both outloud and as Narrator.
- Dual-Wielding - Kei's swords.
- Dynamic Entry - Sol's Falcon Punch in Chapter 3.
- Eyepatch of Power - Pyrus.
- Eyes Always Shut - Phobos.
- First-Name Basis - Discussed at the end of Chapter 3.
- Genki Girl - Fio.
- Genre Savvy - Kei, Fio and Sol each have their Genre Savvy moments.
- Guns Akimbo - Ichikawa Celeste.
- The Heartless - The Vices, who are also Anthropomorphic Personification.
- Hellish Pupils - Look closely and you'll find the Vices have this characteristic.
- Hidden Eyes
- Homage - As well as Shoutouts, these run rampant.
- Hot-Blooded - Sol and his spirit partner pretty much embody this trope, but Kei and Fio get pretty passionate as well.
- Humongous Mecha - Mecha
- I Am Your Opponent - "Your new opponent is none other than Gensai Sol!"
- I Just Want to Be Normal - Played straight by Kei, then subverted when he realizes it's what he's always wanted.
- I Just Want to Be Special - Played straight by Sol, then subverted when he actually gets special powers.
- Magic Skirt
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl - Fio
- Meganekko - Celeste
- Mistaken Message - Kei receives two of these.
- Moe - Celeste. Sol even goes so far as to exclaim "Moe~" when he sees her up close.
- No Big Deal - Those infected by Vices undergo a sort of willing, subconscious amnesia.
- Nerd Glasses - Sol's, though they're not round, but square.
- Our Souls Are Different
- The Rant
- Role Playing Game Terms - "Thundaga" and its being a "high-level" spell.
- Samurai - Musashimaru, Pyrus
- Schizo-Tech - Initially seen as a normal, modern setting, the Verse is soon shown to contain airships, which are viewed as a rare sight, but not completely absurd. You may also notice there are almost no cars.
- Also handguns are considered Lost Technology.
- Shock and Awe - Gensai Sol's power.
- Shout-Out - Two of Celeste's named moves shown thus far are titled, 'Hard Boiled' and 'A Better Tomorrow' both of which are references to the similarly named John Woo movies.
- Sticks to the Back - Well, the sides. Kei's sword sheathes aren't attached to any belt.
- Strange Girl - Fio.
- Straight Man - Kei.
- Sword Fight
- Theme Naming - With a few exceptions, the character names are all Japanese surnames with Western given names.
- Time Dissonance - Musashi, in particular, brings up the length of time he's lived and its relation to human existence. Also averted when Mecha claims a week feels like an eternity when separated from Musashi.
- True Companions - "Comrades"
- Tsundere - Fio and arguably Kei's mother, Lilith.
- Unsound Effect - "KER-CUTE"
- Upgrade Artifact - The spirits are essentially this.
- We Are as Mayflies - Both ancient spirits and vices can live for an eternity.
- Webcomic Time