Ciel the Last Autumn Story/Characters
Yvienne Magnolia

"I don't have anything that I want or like. I don't wanna be anything or protect anything. If I say this to anyone, everyone gets mad, so I don't tell anyone."
Yvienne is a beautiful girl from a small village who was forced to escape to a magical academy after the lord of the manor tried to marry her. Throughout the story, she is trying to find ambition and happiness. Her field's element is the sky; time travel.
- Country Mouse
- Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Everyone Loves Blondes
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Lariatte
- Naive Newcomer
- Purple Eyes
- Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful: A mild example
- So Beautiful It's a Curse: Played with- she only ever jokingly complains about her beauty, and has no qualms about using it to her advantage whenever she has to, but others notice that because she's been able to get so much so easily with it, she doesn't know how to value anything.
- Stepford Smiler
- With Great Power Comes Great Perks: She doesn't care much about fighting monsters, but being a witch has done wonders for her social status.
Lariatte Kingdiamond

"I want to protect everyone. As much as my power can cover, including you."
Lariatte is the youngest child and only daughter of a family which is proficient in martial arts. She becomes Yvienne's familiar after she saves her from life-threatening situation. Her element of field is the water; dimension travel.
- Brown Eyes: Though in earlier art, they're green.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- The Fettered
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Yvienne
- Honor Before Reason
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- I Will Protect Her: Despite the fact that Yvienne's powers are just as great (if not greater than) her own, she still takes this stance time and time again.
- The Ojou
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Super Strength: It runs in the family.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
January Lightsphere

"I must be able to stand alone. I must do everything by myself, no matter what it takes. If I can't do that... I'll die."
January is a gentleman from the Lightsphere family; a family with a dark history and even darker secrets. He meets Yvienne in the train to Newton. His magic is initially unknown, but is eventually revealed to be the power to kill anyone without exception just by speaking their name while inside his field.
- Actual Pacifist
- Bad Dreams: Though they get better with time.
- Bad Powers, Good People
- Beware the Nice Ones: He invokes this at one point, but it's just a bluff and it exhausts him just to pretend to be threatening.
- Driven to Suicide: A few times, but he's always stopped before he can go through with it.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Gray Eyes
- Guilt Complex
- Ho Yay: With Daughter. Relentlessly.
- Iron Woobie
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Martyr Without a Cause: In his own words- "Rather than waiting to by killed, I want to give my life when it's needed. Can I not do that? Even if it's for something small?"
- The Stoic -> Not So Stoic / Adorkable
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: He lives in constant fear that this will eventually happen to him.
- The Wise Prince: Technically he's a duke, but other than that...

"Well~ As long as you're my roommate, I won't allow you to see anything harsh."
Daughter is a student (technically) who at who lives at Lowood despite never attending classes, due to his status as Krohiten's aide. He's lived at Lowood since he was a child. He was born a girl named Nicki Orenturn/Maggotte, and after the murder of his older sister/mother figure, he took part in an experiment to change his sex in exchange for a lifetime of care at the school.
- Badass Long Hair
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker
- Gender Bender
- Gender Blender Name
- Green Eyes
- Hates Being Touched: A mild example, but still evident.
- Ho Yay: With January. All the time.
- My Greatest Failure: Putting into motion the events that led to the death of the only mother figure he's ever had.
- Only One Name
- Sarcastic Devotee: To Krohiten
- Son of a Whore: Well, technically 'adopted daughter of a whore'.
- Tsundere: Mostly at the beginning, but he never quite outgrows it, especially when January's involved.
- Tsurime

"The more magic changes things, the greater the side effects become. Can you make that decision?"
A professor at the academy. He suffers from 'laziness disease' which forces Daughter to be his aide. His late wife is Carola Everett, Marion Everett's daughter from 300 years ago. He also is the Arc Dragon of the Heavens.
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Can Not Tell a Lie
- Elemental Embodiment: Of the sky/heavens
- Interspecies Romance / Mayfly-December Romance: With both Carola and, later on, Yvienne
- Oblivious to Love
- Really 700 Years Old
Yujiya Octavia Etnas

"HA! What jealousy? I'm also a teacher here! I have my virtues and pride!"
Another professor at the academy. She has unrequited feelings for Krohiten, despite already being engaged to another man. She is actually the First Princess of the kingdom, and will be queen after she marries.
- Arranged Marriage
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Informed Ability: She's supposed to be one of the most powerful witches in the kingdom, but she never actually fights anyone.
- Queen Incognito
- Royal Blood
- Secret Keeper: She is one of the very few who knows that Krohiten is the Arc Dragon of the Heavens, and has been keeping the secret for most of her life.
- Unrequited Love Lasts Forever
Tenial II

"Ah ah... boring things are happening."
The presiding king, though it's mostly a figurehead position. He's cold, sinister, and has a peculiar interest in January.
- Evil Counterpart: He's basically what January could have become if he let his awful childhood twist him.
- Evil Redhead
- Freudian Excuse: Because he was chosen to be the future king back when he was a child, he spent his entire life after that point being surrounded by enemies and watching anyone who tried to help him die.
- Kick the Dog: There were plenty of hints that the guy was no good, but raping Octavia was how we know he's evil. YMMV on whether or not this counts as his Moral Event Horizon.
- Another example occurs in volume 14, where he almost makes January kill someone in exchange for pardoning Daughter. January nearly has a mental breakdown, and Tenial just laughs at him.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
The Earth Dragon

"We shouldn't have given humanity magic power. We shouldn't have taught them language. No, we should have just destroyed the humans when they first appeared on this planet, dammit."
The only Arc Dragon whose name is unknown, the Earth Dragon is one of the most enigmatic figures in the story. He frequently appears before Yvienne and follows her in her rise to fame, keeping his identity secret.
- Ambiguously Evil
- Art Evolution: It's more obvious with him than it is any other character.
- Elemental Embodiment: Of the earth
- The Matchmaker: Attempts to be one for Yvienne and Krohiten
- No Name Given: And he intends to keep it that way
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Really 700 Years Old