
A 2008 Thai film about an autistic girl who goes after her ailing mother's debtors to pay for her chemotherapy.
A Thai woman falls in love with a Japanese gangster, but they part ways after her employers disapprove... with violence. A few months after the split, she gives birth to Zen, a girl with autism. Said autism allows Zen to master martial arts moves by watching them. She's also obsessed with chocolate, thus the title.
When Zen's in her teenage years, her mother gets cancer and needs money for treatment. Zen's friend (and occasional caretaker) Moom finds a black book listing everyone who owes her mother money. They head out to reclaim it... with violence.
Unfortunately, those people are with the same criminals that split up Zen's parents, and they're still hungry for revenge...
- Action Girl
- Agony of the Feet - Zin's boss is shot in the foot. He later cuts one of Zin's toes off.
- Badass Family - Dad's a (very good) gangster. Mom... had moves before the cancer. Their kid is unstoppable.
- Bittersweet Ending - Zen's mother is killed by the Big Bad. However, by this point, Zen has defeated everyone who stood against them... so her father doesn't have to leave again, and she is reunited with him.
- Chekhov's Gun - "Flies!"
- Confusion Fu - Zen's most dangerous enemy has Tourette's. His tics make it almost impossible for her to read his moves.
- Cursed with Awesome - Autism, as well as Tourette's apparently.
- Cute Bruiser - Zen of course.
- Disability Superpower - Zen is autistic... which gives her almost superhuman senses.
- Everything's Better with Chocolate: Zen loves it. At one point the gangsters use it against her.
- Hilarious Outtakes - A weird breed, as they're actually footage of on-set injuries.
- Important Haircut: Zen cuts off her beautiful long hair after she finds out her mother is going bald from chemotherapy.
- Kick the Dog - Number Eight on Zen, in her face, as she tries to revive her mortally-wounded mother.
- Little Miss Badass / Badass Adorable
- Non-Action Guy - Averted, Moom actually holds his own in the fight scenes he's in.
- Pac-Man Fever - Zen's playing a PlayStation 2 with a Super Famicom controller at one point.
- Reality Ensues - Subverted. Mooks swarm into the room with katanas drawn, and it looks like it's going to be an epic sword fight between them and Zen's father, until he pulls a gun and empties into their ranks. For the Double Subversion, he grabs a blade of his own and fights the rest traditionally.
- Sweet Tooth - Zen it's why the movie is named what it's named.
- Waif Fu - Done well for the most part. Zen has to build up momentum be able to knock back her opponents more than a few inches.
- What Happened to the Mouse? - Moom in the very final scene, especially since he was pretty badly wounded.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? - Zen hates flies.
- Yakuza - Zen's dad Masashi.