< Chivalrous Pervert
Chivalrous Pervert/Playing With
Basic Trope: Despite having an active interest and desire for sex, a character is ultimately nothing less than chivalrous in his dealings with the opposite sex.
- Straight: Bob is always ogling women, making lewd comments and flirting with Alice. However, when Alice comes to him during a time of great crisis, he refuses to take advantage of her when she's in a vulnerable state.
- Exaggerated: Bob has some very kinky desires and a revolving door of sexual partners...who all regard him as an absolute gentleman and hold him with great fondness and very high regard.
- Justified: Bob has a very active sex drive, but was taught to always respect women and to treat his partners well.
- Inverted: Bob is a Casanova and a Covert Pervert who puts on an air of restraint to lure in prospective sexual partners, only to coldly and cruelly discard them once he's had his fun.
- Subverted:
- Bob appears to be refusing to take advantage of Alice, but it's all an act to lure her in, and he ends up seducing or even raping her.
- Alternately, Bob has the "chivalrous" part down, but the "pervert" part is more of an annoying reputation than a real trait.
- Doubly Subverted:
- Bob is very, very tempted to take advantage of Alice, and struggles with his urges, but ultimately his better nature wins out and he refuses to.
- Of course, by "pervert" we mean "overly kinky". As for the "sex fiend" part, well that's true enough.
- Parodied:
- Bob talks the talk all the time, but whenever a woman offers herself to him he turns into a complete prude.
- It's clear that if Bob gave up the 'sex-mad pervert' act and just went with 'chivalrous gentleman', he'd be a lot more successful with women than he is.
- Deconstructed: Alice seems to be in her time of need, and Bob refuses to take advantage of her, but this is a Xanatos Gambit by Alice, and she takes advantage of him.
- Reconstructed:
- Zig Zagged: While Bob has a consistently active libido, whether he would actually rape women or not is largely Depending on the Writer
- Averted: Bob has an appropriate attitude towards sex and the opposite gender for the context.
- Enforced:
- "I'm a bit worried that Bob always leching over Alice is having a negative effect on the viewers. We'll have to write a scene that shows that he's really a gentleman underneath it all."
- "We want to make Bob as much of a Lovable Sex Maniac as possible. The fangirls will love it."
- Lampshaded: "Thank you, Bob. That was really sweet of you. Especially for a guy who's always staring at my ass."
- Invoked: Bob intentionally cultivates the impression of a sex-mad Casanova because he got his heart broken once and blames his 'nice-guy' persona; when push comes to shove, however, it's the nice guy who wins through.
- Defied: Bob is up front with his chivalrous nature.
- Discussed: "Bob might come across as a drooling, sex-mad neanderthal, but he's got Hidden Depths, Alice -- you'll see."
- Conversed: "Bob drools over every woman he sees. Why is he suddenly being so polite to Alice?"
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