< Chaos Walking
Chaos Walking/YMMV
- Non Sequitur Scene: The singing sea of things.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: The Mayor has got to get a new horse.
- Ear Worm: "Early one mo-or-ning, just as the sun was ri-i-ising..."
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Manchee, and Aaron to an extent.
- Ho Yay: Ben and Cillian. Also, 1017 and his 'one in particular', who is referred to with masculine pronouns. Davy is also hinted at having developing feelings for Todd as they change from bitter enemies to Vitriolic Best Buds during the second book. He also confessed that Todd was his one and only friend.
- And on a creepier note, the Mayor's obsession with Todd occasionally swerves from "I really, really want to be your dad" sort of creepy, to Stalker with a Crush style creepy, depending on how you look at it/the perversity of the reader. Broke your heart, did he?
- Magnificent Bastard / Bitch: Mayor Prentiss and Mistress Coyle, well intentioned extremists, Grey and Grey Morality, the Mayor's Authority Equals Asskicking, the Mistress's baroness demeanor and both their smug-ness.
- Nightmare Fuel: This whole damn series.
- Accidental?
- Woobie: Manchee. Also a prime example of Kick the Son of a Bitch because he has a tendency to bite people in the legs.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Todd, every time he loses Viola, who has the same Berserk Button.
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