< Cardcaptor Torika
Cardcaptor Torika/Characters
- Actual Pacifist: Probably as a result of her extensive martial arts background.
- Catch Phrase: "Maaaaa!" is like her version of ?Hoeeee!?
- Chinese People: Torika fits a lot of this trope, having a Chinese dad and all.
- Dreadful Musician: Implied when attempting to capture the Song Card, though could simply be an imagined flaw that isn't really there.
- Genre Savvy: Not enough to be truly dangerous per se, but enough to recognize certain tropes at certain times.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Taken to Fridge Logic levels by the Heal Card, even despite CLAMP's traditional stance to the contrary.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: Both the obvious version (the Heart Cards) and the straight version, where she can make the best use out of otherwise not very useful Star / Heart Cards, in particular Hope.
- The Klutz: No kidding.
- Lethal Chef: To the point where she can?t even boil water.
- According to Word of God, this was inspired by actual events from the creator's own experiences.
- Meaningful Name: Sakura names her "Torika" (after Tori) to keep Li and Tori from fighting. Epic fail.
- OTP: With Jeri.
- When Jeri took until the third season to show up, many thought that Torika's OTP was Tai. Word of God said no, despite how a relationship between even literal siblings would be otherwise perfectly accepted.
- Tsundere: With a spontaneously fiery temper, she?s a textbook example.
- Up to Eleven: Her magic power is even stronger than Clow Reed's!
- In the author's defense, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle came out after most of the doujinshi was finished. Tsubasa only became truly insane after Card Captor Torika had been finished.
- Like Brother and Sister: Both her and her brother Tai are this to Torika.
- Like Mother Like Daughter: Subverted from the typical batch in this series because she doesn't want to be compared to her mother, Madison.
- Sidekick: To Torika, along with just about everybody else who isn't one of Torika's (direct) blood relatives.
- Artificial Human, who once even came Back from the Dead
- Cannot Spit It Out: Tai is on both ends of this trope. Not only can he not confess his feelings to Natsume, but Torika can't tell Tai that he's Yue.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Maddy uses her own brother as a living mannequin, even blackmailing him with this at one point.
- Annoying Arrows: Natsume's magic powers usually manifest like this.
- Distaff Counterpart: For Li Showron (not to be confused with Syaoran Li), thus also acting as The Rival (briefly).
- Heel Face Turn: Thanks to Defeat Means Friendship, she joins the cast early.
- Heroic Lineage: She hails from the Fushigi Clan, who served the Emperor. (Not that Emperor. Or that Emperor. Or even that one.)
- Put on a Bus: She temporarily leaves in the Heart Arc, returning in the Emperor of Nightmares arc.
- Fangirl: to Torika, to the point where Even the Girls Want Her would seem to apply, if exclusively to Hana.
- Genki Girl
- The Miko
- Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Different than typical, but should still qualify: Li takes Sakura, still in a coma, out of the hospital to use her as a goal in Torika's Final Judgment, which involves her trying to transform all her Star Cards into Heart Cards in order to save Sakura's life. Of course, Li is fairly confident of the outcome.
- Everybody Hates Mathematics: Torika would be fairly good at it, were it not for Ms. Avery. Sakura, on the other hand, was terrible at it, even in college, where said Deria Avery helped her out... all the time.
- Hot Mom
- Ill Girl
- Not So Different: Despite much to the contrary, Sakura eventually comes to this realization about her and Torika, her daughter who largely grew up without her.
- Badass Bookworm
- Eldritch Abomination: mostly Sang
- Evil Brit: Sort of
- First Kiss: With Torika.
- Loners Are Evil
- Nice Guy: Watch out?
- Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Trailer: Jeri is quite important to the story (later on anyway), but he never got any character descriptions on the website, even after he became relevant.
- Stalker with a Crush
Deria Avery
- Meganekko: Particularly in flashbacks and old pictures.
- Nice driving, Extra!
- Sadist Teacher
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