< Cardcaptor Torika

Cardcaptor Torika/Characters



  • Like Brother and Sister: Both her and her brother Tai are this to Torika.
  • Like Mother Like Daughter: Subverted from the typical batch in this series because she doesn't want to be compared to her mother, Madison.
  • Sidekick: To Torika, along with just about everybody else who isn't one of Torika's (direct) blood relatives.





  • Dude, She's Like, in a Coma: Different than typical, but should still qualify: Li takes Sakura, still in a coma, out of the hospital to use her as a goal in Torika's Final Judgment, which involves her trying to transform all her Star Cards into Heart Cards in order to save Sakura's life. Of course, Li is fairly confident of the outcome.
  • Everybody Hates Mathematics: Torika would be fairly good at it, were it not for Ms. Avery. Sakura, on the other hand, was terrible at it, even in college, where said Deria Avery helped her out... all the time.
  • Hot Mom
  • Ill Girl
  • Not So Different: Despite much to the contrary, Sakura eventually comes to this realization about her and Torika, her daughter who largely grew up without her.


Deria Avery

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