Captain Avatar and The Avateers
Looting and Polluting is not the way, Zuko!
Based on a running fandom joke, Captain Avatar is a series of interconnected comment fics written by suzukiblu on LiveJournal that places the characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender into the roles of the Planeteers from Captain Planet. There are just under fifty commentfics written for the universe.
Index page
Unrelated to the Captain Avatar of Star Blazers.
Tropes used in Captain Avatar and The Avateers include:
- Absent-Minded Professor: Zei doesn't really get why he has to do the development side of his research and development job...
- Abusive Parents: Zuko can sleep on the street if he doesn't bring home a captured Avateer ring.
- All There in the Manual: suzukiblu has an annotated index page.
- All Your Powers Combined: Has a commentfic dedicated to it.
- Bad Powers, Bad People: Inverted. Aang believes Fire will feel cruel when added to the Avateers, because he still doesn't trust Zuko.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Ozai's new position
- Crossover
- Darker and Edgier: At least it's darker than Captain Planet.
- Drink Order: Hahn's coffee orders are... complex.
- Elemental Powers: With canons like these?
- Fusion Fic
- Gadgeteer Genius: Teo gets a lot more focus in this universe.
- Gaslighting: Teo and Haru sort of do this to Zhao, unintentionally. They keep breaking in and installing water filtration systems and the like. And Zhao's the only one who notices.
- Green Aesop: Yeah.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: And very sexy.
- Het Is Ew: Averted hard.
- Jerkass: Zhao and Hahn. Luckily they keep each other busy. Mostly.
- Knife Nut: Mai takes it Up to Eleven with her toothpick target practice.
- May-December Romance: Song and Long Feng
- Mirror Universe: One drabble flips Zuko's and Azula's alignments. It's not canon for the fic universe.
- Mundane Utility: “SOKKA! Stop using the power of heart to make impressionable kids do your homework!”
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: Zhao. According to Jee, Zuko has shades of this.
- Only Sane Man: Zhao thinks he is. His worker's comp psychiatrist disagrees.
- Power Perversion Potential: In the non-canon smut fics, Heart, so much.
- Refusal of the Call: Zuko's a bit conflicted when he gets the fire ring.
- Shout-Out: Zhao would get away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids.
- Slash Fic: In the midst of a large ensemble cast.
- Sunglasses at Night: As part of Zuko's vandalism disguise kit. Everybody makes fun of them.
- Team Pet: Appa's a dog.
- The Call Left a Message: They just find the rings, you know, lying around.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Well, Sokka feels this way sometimes, anyway.
- Your Cheating Heart: Yue has a fiancé and a boyfriend, and then there's Zuko, sleeping with both Mai and Jet. Then they catch him.
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