Camera Perspective Switch

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    This is a gaming trope where the player's perspective will change between views, such as switching from first person perspective to third person. In some games, the player has the option of switching between these views at their whim; some third person games actually have a designated button for switching to first person, usually to get a better look at something, since third person view doesn't always give a good view of details or faraway things.

    Other games handle this dynamically, without player input, depending what action the player is taking. For example, a game that's normally first person might temporarily switch into third person view as the player climbs into a vehicle. Alternatively, a game that's usually in third person perspective might switch into first person mode as your character uses binoculars or a scoped weapon.

    This is an Omnipresent Trope for racing games (in fact, most driving games will have a button specifically dedicated to switching between several different views), so don't include any examples from that genre unless it's particularly different than the usual convention.

    Also this is specifically about the camera switching perspective in-game. Cut-scenes depicting the action from a different perspective don't count, since this is specifically done for the story, not the gameplay.

    Not to be confused with Switching POV, a plot trope where a story switches between protagonists/narrators.

    Examples of Camera Perspective Switch include:
    • The first Halo game was noted for this when it first came out. Normally you see in first-person perspective, through Master Chief's eyes, but whenever you climb into a vehicle the game switches to third person to give you a better view. The game also switches to a third person camera when the player dies.
    • Deus Ex Human Revolution features first-person gameplay that occasionally switches into third person, such as when taking cover.
    • Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas allow the player to voluntarily switch between first and third person perspective, though the game will automatically switch to third person during a character's death animation.
      • Also, if the player is using V.A.T.S. the camera will occasionally switch to a dramatatic third-person shot whenever an enemy dies, showing their death in slow motion.
    • Albion has a first-person 3D perspective for dungeons and a third-person isometric perspective for most other places.
    • Oblivion also allows the same 1st/3rd person camera system as Fallout 3 and New Vegas, as will its direct sequal Skyrim, although the former was considered unplayable in third person.
    • In the Metroid Prime series, the camera switches to the third person while in Morph Ball mode.
      • Other M is mostly played in third person, aside from firing missiles or the grapple beam, where you must tilt the wiimote towards the screen to go into first person mode. The problem here, of course, is that you can't move while in first person.
    • In the 3D The Legend of Zelda games, you view switches from third to first person when using the bow or other items that can be aimed anywhere (Except the boomerang, where the camera hangs over Link's shoulder).
    • Metal Gear Solid games switch between 1st & 3rd person depending on the actions the player is performing. If you are crawling through tunnels, guiding Nikita missiles or aiming with certain weapons, the view is 1st person. Otherwise, it is 3rd person. Certain versions of the game allowed the player to voluntarily change to first-person, and from the second game onwards the player can aim weapons in first-person.
    • In God of War III, the perspective temporarily shifts from third-person to second-person as Kratos delivers a beatdown on Poseidon.
    • Minecraft allows the player to toggle into 3rd person view.
    • The 2008 Alone in the Dark game had the ability to switch between first person and third person. Generally speaking its easier to notice things in third person but easier to control in first.
    • The Call of Duty series, in it's multiplayer iterations, will switch a player's view to third person as they die, and then will rewind and switch to the opposing player's view (second-person perspective) to show how they were killed (known as the "killcam").
    • LEGO Rock Raiders: The game gave you the option of playing things from a Rock Raider's perspective. What makes this a somewhat unique example is that this game is an RTS. You can actually take direct control over a Rock Raider and move him around. While not very practical, it was mostly useful for the fun of it in a low-pressure mission.
    • A battle in Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal goes into second person perspective as a monster chases you down a halll - that is, the camera is from the monster's perspective.
    • Portal 2's co-op mode will switch the player's perspective from 1st to 3rd when performing a taunt/dance.
    • Left 4 Dead will switch to third person mode during some actions, such as when your character is applying a first aid kit, or when you've been knocked off an edge and are holding on for dear life.
    • The Jedi Knight series automatically switches between first-person and third-person view, when you switch to a ranged weapon or lightsaber, respectively. You can manually switch to third-person with a ranged weapon, but after Jedi Outcast, not to first-person with a saber.
    • Likewise, Vampire Bloodlines switches between first-person and third-person views in certain contexts, such as conversations. Interestingly, the game will automatically switch to a first-person perspective whenever the player equips a firearm, although it is possible to fire a gun in third-person - it's merely incredibly awkward.
    • Hitman games from the second one onwards allow switching to first-person view (though some animations, such as lockpicking, still force a third person view).
    • Command & Conquer: Renegade is a FPS that switches to third person when riding a vehicle or climbing a ladder. It also allows you to switch to third-person when on foot.
    • Games running on Unreal Engine 2 usually have a key (F4 by default) bound as a third-person key, letting the player change perspective when on-foot or in a vehicle (which otherwise default to first- and third-person, respectively). However, some games consider it a cheat (Killing Floor, for example, only allows you to use it in singleplayer and prevents you from leveling perks or unlocking Achievements until you restart the match if you do).
    • The Dungeon Keeper are normally played from a top-down perspective, but allow you take possession of any of the creatures under your command, switching to first person in the process.
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