< Bully (video game)

Bully (video game)/WMG

Jimmy Hopkins was the first successful experimental subject for the Soliton radar

One of his many step-fathers was a less than scrupulous tech developer. Hence, Jimmy sees a map of the surrounding area and hostile lines of view at all times in his head. He's been conditioned not to talk about it. After this experiment, it was given to government agents such as Solid Snake.

  • Jimmy Hopkins attended school with a younger Mei-Ling prior to the events of Bully. Jimmy charmed Mei-Ling into giving him the prototype of what was to become the Soliton Radar.

Jimmy will be a future GTA protaganist.

C'mon, this isn't even that wild a guess.

Gary has Malignant Narcissism

He's repeatedly called a sociopath, but he is capable of long-term planning, something most sociopaths are not capable of. His ability to network and create social bonds despite his paranoia is more characteristic of Malignant Narcissism than any other diagnosis.

  • You know there's alrealy a trope name for that.
    • I was thinking that there was some Borderline in there too. Would explain why he suddenly turns on Jimmy.

Gary grows up to become a Magnificent Bastard.

Just how magnificent he ends up being, though, is anyone's guess... at least until we get a sequel...

Jimmy is James Earl Cash.

Bully is set sometime in the 1980s. When Jimmy grows up, he ends up starring in Manhunt.

Jimmy is a Mutant.

He beat up an entire school at one time; and in one mission, you can easily have him fight 17 armed trained boxers with no visible fatigue. It's the only explanation. He's got enhanced stamina, strength, and durability.

  • He could be a robot.

Pete Kowalski is a younger regeneration of The Master waiting to take power.

Throughout the game, this supposedly meek and mild character has Jimmy's ear on just about any topic; he guides him towards acceptable courses of action, he makes plans, and by the end of the story, he's been promoted to Head Boy on Jimmy's recommendation- an unexpected behind-the-scenes manipulator, just like the Master in his subtler days. More to the point, very little is mentioned about his parentage and past: evidently, the Master's memories are once again stored away in a pocket watch, just waiting to return...

  • And so it came to pass that the Jock clique fell, and Bullworth was no more, and I looked down upon my new dominion as Headmaster of all... and I thought it... good.
    • Actually if you read the website (and consider it canon), we do know about Petey's background. He was born in Bullworth town, his dad's a librarian, and he got sent to Bullworth Academy because it was the only boarding school within walking distance of his house.

The leaders of Bullworth's Cliques and factions will soon be facing mutiny.

After the events of the game, it's likely that the members of each clique will start to view their leaders as unreliable at best, due to their defeat at the hands of Jimmy and their actions throughout the game: Derby Harrington of the Preppies treats his fellow members like slaves; Johnny Vincent of the Greasers keeps getting his members in trouble over his girlfriend's unfaithfulness; Earnest Jones of the Nerds almost got his entire clique killed because of the "nude photos of Mandy" issue; and Ted Thompson, humiliating defeat aside, now has at least one ambitious lieutenant that's stronger than him. The resulting internal Enemy Civil War will be the topic of the next game.

Gary Smith will be a future GTA antagonist

Following from a previous WMG, Gary, expelled from school, will use his knowledge and ambition to fund a type of criminal empire and may attract the services of the next GTA protagonist. Midway through, though, two scenarios may take place

    • Gary'll order the hero to wreak vngeance on Bullworth,possibly by bombing the place or shooting it up, but after seeing the innocent schoolchildren there (Well, as innocent as Bullworthians get), the hero will betray Gary and decide to get back at him
    • Gary'll backstab the hero due to his ambition, much like he did to Jimmy. Most of the game iwll be spent making Gary pay for this.

Failing that, Gary will be a GTA protagonist

Perhaps Gary could be the most amoral and evil of GTA's [rotagonist, willing to betray his own family to fulfill his ambition. He will make a ton of enemies throughout his career, finally earing the ire of everyone in the ity until he takes control of it in some way

    • If not that, then in some contrived circumstance, something will happen which will turn Gary into The Atoner, willing to give something back to the people for all the shit he pulled.

Gary goes on to become the leader of both mafias in Mafia I & II

If he can convince an entire school, including its staff that he's not a bad guy, then what's stopping him from starting gang wars? He even started one at the end of Bully!

The prefects are not students, but Private Military Company trainees hired by Crabblesnitch.

Dr. Crabblesnitch allows up-and-coming young mercs from companies like Blackwatch to patrol the corridors, which explains, among other things, why they use the same violent submission tactics that the police do. Further evidence they are not students: they never appear to go to school at all, it is impossible to appease them in a friendship, and their pictures do not count in the yearbook photo sidequest.

  • Actually, it is possible to appease them. Get a nice haircut and wear the Orderly uniform and they'll be friendly to you. Gethbot (talk) 21:26, 24 November 2013 (UTC)

Bully 2 will be set in a university.

And introduce the "Frats" clique. Self-explanatory.

BULLY takes place in the mid-to-late 80's.

All the nerds are addicted to Dungeons and Dragons, Arcade machines are still common as dirt in more than a few public places, and even the cars plus the personalities imply that this game goes pretty far back.

  • There are a few available shirts that have the number "68" on it. The arcade games could just be an anachronism, judging by the old-timey police officers and focus on the "cosmonaut" type of astronaut (height of the space race with the cosmonaut being quite more notable until the moon landing in '69)
  • I thought that too, but then I remembered about the english teacher talking about the internet.
  • The Canon explanation is that the Dev Team merged aspects of every era from the '60s until today, so that the school environment would feel at least somewhat familiar to both teen and adult gamers. Hence the mixture of a strong Greaser clique, the computers and the, for the time, modern pop-culture references.

Jimmy never went to Bullworth Academy

  • Infact, Jimmy was abandoned as a child by his neglectful mother and ran away from home, the whole game is just the story of a 15 year old homeless kid running around an abandoned warehouse imagining the whole ordeal.

Jimmy and Gary are the same person

  • Gary is Jimmy's schizo repressed side who surfaced because his mother abandoned him and he wants attention.

Jimmy is part Silence

  • This is how he manages to escape punishment so easily. Once he's out of sight of the prefects/teachers/police, their memory of his crimes only remains for a moment before vanishing ("I'll get you later, Hopkins!"... *walks away*), so the next time they see him they act as if he hasn't done anything wrong. Only Crabblesnitch has managed to get past this thanks to a series of hidden cameras constantly keeping watch on Jimmy, and he deals out detentions accordingly.

The events of the game are not what actually happened.

  • The entire game is simply an exaggerated retelling of the legend of Jimmy Hopkins, possibly as 'remembered' by Pete Kowalski or Jimmy himself. This would explain how Jimmy is capable of superhuman feats at times and why some of the missions get away with being so outlandish. The last two deserve special mention here. While Jimmy was no doubt reinstated as a Bullworth student, as was Zoe, and Mr. Burton was still fired and Gary expelled, it's highly improbable that the actual events of Complete Mayhem and the Final Showdown are the epic ending that was played through ingame. That kind of damage would have shut the Academy down for months, the riot police would have been called, and no principal is going to fire a teacher based on a student's unverified claim. It would also explain Gary's Idiot Ball distribution capabilities, as he's being made to look a lot more Obviously Evil than he really might have been. Something similar may have happened with Jimmy at Bullworth, but it's been hyped up over the years to resemble the awesome tale we play as the game.

Jimmy is dead, and Bullworth Academy and its environs are a purgatory-like state of afterlife.

  • Bullworth and the surrounding city are completely cut off from the outside world, and the student body is made up of kids from different time periods (which is why the 80's-themed Nerd clique can co-exist with the 50's-era Greaser clique) because, being dead, they really exist outside normal time. The goal is to graduate after gaining the approval and respect of the school and thus having a satisfying, meaningful youth. This is why the rules are easy to break, the punishments are light, the class schedule is easy, the prefects don't attend class, and the staff can be so oblivious. It also explains how the Head Boy can have so much power: it means gaining a position of authority under the divinely-empowered upper-echelons of the staff.

In Bully everyone is...

Jimmy is the dude in purgutory as I stated previously, Gary is the devil trying to destroy Jimmy and make him abandon his conquest for redemption and possibly to send him to hell; The prefects, police officers, teachers and other authorities are the guards in the purgotory, the girls are just female angels that decided to vacation there as residents to witness the drama there; basically it's like a soap opera to them, the random adults are residents only there, while it's purgotory to Jimmy it is the home of those adults(angels) that hobo was there to teach Jimmy a thing or to while giving him chances to do good deeds so he can be closer to heaven, when his part was done aliens didn't abduct him that was an allusion but rather he simply went back to heaven because his job was done, the other hobo is the spirit of a real dirty stinking hobo forced to stay there and symbollicaly suffer a fate of drunkeness and basically living like a stray dog like all other hobos do, however he's actually comfortable with his new eternal lifestyle and doesn't really see it as a punishment. Last but not least Dr.Crabblesnitch is the King of that whole entire purgotory of sin.

Beam Cola is more than an old fashioned soda pop.

It's some advanced futuristic health drink that apparently has the same property as senzu beans.Why else does it provide sustenance to keep you from getting hungry, and replenish health. Maybe there is more to Bullworth then what meets the eye. This could be one of the keys to Jimmy's strength.

Contradicting my previous theory Bullworth is hell.

Just like the Dragonball Z's universe hell, everyone is not tortured there like every other depiction of hell. However everyone is not pampered and treated like gold like in DBZ hell and it doesn't posses a good side or a bad side. Like other depictions of hell everyone is punished according to how they were in there past life. Similar to the legendary creature(who's name I unconviently forgot) who touches newcomers and instantly find out how there were and sends them to the perfect symbollic punishment. Who is supposed to represent that creature in that game you might ask. "Dr.Crabblesnith", that's why he's reading all the bad things he done like he's gone to prison. This hell is different then any depiction of hell ever(or at least all the depictions I know of). In here you live in a a hopeless dead end society that is similar to "Lord of the Flies" with the exception of the hell guard demons(authority figures such as prefects, and police officers) to keep those monkeys in check. That's why everytime you get knocked out(really dead) you respawn to live another day in hell. When you are apprehended by authority you are given boring labor to do. When I stated earlier you are sentenced to a fate to match your life of sin this is what I mean. You are put in one of the numerous click categories forced to suffer that and enjoy a few perks as well. Being a prep is punishment too, being a child of incest and having the flaws of a child as such whether it be apparent or not is punishment. The nerds were crooks that schemed there way to intense fortune and more then like committed the "sin of intellect" and if you don't know what that is look it up, and now they are forced to live the life of a unpopular dork. The Greasers were gang members and street trash and will continue to live like that even in the after life. I can't think of a reason of why the jocks are there or even what there punishment is supposed to be, but I'm pretty sure is something. The Bullies were angry sinners in their past lives and are now forced to live violent afterlives.Eunice was either a fat ugly whore who slept with anyone or a beautiful mean woman who looked the complete opposite as she currently does who abused drugs and alchohol and probably wore too much makeup who still whored herself out and the luster out of her and looks like that not because of genetics but because of intense sin, and is now forced to live the life of a fat ugly female that no one is attracted too, you can say she looks the same way on the outside as the inside.The little kids you see are young sinners probably. Finally Gary is the devil making life worst for everyone just like the lucifer in hell.In this hell you can apparently get an education evidenced by the classes you can take, hey it's got to have it's benefits too. You can play games and have a little bit of romance, I don't think spirits have sex drives because they don't have bodies so I don't think you can have sex. But Jimmy is the like "the newbie in prison" in here and the reason why he catches so much hellis because he was obviously quite naughty in his human life, but he ironically beats Gary(Lucifer) and now he is like another king there.

Gary Smith grows up to be Leo Kasper from Manhunt 2.

Just like Danny Lamb not being David Joiner's real name Leo Kasper might not be possible future Gary Smith's real name. It's possible the project organically programmed killer instincts in Gary's mind and erased his memories also. That's probably why Leo's(Gary) early life isn't mention despite him being renouned.Other besides that who else believes Gary and Leo Kasper look alike. Sometime in the future Gary could of did something so bad he had to leave london and move to San Andreas.

Bully is a spiritual successor to The Confusions of Young Törless

  • Musil, the author of the latter, was a wrestler and a boxer as a student; presumably so is Torless, as an Author Avatar. Jimmy is himself a fairly accomplished pugilist -- they're both not very tall, but built. Gary, with his megalomania, pretensions to being a scheming Magnificent Bastard, SS uniform on Halloween and general creepily-predatory air, is Beineberg and Reiting. Petey -- slight, awkward, mildly femme, and with a whiff of homosexuality about him not so much from his own proclivities as from his friends' -- is Basini.

Gary's perfectly executed Xanatos Gambit would of prevailed if he didn't run his mouth to Jimmy during the fight.

Mr.Crabblesnith said "he heard every word", and that's what really got Gary in trouble not him losing the fight. Dr.Crabblesnitch must have a good ear or Jimmy & Gary's conversation must of been echoing like crazy, so that would explain how the principal heard there whole fight and dialect from over a mile away. If Gary would of just shut his mouth and either won against or get defeated by Jimmy then he would of won either way. Dr. Crabblesnitch didn't half like Jimmy after Gary got done slandering his name so if he didn't know what was really going on do you think he'd still expel gary? We the viewers are pretty sure that him explaining the mechanics of his scheme where it could be heard to Jimmy during the near end wasn't part of the big plan of "taking over the school".

Getting expelled was also part of Gary's sinister plot.

Bullworth is Silent Hill.

A less traumitizing supernatural, hellish and deathful version of course. With challenges to judge one's character rather than life or death fate test.

== Jimmy goes on to lead The Third Street Saints ==]] They're both reckless, but badass leaders. Him and the boss are somehow capable of making authorities pursuing him calm down WHILE pursuing him. A large portion of their stories is based around taking over the Cliques/Gangs. They are both Made of Iron and capable of doing superhuman actions. And finally, when they actually battle their primary adversaries, the fight is pretty one-sided.

Jimmy Hopkins is actually Bruce Willis as a young man

The final battle at the end made him famous, and eventually landed him the leading role in the will-be popular tetralogy "Die Hard" when he went to seek his career as an actor.

  • Also, look at his face! The way it is when you first see him, I think the resemblance is uncanny. Coincidence?
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