< Bully (video game)

Bully (video game)/Headscratchers

  • Do the prefects never attend class or take a break? All four seem to work 8:30 am to 2 am non-stop every day. No wonder they're so cranky.
    • Why are there no female prefects, given that it's a mixed school?
      • Probably only the males go after Jimmy, although you'd think girls in this school would exploit a particular trope more.
    • Wouldn't assaulting a police officer with an explosive weapon get you a prison sentence, or at least juvenile hall, in the real world?
      • And wouldn't Jimmy have been expelled in the first chapter in the real world? Jimmy should have been arrested a lot given how many times I've thrown marbles in front of the door and pulled the fire alarm.
      • Gameplay and Story Segregation - it wouldn't be fun if you'd get arrested and had to spend the entire game in jail.
  • What in the hell does "running the school" entitle? Does Gary want to be popular/respected? Even if he "rules" the school, how would he make the Cliques do anything? The question needs to be repeated: what does taking over the school even mean?
    • Gary did eventually becomes Head Boy, which presumably gave him powers, but how messing with the school kids had anything to do with becoming Head Boy just opens a second fridge. And let's not get started on how he's supposed to use his powers since he needed someone else to do all the fighting for him...
      • In the end of game fight with Gary, he says he manipulated everybody because it made him feel awesome. So... that's reason enough. He's a creepy sociopath who gets off on screwing with everybody.
  • The boss fight against Ted Thompson took place on the football field in front of the entire school. The students were throwing explosive packed footballs at each other. Where the hell were the teachers?
  • The school is built up to be the worst school in the country. Yet, there are no murders, rapes (on campus anyway) or evidence of drug dealing. It sucks, but it could be much worse.
    • The game had enough drama based on its title alone. People would actually side with Jack Thompson and cite those as examples if it had stuff like murders and drug dealing.
    • It's a MIDDLE SCHOOL. Not some college fraternity with horny guys and vulnerable girls. It's a middle school where everyone is fighting, bullying, and torturing everyone else, guys are magnificent bastards, girls are slutty bitches, and they're not even in high school yet.
      • No, the game takes place in high school, it even explicitly states so in the game.
  • When Gary convinces the Townies to sabotage the individual cliques (before Jimmy is expelled) and Jimmy brings the Preps proof that the Greasers didn't burn their trophies...they tell him to stuff them where the sun don't shine...why didn't Jimmy beat the the living crap out of them to remind them who's boss?
    • Probably because Jimmy had lost a lot of power and popularity and wasn't as intimidating as he used to be. He seemed to know that fighting them wouldn't change a thing. Ever tried beating up a clique in gameplay and wonder why Jimmy isn't more respected or feared by said clique? Looks like we've got a case of inverted Gameplay and Story Segregation (at least, in this case).
  • In one of the missions in this game, you must take "risque" photos of one of the cheerleaders. A later mission has you graffiti over them after the guy you took them for starts posting them all over town (on account of Jimmy feeling bad for the girl). Not only do the authorities not help you take down inappropriate pictures of a minor, posted against her will, they ACTIVELY PUNISH YOU for trying to cover them up. Not to mention that simply ripping the posters down would be faster and felony free.
  • Jimmy could have avoided the entire fifth chapter GAME if he had just beaten the hell out of Gary in Chapter one.
    • Actually he could have; but keep in mind that this is fiction. Jimmy doesn't know what we do. We might have thought of punching Gary in the face in chapter one; but from Jimmy's POV, Gary wasn't giving him any reason to not trust him...despite that comment about not being on his meds. Now; if he had hunted Gary down and punched him out in Chapter two...
      • Jimmy isn't portrayed as being all that bright. I think we can ALL take solace in the thought that we are smarter than Jimmy Hopkins and saw Gary's shit coming from a mile off. Also, he HAD just arrived and didn't have any friends to warn him. It's easy to see these things with a little hindsight or watching from a distance.
    • The gym is set on fire. Mr. Burton accuses Jimmy of this and does absolutely nothing as a single fifteen year-old goes in and puts it out and saves several jocks and Mandy. Why did nobody call the flippin fire department?!?
      • Maybe explanable as so many people pull the fire alarm that they flat-out stopped coming. (The students seem to treat fire alarms as normal, even to the point where you hear one of the nerds say, "Oh boy! A fire!")
        • Actually, if you fail the mission, the fire department does come. Not sure that that makes it any better.
  • In the opening, Jimmy is driven to Bullworth through the underpass that later leads to the carnival. A "Welcome to Bullworth" sign on some grass never shows up again, and could be easily Handwaved, because a much more pressing matter has me confused. The in-game map AND paper map that comes with the game confirm that the area after the carnival is surrounded by cliffs. Swim around to this area of Old Bullworth Vale to see them up close. Not only is the carnival blocking any road they may have been traveling on, THERE IS NO ROAD THERE TO BEGIN WITH. How they fuck did the get there??? Coupled with this is the fact that EVERYONE IS TRAPPED IN BULLWORTH FOREVER.
    • I've had this theory that Rockstar swept dirt under the rug and added a "Ghost Town" outside the playable barriers. Like what they did in GTA III.
  • What exactly IS the limited edition comic? There's a two pager at the end of the player's manual in Scholarship Edition that doesn't really make much sense. Is that the comic, or just an excerpt? Is there a place where the comic is available to read?
    • The two page comic has really nothing to do with the game's plot. It's just there. But it seems like that it's somewhat related to the Halloween Mission.
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