< Buffy the Vampire Slayer < Recap < S6

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S6/E17 Normal Again

You think this isn't real just because of all the vampires and demons and ex-vengeance demons and the sister that used to be a big ball of universe-destroying energy?

A demon summoned by The Trio poisons Buffy, making her think her adventures had been all a delusion and she's really stuck in a mental hospital.

  • Absentee Actor: Anya
  • Adult Fear: Losing your child to madness.
  • All Just a Dream: Or Was It a Dream?
  • Ambiguous Situation: Buffy is injected with a poison that make her hallucinate... Or is it the other way around? According to a psychiatrist, who may or may not be a real person, she is in fact getting better -- She has been sick all along, and now she's finally waking up from years of catatonic schizophrenia. So, the whole series is either This Is Reality or a mad All Just a Dream with a dash of The Schizophrenia Conspiracy. In the end, Buffy choses her life in Sunnydale over her life in the mental institution, but the ending leaves it ambiguous whether or not the world she settled for is the real one.
  • And You Were There: Buffy imagines her manager at the Doublemeat Palace is a doctor in the mental hospital.

Female Doctor: Come on, it's time for your drugs.
[Flash back to the Double Meat Palace.]
Buffy: (confused) What?
Lorraine: I said, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were on drugs.
Buffy: (confused) Okay. Good.

  • Anywhere but Their Lips: Willow is working herself up to ask ex-girlfriend Tara out for coffee and lesbian love when she sees her greet-and-kiss another girl. From her viewpoint it's difficult to see how intimate the kiss was, but she runs off anyway. Willow tries to tell herself later that she overreacted ("I press my lips against my friends all the time.")
  • Badass Decay (In-Universe)

Spike: It might explain some things, this all being just in that brain of hers. Yeah, whips up some chip in my head, make me soft, fall in love with her. Then, turn me into her soddin' Sex Slave.

  • Basement Dweller: The Trio, though this time it's because they're hiding from Buffy in an empty house.
  • Bound and Duct-Taped
  • Completely Missing the Point: Dawn gets mad at Buffy because she doesn't exist in her delusions.
  • Continuity Nod: Buffy looks at a family photo of her parents with herself as a child -- the same child actress used in Season 5's "The Weight of the World".
  • Cuckoo Nest
  • Description Cut: Willow says that Xander has help finding the demon; cut to Xander and Spike stalking through the woods. The doctor's description of this years Big Bad as "just three pathetic little men who like playing with toys" to the Trio in their lair.
  • Despair Speech

Buffy: (very quietly) I feel so lost.
Willow: I know. You're confused. It's, it's that crazy juice inside you.
Buffy: It's more than that. (Willow frowning) Even before the demon ... I've been so detached.
Willow: We've ... all been kind of slumming.
Buffy: Every day I try to ... snap out of it. Figure out why I'm like that.

Doctor: Buffy, you used to create these grand villains to battle against, and now what is it? Just ordinary students you went to high school with. No gods or monsters ... just three pathetic little men who like playing with toys.

Xander: I altered his reality!

Willow: "Hello, Tara. Would you like to go out with me for coffee, food, kisses and gay love?"

Buffy: Some kind of gross, waxy demon-thing poked me.
Xander: And when you say poke...
Buffy: In the arm.

Buffy: (staring vacantly) I'm okay, Dawn.
Dawn: The, uh, thousand-yard stare really helps sell that.

Willow: Dawnie, you can help me research. We'll hop on-line, check all the--
[[[Smash Cut]] to Buffy in the asylum. A doctor is talking to Buffy's parents.]
Doctor: --possibilities for a full recovery, but we have to proceed cautiously.

Spike: Oh, balls! You didn't say the thing was a Glarghk Guhl Kashma'nik.

Xander: That's 'cause I can't say Glarma-- (demon hits him)

  • No Mere Windmill: Buffy reveals that her parents had her sent to a mental clinic for two weeks after she first told them about seeing vampires.
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