< Buffy the Vampire Slayer < Recap < S5

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S5/E08 Shadow

Joyce is diagnosed with a brain tumor. Glory buys things from Giles' new magic shop that can raise a monster that can find The Key.

Face it, white bread. Buffy's got a type, and you're not it. She likes us dangerous, rough, occasionally bumpy in the forehead region. (patronizingly) Not that she doesn't like you ... but sorry Charlie, you're just not dark enough.

Willow: It feels like we're going around in circles.
Xander: Our circles are going around in circles. We've got dizzy circles here, Giles.

Does this pump make my ankle look bony?

Every day was like the end of the world. She doesn't get worked up like that over you.

  • Half Truth: Spike doesn't hesitate to play up the fact that he spent the night drinking with Buffy in "Fool for Love" as meaning she's closer to him than Riley wants.
  • Idiot Ball: Buffy rushes off to confront Glory a second time because she's frustrated over not being able to help her mother. Riley responds to Spike's taunts by making out with vampire chicks.
  • Kneel Before Zod

Glory: Get up. Looking at you is hurting my neck.

Glory: Sobek, grant the power ... that it may mold this wretched creature ... that it may be reborn ... that it may serve ... Argh! Dark incantations! Always overwritten!

Anya: Reptile demon -- Sobekites were reptile worshippers.
Xander: Just once I would like to run into a cult of bunny worshippers.
Anya: (angrily) Great. Thank you very much for those nightmares.

Glory: No fair- (Buffy kicks her) attacking- (Buffy punches her in the stomach, then in the face) when I wasn't even looking! (Buffy grabs her head and begins slamming it against the wall) Ow! (She grabs Buffy's hand, removes it from her head, and slams Buffy into the wall.) No, this is no good. (Buffy rises and tries to punch her again; Glory grabs Buffy's arm and pulls it behind her) I'm out of the moment... (braces her other hand against Buffy's shoulder) and you're not giving me anything I can use.

I mean, nothing worse than a [spell] that doesn't work. Then I'd have to get all mad and kill you!

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