
In all his glory.
Vassup! Ich bin Brüno, eine gay Österreicher fashion host. Die Europäer kicked me outta die business, so I need to go to America to become über-famous.
Brüno is a mockumentary film from Sacha Baron Cohen that follows the story of Brüno, a fabulously gay man who is fired from his television show after ruining a fashion show and his lover leaves him for another man. He decides to go to America (with his assistant Lutz) to become the "biggest Austrian superstar since Hitler".
Check out ze Größe von meiner Packung!
Dieser Film umfasst examples of:
- Adaptation Expansion - Like Borat, Bruno originated in Da Ali G Show.
- Alle Deutsche Sind Nazis: Bruno addressing a military officer and Mel Gibson as "Mein Führer", giving a Heil Hitler salute during basic training, referring to himself and Hitler as Austria's greatest men, and calling Brad Pitt "Bradolf Pittler".
- All-Star Cast: The film ends with Bruno making a charity music video with Bono, Slash, Snoop Dogg, Chris Martin, Sting and Elton John.
- Zweisprachigkeitsbonus - Whatever the "terrorist leader" said before the interpreter told Bruno to get out.
- Noted because it's really a terrorist leader, and it's a real movie.
- Apparently not. It seems that Cohen made the whole thing up. They guy is a Christian Charity worker and sued Cohen.
- Noted because it's really a terrorist leader, and it's a real movie.
- Body Sushi: Bruno holds a nantaimori performance with a Mexican man, which disgusts Paula Abduhl.
- Butt Monkey: Lutz, Bruno's unappreciated and adoring assistant.
- Camp Gay: Duh.
- Depraved Homosexual / All Gays Are Promiscuous: The sheer volume of "gays are sex perverts" jokes is enough to make even the most self-deprecating homos feel nauseous.
- Enforced Method Acting: Like Borat, very little was traditionally scripted and Sacha Baron Cohen literally had to improvise as though his life depended on it.
- Fan Disservice: The talking penis in the focus group scene.
- Der Fundamentalist: The gay converter and the Westboro Baptist Church. Made all the more terrifying because it's real.
- Eine Szene Wunder: Harrison Ford gets one of the biggest laughs in literally two seconds of screen time.
- Poe's Law: Parts of the film were staged or deliberately misrepresented. Which parts are real which are fake? And does it make a difference?
- Precision F-Strike: Harrison Ford's cameo.
- Rated "M" for Manly: Straight Dave, Bruno's alter ego at the end of the film. At least until Lutz shows up.
- Refuge in Audacity
- Refuge in Vulgarity: Ohhhhhh booooooy...
- Diese Verrückten Nazis - Bruno desires to be the biggest Austrian superstar since Adolf Hitler.
- Zu Früh: Hours before the Los Angeles red carpet premiere, Michael Jackson died, so a scene in which Bruno meets his sister LaToya was cut.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Bruno, to a much greater degree than Borat, who is mostly a well meaning idiot reared in a ridiculous Ruritania. In fact, this is a significant part of the reason the film was not as well-received as Borat or anything involving Ali G, and was specifically mentioned in The Irish Times's review of the film.
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