Bro Team Pill
Premiering in July 2011, Bro Team Pill is a YouTube series described by its creator(s) thusly:
"Check out Bro Team Pill, it's video game reviews for white people... Only!"
In actuality, Bro Team Pill has nothing do with race and everything to do with delivering pithy reviews of PC games that are equal parts hilarious, satirical, and surreal. Bro Team sidesteps traditional game reviews in favor of bizarre reinterpretations of the game's characters, plot, and mechanics, with any conventional discussion of the game being used purely for comedy. Each review consists of commentary from the perspective of a stereotypical "bro," wildly creative overuse of profanity, and LOTS OF YELLING, all tied together with professional quality video editing. The series is notable for not cleanly falling into any existing category of Editing Works, as it combines a Video Review Show with elements of Abridged Series and Machinima.
Bro Team Pill has been steadily growing in popularity through word of mouth over imageboards and news aggregators, amassing nearly 30,000 subscribers and becoming featured content on Machinima, much to the chagrin of certain fans. You can watch it on YouTube here!
- AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: Used frequently, with a signature pronunciation of "woman" as "WAH-min."
- Angrish: Featured in many reviews, but most prominently in Blacklight: Retribution.
- Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption: When announcing his plan to start a new channel, Bro Team's rant about Digitom Productions is greeted by Nelson of that very group, who excitedly asks if he's working on a new video and expresses high hopes for it.
- Boomerang Bigot: About his homeland of Canada.
- Breakthrough Hit: The first Bro Team Pill videos were featured on Digitom Productions before it became a series of its own. At least one member of the Bro Team is credited in Digitom's videos, and the two channels still link to each other on their respective pages.
- British Accents: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt review features a very exaggerated cockney accent.
- Couch Gag: Many episodes have a unique audio clip after the appearance of the title and Pill, ranging from simple exclamations like "INTERNET!" to whatever the hell this sound is.
- Contractual Gag: Combined with his own running gags and mocked in the Guns of Icarus review.
"I sure hope JEFFREY shows up! Or that I end up in a SEWER!"
- Reached its apex in the Assassin's Creed III review:
I need strength, if I could become as Jeffrey- No! I'm inside the inside JOKES! [Pained] The sewers... Canada's a shithole... [Walks into a bonfire] You need to purge it from your - Firewalk with meee... [beat] Okay cool, back to skinning people alive and selling their shit."
- Crapsack World: Parodied in one of the PAX videos.
"Seattle. America. After the war [Scare chord]- Just kidding it's not of those."
- Creator Breakdown: Parodied in the Killing Floor review, where Bro Team expresses disillusionment with making YouTube videos and paints himself as being 37 years old, an expectant father, and an aspiring musician. At least two of those things are probably made up. Maybe.
- Cuckoolander Commentator: As applied to video games. Especially noticeable in the Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine video where the game's many doors and elevators take precedence over the ultra-violent battles with hordes of demons and aliens.
- "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Accidentally causes one in the Guns of Icarus review and isn't very happy about it.
- Fusion Dance: The explanation for Bro Team seemingly consisting of one person.
"Bros COMBINED to form the team, you fucking guy!"
- Free-Love Future: Combined with Crapsack World in Bro Team's take on Syndicate.
"In the future, the human erogenous brain decides when and where shit's gonna go down. Humans are mere victims to their boner motives."
- Freudian Slip: Played for laughs in the Modern Warfare 3 review.
"This shit's more interactive than your most terrifying wet dream, but in this you don't wake up before you get to suck your teacher's dick!"
- Guttural Growler: The voice used for the entirety of The First Templar.
- Hurricane of Puns: The Singularity review. Doubles as a horribly dangerous Bro Team Drinking Game if you take a shot for every "time" pun!
- I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!: Bro Team contemplates the many round objects of Singularity, including a pair belonging to a female character that seem to rob him of all free will.
"There's even balls on the front of this guy's shirt, and for some reason they make me want to do whatever this guy says."
- If You Know What I Mean: In Guns of Icarus.
"We're gonna need a specialist: Me. Specialized in one-handed cranking, and also beatin' off my stupid dick."
- Laugh Track: Also in Guns of Icarus.
- Logo Joke: When Bro Team mocked the Pill in the introduction to the Singularity review, it refused to perform in the next video.
- Malaproper: Frequent, sometimes even combined with AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle.
- Musical Episode: The Skyrim review is delivered in the form of a rap.
- No Indoor Voice: Gradually ramps up throughout the series, becoming a staple around the Painkiller review. Lampshaded in the following exchange from the Guns of Icarus:
*Knock at the door*
"HEY!" "WHAT?!"
"You got mail, man." "Oh, fuckin' THANKS DUDE!"
- Pun-Based Title: Possibly, as alluded to in the April Fools video of Cricket Revolution.
"Well it sounds like the word 'protein,' but that's not actually what's being said."
- Refuge in Audacity: One of the mainstays of the series, like the Killing Floor review's insistence that the game is about Irish police officers.
[After being asked if he thinks the Holocaust happened] "No. It's the Jews that never existed."
- Refuge in Vulgarity: The other mainstay of the series, exemplified by the Painkiller review.
- Signature Scene: Sewer levels - The perfect place to cut yourself, do drugs, and throw sweet raves!
- So Much for Stealth: Intentionally abandoned for Alpha Protocol and Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
"If anyone sees you the mission's FUCKED! ...Try to keep a low profile."
- Screams Like a Little Girl: A few times, most noticeably when he's killed by a surprise melee attack in the Crime Craft review.
- He's been known to do so in some streams as well, especially while drunk:
- Squee: During the Terraria review.
- The Comically Serious: All of the Cricket Revolution review is delivered in a calm, dispassionate tone.
- The Triple: In the review of Lord of the Rings Online:
"You will listen... You will observe... You will EAT TATERS!"
- Somebody Else's Problem: The excuse the protagonist gives in The First Templar review for ignoring a burning building and his partner's injuries.
- Unreliable Voiceover: Comes with the territory of rewriting games' plots for fun and profit.