< Brewdening Love

Brewdening Love/Drinking Game

All The Tropes and Miraheze are not responsible for any damages that result from drinking games,
including but not limited to damages to your liver and other people's cars.

A drinking game for the fanfic Brewdening Love. Created by the members of the Twilight Sucks forum.

Good luck, you brave soul.

  • Take a shot each time Joan calls herself or Edward hot or sexy. Misspellings, such as hawt or sexah, count.
    • Two shots if she spells it right.
  • Take a shot whenever she says how much she loves God.
    • Another shot if Joan commits one of the Seven Deadly Sins or breaks one of the Ten Commandments in the same or following paragraph.
  • One shot when she just acts like a total hypocrite. (Forgiving people because they're hot?)
  • Take a shot when she describes her appearance, such as clothing and make up (when she describes both, one shot because I don't want anyone to pass out because of her narcissism).
    • Two shots if it isn't slutty.
  • Take a shot for each antisemitic, homophobic or racist comment.
    • Two shots when she does all at once.
      • Three shots when she does this while insulting the snarkers.
  • Take a shot each time she dyes her hair.
    • Two shots if it's impossible for her to dye her hair in that moment.
    • Two shots if she comments on the old color.
  • Take a shot each time she spells "him" "hymn". Variations included.
  • Take a shot each time she types "smell" instead of "smile". Again, variations included.
  • Take a shot each time Joan's dad has a new job.
    • Two shots if it's in the same chapter.
  • Take a shot each time she spells a name wrong.
    • Two shots when she says "Erin" instead of "Joan".
      • Three shots each time she uses "Bella" instead of Joan or Erin.
      • Three shots for each time she doesn't even spell "Erin" right (i.e. Erni).
    • Two shots when she calls Edward "Edwood".
    • Two shots when she calls Jacob "Fernando" (or some variation).
    • One shot each time she uses a nickname, such as Ward.
  • Take a shot each time she uses a non-existent adverb.
    • Another shot when it doesn't even make sense. (For example: "He beat them up sexily")
    • Another shot when it's completely redundant. ("We ate eatingly")
  • Take a shot for each logic failure separate from anything else on this list. ("But if you haven't read the books you'd already know that!")
  • Take a shot for each sexual innuendo.
  • Take a shot for each caps rape.
  • Take a shot each time she says something that doesn't have to do with the story (A/Ns not included).
  • Take a shot each time Jenny has a new boyfriend.
  • Take a shot each time she insults the "flammers".
    • Two shots if it's in the middle of the story... (Optional.)
    • Another shot when she uses "sinners", "satan-worshipping" or variations of those two.
      • Yet another shot when she spells it right. (Like that'll happen.)
  • Take a shot when she says heathen instead of heaven.
  • Take a shot each time she uses emotions as nouns and it doesn't make sense. ("I got anger")
  • Take a shot each time Brian burns something.
  • Take a shot for each memorable sentence. ("NO PEARY GATES FOR YOU" "I AM THE FBI AND I CAN")
  • Take a shot for each time she mixes up someone's gender. ("I decide I want to be his boyfriend.")
  • Take a shot for each time she acts like a slut. ...Scratch that, too risky...
  • Take a shot each time she mentions someone she apparently knows IRL.
  • Take a shot for each mood swing. ("FUCK OFF SINNARS love you all xoxoxoxo")
  • Take a shot each time she's mean to her dad or insults him for no reason.
  • Take a shot each time she swears. Yes, misspellings and abbreviations count.
  • Take a shot for each A/N in the middle of the story.
  • Take a shot each time she rapes the bible. This includes Jesus helping her or God suddenly being her BFF.
    • Take a shot each time the Pope is mentioned.
      • Another shot if he's being mentioned along with his...popestick or the Pope Mobile.
  • Take a shot each time she says "Christian".
  • Take a shot each time Joan is about to have sex with Edward BUT REFUSES IN THE LAST SECOND because she's a good Christian.
  • Take a shot each time she says she wants to marry Edward or can't wait to.
    • Take another shot if she spells "marry" with an e.

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