< Borderlands < Characters

Borderlands/Characters/Borderlands 2

All characters originated from the first Borderlands can be found here.

Playable Characters


  • Badass Native: Salvador is actually a native of Pandora and was the defender of his village.
  • Fighting For a Homeland: Salvador is fighting Hyperion because when they accused everybody that is inhabiting Pandora of being 'bandits', it really means everybody that is not a part of Hyperion.
  • Guns Akimbo: Can actually dual-wield every gun in the game, from pistols to Rocket Launchers as his Limit Break.
  • More Dakka: One of his skill trees is focused on fire rate and the like.
  • The Napoleon: He is a dwarf, caused by a lifetime of steroid abuse.



  • Dead Wife: He wears her dogtags as she was in the military just like him.
  • The Engineer
  • The Turret Master: Moreso than Roland due to his much more advanced Longbow turret. It can even stick to walls and ceilings!


  • Calling Card: His name is Zer0, but he is called this because when he assassinates someone, his faceplate lights up to a red zero.
  • Emoticon: Zero doesn't have facial expressions since he is obviously wearing a mask, so his faceplate lights up to show his emotions such as :) when he kills.
  • Expy: Of Snake Eyes. Early concept art even had him wearing a similar grilled visor.
  • For Massive Damage: Zer0's playstyle revolves around the hitting a critical point. When invisible, enemy weak points are highlighted for him.
  • Invisibility: Sends out a decoy while he turns invisible Predator style.
  • Lucky Charms Title
  • Ninja
  • No Name Given
  • Sword and Gun: Has a skill called "Be Like Water" that advocates using both his sword and guns in tandem.

The Mechromancer


Handsome Jack

  • Author Avatar: Burch pretty much describes Handsome Jack as all the pent up rage he has with humanity except he is 'handsome'.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: He took over Hyperion, declared himself Dictator of Pandora, blocked the light by building a base right in front of the planet's moon, and claimed credit for the finding of The Vault and the slaying of The Destroyer.
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