< Boobs of Steel

Boobs of Steel/Playing With

Basic Trope: Cup size indicates fighting strength.

  • Straight: Alice, who is not very busty, is White Magician Girl; Barbara, who's not very well endowed, is the Fragile Speedster; Charlene, who is moderately busty, is a decent fighter. Dorothy, sporting DD's, is a Lightning Bruiser.
  • Exaggerated: Any woman who has any fighting skill whatsoever has at least D-Cups.
  • Justified:
    • Dorothy is the oldest, so it's natural that she'd be better endowed, as well as have more fighting experience.
    • Dorothy had been working out and building up her physical strength, largely as a way of adapting to the weight of her breasts.
    • The appearance of large breasts comes from the large pectoral muscles underneath those breasts.
    • Dorothy is an android, and her breasts are literal weapons
  • Inverted:
    • Smaller breasts make better fighters.
    • A flat-chested girl is an excellent close-combat fighter since she has very small "sensitive dangly parts".
    • A female character's skill in melee combat is indicated by the size of their butt and/or hips.
  • Subverted: Dorothy holds her own pretty well in battle, until she loses to Esther, who is an A-Cup.
  • Double Subverted: But when Esther joins the group, they discover that she binds her Gag Boobs to keep them out of the way.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice becomes a better fighter after a boob job.
    • Alice has huge fists for breasts.
  • Deconstructed: While a skill fighter, Dorothy can't fight at her full potential because her breasts. However she's willing to take that risk since her breasts have made her popular with the guys
  • Reconstructed: Normally Dorothy breasts would get in the way in a fight but thanks to a special sports bra made for her, she can fight at her full potential.
  • Zig Zagged: Dorothy decides to get a breasts reduction to become a better fighter. However her smaller chest causes her to lose self-confidence which in turn affects her fighting abilities. She then decides to have surgery to make her busty again
  • Averted: Fighting women come from all areas of the cup-size spectrum.
  • Enforced: "It's either this or we make her more muscular. Which one's more appealing?"
  • Lampshaded: "Be careful of that one, anyone who can fight and lug those things around is no joke"
  • Invoked: Esther got a boob job to become a better fighter.
  • Defied: "I can't fight with these things!"
  • Discussed: "No woman would fight hanging out like that."
  • Conversed: "No wonder she so strong. Fighting with a chest that big is probably one hell of a workout."
  • Exploited: Prince Casanova often paints himself get as a Gentleman in Distress or attends the finals during the Tournament Arc. He does this in hopes attracting the attentions of strongest lady fighters, for bodyguards, especially since he could be certain of their physical attributes.
  • They Plotted a Perfectly Good Waste: It's supposed to be symbolic for something. Clyde, a fan of Fantasmic, guesses "Maybe it represents muscle?"

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