Bob and George/Characters
This is a list of characters and related tropes in the influential webcomic, Bob and George. Unmarked spoilers ahead.
Main characters
Mega Man
The main character before the introduction of Bob and George. A robot created by Dr. Light to be his lab assistant. While not fighting Robot Masters, he is an idiot, as per his secondary function. When carrying out his primary function to fight Robot Masters, he is cunning and intelligent.
- Achievements in Ignorance
- Arm Cannon
- Contractual Immortality: Before the introduction of Bob and George
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He's deadly when fighting Robot Masters. When he's not, he's an idiot. He's programmed that way.
- Mega Manning: Obviously. Though he uses it more creatively then in the games.
- Indy Ploy: Some of his weapons.
- Too Dumb to Live: Played with. He actually seems to be too dumb to be killed.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Ice cream
Proto Man
Megam Man's older brother and the prototype Robot Master. In contrast to Mega Man's stupidity, Proto Man is more or less this comic's version of Batman.
- Arm Cannon
- Cool Shades
- Crazy Prepared: His contingency plans for the final battle up to least "Plan R".
- Genre Savvy: He reads the comic so he knows what to do next.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: They provide enhanced vision. And they look cool.
- I Call It Vera
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Uses his Proto Shield to deflect just about anything.
The Author
The Author of the comic. An all-powerful being who directly interacts with the characters on many occasions.
- Author Avatar
- Author Guest Spot
- Palette Swap: A purple, helmetless recolor of Mega Man.
- Weirdness Magnet: When he leaves, life returns to normal.
A superhero from the hand-drawn comic world. He has Lightning powers and crippling self-esteem issues. Trapped in the Mega Man universe as part of a ploy to trap Bob there instead. Makes friends with the cast and lives at Dr Light's lab. The entire arc of the comic gives him Character Development, in contrast to the most other characters.
- Ascended Fanboy: Grew up playing the Mega Man games in his home dimension.
- Batman Grabs a Gun: It takes the whole comic, but George eventually realizes that shooting Bob with his until-then-unused Arm Cannon is the only way left to stop him.
- Berserk Button: Not liking ice cream.
- Cain and Abel: With Bob.
- Code Name: Blitz.
- Dude in Distress: Captured several times.
- Forgot I Could Fly: Hangs from Dr Wily's ceiling for months because he forgot he could just use his powers to escape.
- Lightning Can Do Anything: He gets more and creative with his powers as time goes on, even managing to teleport using them in a manner just as effective as Dr. Light's robots.
- Shock and Awe: He also uses his powers to attack.
- Palette Swap: A light-blue and gray recolor of The Author with blonde hair.
- Plot Armor: Invokes this on several occasion, sure a contrived Plot Device will save him.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch
It's called the conservation of energy, bitch!
- Trademark Favorite Food: Ice cream
George's younger brother. He was an aspiring supervillian his home dimension. He initially tries to continue that in the comic, but eventually gets fed up and retires to Acapulco. Until the Author pulls him back in. he doesn't take that very well.
- Above Good and Evil: Bob claims he and George are this. George doesn't agree.
- Arm Cannon: The most powerful one shown. He only charges it once. It blows up a fortress. Its regular setting is enough to defeat most foes instantly.
- Big Bad: Ultimately he's the final foe.
- Burning with Anger
- Cain and Abel: With George
- Code Name: Napalm. He briefly changes it to Darth Volcanus at one point.
- Cool Shades
- Deflector Shields: His "plastic wrap shielding".
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: It takes an insult about his mother to distract him during one battle.
- Fiery Redhead
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: The same as Proto Man's.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: He has them, and they claim his mother sent them.
- I Work Alone: He gives as a reason not to join Mynd.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: He rarely uses it, but it is there.
- Kill It with Fire:
- Palette Swap: A grey and black Proto Man recolor.
- Playing with Fire
- Rage Against the Author:
Secondary characters
A robot built by Dr. Wily to defeat Mega Man. He spends most of his time at Dr. Light's lab hanging out with him instead.
- Always Someone Better: Built to be this to Mega Man in every way. Including stupidity.
- Arm Cannon
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Combining Mecha: With Treble.
- Go-Karting with Bowser: Whenever he's not fighting Mega Man, he usually hangs out with him and the two try to find something stupid to go do.
- Ship Tease: With Roll.
Mega Man X
Built as Mega Man's replacement, Dr. Light took no chances, wishing to make him the ultimate lab assistant by giving him personality traits that would make him unable to fit in with any other robot. His future self appears as part of several Time Travel arcs.
- A God Am I
- Ambiguously Gay: With Zero.
- Arm Cannon
- To George during his drug-induced hallucinations.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Built to be this to Mega Man. Dr. Light introduces him to Mega Man as "your replacement".
The ultimate weapon built by Dr Wily, responsible for the Cataclysm that killed the cast of the original games. His future, heroic self appears with X in several Time Travel arcs.
- Ambiguously Gay: With X
- Arm Cannon
- Laser Blade
Dr Light
The creator of most of the robots and a mean drunk. His lab is the primary setting, inhabited by what he describes as "ungrateful robots" and "freeloaders".
- Mr. Exposition
- Sophisticated As Hell: Alternates between being completely drunk and slurring his words to delivering long strings of technobabble.
- Parental Favoritism: Towards X
- The Alcoholic
Mega Man's sister, a foul-mouthed little spitfire in stark contrast to her depiction in the games.
- Arm Cannon: Unlike in the canon games, she fights alongside the rest of the cast on several occasions.
- Cool Shades: In her battle armor.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Distaff Counterpart: Is more less this to Proto Man when she fights, and is definitely this in personality.
- Little Miss Badass
- Ship Tease: With Mike
Originally a Yellow Devil that attempted to kill the cast. After his defeat, Dr. Light rebuilds him with another personality and he participates in several battles in defense of his new friends.
- Arm Cannon: He has one, though he rarely uses it.
- Blind Without Them: His "power crystal" is his giant pair of glasses. He's near-sighted.
- Fusion Dance: With Proto Man and Bass, to become "Protean" and "Bate", respectively.
- Leet Speak: His official designation is N4-T3
- Talking with Signs: Communicates via this.
- The Speechless: Has no mouth. During a Freak Friday Flip, he's able to speak normally while in Mega Man's body.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Can alternate between his "human" and Yellow Devil forms at will.
One of Mynd's minions, who can alternate between a Slash Man form and a Purple Devil form.
- Fusion Dance: With George to become Charge.
- Heel Face Turn: Betrays Mynd and joins the rest of the cast later, living at Doctor Light's lab.
- Leet Speak: his official designation is C1-14D-L 1 N 6
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: Under Mynd's control.
- Palette Swap: Of Slash Man, though that character doesn't actually appear in the comic.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Ice cream.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Can alternate between his "human" and Purple Devil forms at will after Mynd's control is gone.
- Wolverine Claws
Mynd's other minion. Mike is human unlike most of the cast.
- Calling Your Attacks: He does so, though they are nonsensical.
- Cyborg: Dr. Light give him robotic limbs after he's rescued.
- Death Is Cheap: Though he falls off a cliff and breaks his limbs, he survives by getting squirrels to bring him food.
- Heel Face Turn: After being rescued, sometime after his defeat.
- Highly-Visible Ninja
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Hates being called "Ninja Ned", which is Roll's nickname for him.
- Palette Swap: A red and black one of Mega Man, with Proto Man's Shield
- Ship Tease: With Roll.
- What Measure Is a Mook?? Discussed even after his Heel Face Turn.
A robot built by Kalinka, the daughter of Dr. Cossack. Built from such cheap Soviet parts that a single blow from anything kills him.
- Arm Cannon
- Body Backup Drive
- Calling Your Attacks: COSSACK BUSTER!!!
- Death Is Cheap: Cheaper than fixing him, apparently.
- Glass Cannon: Ran dies when hit by anything. His Cossack Buster is the most powerful Arm Cannon in the comic.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder: Dies if hit by anything. Even a strong breeze.
- Running Gag: His death.
- Spirit Advisor: For Mega Man during his drug-induced hallucinations.
- They Killed Kenny: Ran has a generator pod that automatically beams a new body in for him any time he dies.
- Why We're Bummed Communism Fell