Board James/Funny
- In the review for Dragonstrike, the narrator on the VHS tells James to check if anyone's watching, and Po passes by the window.
- The Mr. Bucket review. Mr. Bucket is cornering James with no escape, and Motherfucker Mike comes in the room. You'd think he'll end up saving James, but then this happens:
James: Get away from me! Suck HIS balls!
- From the same episode:
James: I turned you off!
Mr. Bucket: But you turn me on!
- Before any of that, the absolutely appalled looks on the faces of James and Mike when they watch an old commercial for Mr. Bucket.
- From the Donut Disaster video.
Bad-Luck Bootsy: I like my coffee how I like my women. *sips coffee* WITH MY DICK IN IT! *pelvic thrust* BOINK BOINK BOINK BOINK.
- Pretty much the entire Doggie Doo video, but here are a few gems:
Mike: Doggie gonna make little doo-doo, or doggie gonna do big shit?
Either Mike or James (not sure which) in a dog-like voice: DOGGIE GONNA DO A BIG SHIT!
(The dog shits)
- And right after they react to it:
Mike: Ohhh, it's nuclear shit!
James: What kind of toxic waste does this dog shit?
Mike: Nuclear dookie!
James: Nuclear dookie? It's nukie dookie!
Mike (singsong): Nukie dookie, nukie dookie, nukie dookie!
- And James summing it up at the end, more or less in his usual manner of reviewing:
James: Now, seriously. It's a game... where a dog shits!
- Seems they're passing over game play in this one.
Mike: So, how do we play this game?
James: Who cares? It's a dog that shits!
Mike: That's what I was thinking!