< Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: At the announcement that a new Blue Beetle series starring Jaime will launch in September 2011 as part of DC's massive relaunch.
    • Unfortunately, as partially detailed below in Unfortunate Implications, it would appear this reboot is... less than stellar. Aside from the various implications, Jaime's relationships and interactions with his support team of family and friends, one of the key and unique charms of his original run, have been completely made over into more standard dynamics of teenage angst and rebellion.
  • Broken Base: A few honestly enjoy the Post-Flashpoint series, others do not because of its left turn into Darker and Edgier land. Issue #6 did not help at all.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: All three Beetles may not have a lot of fans, but they're damn supportive of the characters.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The armor superficially resembles Blue Beetle's armor in Kingdom Come.
  • Replacement Scrappy: It took a while for fans to warm up to Jaime, mostly because Ted Kord was given an abrupt death via Bridge Drop. Sadly, some fans still aren't over it.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: As noted above, the New 52 Beetle series has gotten a mixed reaction from fans who missed the light-hearted nature of the previous volume.
  • Too Good to Last: Jaime's solo series got canceled. Then he got a back-up in Booster Gold. Then that got canceled. He's still showing up in other DCU books... assuming those don't get canceled too. Despite the high critical praise of the stories, the readership never seems to hold out for him. To be fair to editorial, his solo series sales were low enough they warranted cancellation long before the book actually ended. Editorial liked the book to let it reach a natural conclusion before ending it.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Why is Paco a thuggish gangbanger in the reboot? Is there any reason save for 'he's hispanic?'
    • To show trick the scarab-possessed Paco that Jaime is serious about his apparent Face Heel Turn, he attacks Brenda in front of him. His choice of attack? A Pimp Slap. Now go back to the main page and take a look at the first trope associated with Brenda.
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