< Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle/Awesome

  • The Grand Finale of the Reach Story Arc has moments for everyone in the main cast.
    • One specifically sticks out in this troper's head. At one point Blue Beetle's younger sister gets separated by an explosion, and it seems as though she'd been killed. We see later that she's talking to someone, when we find out who it is, well it's not good for The Reach:

Milagro: I know you. My brother calls you the crazy one.
Guy Motherfuckin' Gardner: That's right baby girl, I'm the crazy one.
Random Reach Grunt: We're dead.

    • Milagro also sports the same stupid grin as Guy when he says that.
    • Also, Jaime causing an amazing Villainous Breakdown for the Reach's Negotiator, who has been monitoring Blue Beetle's signal to ensure he hasn't contacted any of the other heroes regarding the Reach's plans. How does Jaime get around this problem? By sending a letter to Batman and Oracle to clue them in on the plans the Reach have on Earth. Bonus points for getting Dani Garrett, granddaughter of the orignal Blue Beetle to hand it to Oracle personally.
    • 'Traci 13 single-handedly averting a mass fridging of the entire supporting cast.

Traci: Hi. My name's Traci 13. I'm dating your son. I brought cookies.
Milagro: I like her.

Peacemaker: I'm Peacemaker. This is the Posse. Welcome to El Paso!

Alberto: This is what happens on Earth when you mess with a man's family.
Peacemaker: Freakin' a.

Brenda: (pointing a gun) Hi. We haven't met. I'm Brenda.
Paco: (holding a stick) I'm Paco. And I'm going to hit you with this stick until you get the #&%$ off my planet.

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