
Bloodlines is a spin-off series of the Vampire Academy series written by Richelle Mead. The series follows Sydney Sage, an Alchemist who is assigned to protect Jill Dragomir, a Moroi princess and the illegitimate half-sister of the new Moroi Queen, Vasilisa Dragomir.

Jill, Sydney and Jill's dhampir guardian Eddie Castile enroll in the human boarding school, Amberwood Prep. However, they are not as safe as they initially thought.

The books, in order of publication:

  • Bloodlines (August 2011)
  • The Golden Lily (coming May 2012)
Tropes used in Bloodlines include:
  • Abusive Dad: Sydney's father.
    • More like super strict and blinded by his "golden boy" Keith.
  • Academy of Adventure: Amberwood Prep.
  • Back from the Dead: Jill, who was brought back by Adrian after getting killed during the first attempt on her life. Also, Lee comes back from being Strigoi.
  • Berserk Button: Do not threaten or harm anyone Sydney cares about. She'll make you pay dearly for it.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Eddie and Jill bursting through the door to save Sydney and Adrian.
  • Came Back Wrong: Lee. He misses being a Strigoi so much that he's killed lots of people (including his own cousin) so he could turn back again, though he fails.
  • The Cameo: Rose.
  • Chekhov's Gun: the amulet that Sydney has to make for Ms. Terwilliger turns out to have quite a bit of significance later.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Sydney's lesson in punching came in handy later on.
  • Eccentric Mentor: Ms. Terwilliger.
  • Elemental Powers: The Moroi have these, each excelling at either earth, air, water, fire or, to a rare extent, spirit.
  • Fantastic Racism: The Alchemists see the Moroi and dhampirs as unnatural and evil despite the fact the the Moroi and dhampirs are mortal beings like humans. If an Alchemist is seen being even remotely friendly and sympathetic to a Moroi or dhampir, their loyalties are questioned. Not to mention they might be sent to a re-education centre for it.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Sydney's father is so fond of Keith that he fails to see how immoral he really is. On the other hand, he fails to see Sydney for how loyal, talented and dedicated she is.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Eddie feels this way towards Jill.
  • Jail Bait: Yes, Jill is still known as this.
  • Jerkass: Keith. He becomes a Complete Monster after it is revealed that he raped Sydney's sister, is trying to get Sydney out of the way since she knows about it and that he is an all around immoral bastard who's betraying the Alchemists for his own gain.
  • Killed Off for Real: Lee in his last attempt to turn Strigoi.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Adrian and Jill.
  • Living Forever Is Awesome: Lee has this attitude towards being a Strigoi.
  • Power Tattoo: The Alchemists have tattoos that stop them from talking about vampires and their own organisation. The tattoos also give them a better immunity system than normal humans. Many students at Amberwood Prep also get these tattoos without the knowledge of the Alchemists. The tattoos either give them an athletic boost or work to make them feel high.
  • Psychic Link: Jill has one with Adrian.
  • The Reveal: Bloodlines has a few of these, particularly about Sydney, Abe and Keith's history.
  • Royal Blood: Jill, who recently found out she's a princess.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Sydney.
  • The Unfavourite: Jared Sage likes Keith better than Sydney and her sisters. Mainly because he sees Keith as the son he never had.
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