Blood Bond, Blood Omen Series
The Blood Bond, Blood Omen fan fiction series starts with a few connected one-shots detailing the actual everyday life of Kim Possible and the rest of the cast of characters. Ominous foretellings are made in these one-shots as well as setting up and establishing the connections between Kim, Ron, Drakken, Shego, and a multitude of characters.
Then everything goes to hell.
This series is notable for taking a basic sitch and turning it Up to Eleven and is also notable for its unrelenting Gorn in the later stories and horrifyingly detailed description of just how close to the end the world comes.
This is Kim Possible gone Darker and Edgier on the brink of The End of the World as We Know It.
The author's page has a list for the order in which to read the stories. Highly suggested following for maximum impact.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: The Lotus Blade
- Alternate Universe/Discontinuity Nod: A Sitch in Time is referenced as a plot Tiamat used to take over the world; while it was erased from time, neither the Unshaper nor the universe entirely forgot about it.
- Alpha Bitch: Bonnie. She gets better as the stories continue and give her Character Development.
- And I Must Scream: All the people that were being used by the Unshaper would have remembered exactly what they had done. Kim and Ron use magic to give a mercy brain wipe to everyone that deserves it.
- And the Adventure Continues...: The epilogue has Adrena Lynn puts on tech equipment and adopts a new villain name and an agenda of vengeance against those she blames for her disfigurement.
- Anyone Can Die
- Apocalypse Wow
- Armor Is Useless: Subverted. Gemini's adamantine armor helps to protect him, but isn't able to stand up to the supernatural power that he's against.
- Asshole Victim: Monkey Fist
- The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best In People: Most of the humans that keep their minds team up to face off against the Ultimate Evil.
- The Artifact: The Lotus Blade which is actually the original stone knife that Kim and Ron's first incarnations used to defeat the Unshaper the first time.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Behemoth when he uses his power to grow, Leviathan.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Kim and Ron, Monique and Felix's mom
- Badass Army: The heroes against a Redshirt Army of potentially infinite soldiers plus another Badass Army to boot.
- Badass Teacher: Barkin
- Bear Hug: This is how Gemini's fate is sealed, though he gets the last laugh.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Ron loses it when Kim gets seriously injured and becomes a Knight Templar for a short while, shocking everyone with how close he comes to going too far.
- Big Damn Heroes: Happens for both the heroes and the villains in various waves.
- Bilingual Bonus: Some parts of the story are in Spanish. Justified since the Go siblings were all originally Hispanic and were raised with Spanish as their first language.
- Bittersweet Ending: While they managed to defeat the Enemy to All Living Things, save the world, and remove the memories of those that were innocent pawns so they won’t go My God, What Have I Done?, those that are still alive have to deal with the wreckage of a planet that’s left, those that died stay dead, and Drew and Sheila have lost all memories of their time with each other from even their first encounter.
- Bloodier and Gorier: MUCH, MUCH more than Kim Possible ever had. And the last story in the series takes everything previous and turns it Up to Eleven.
- Bloody Murder
- Body Horror: The Go siblings mutating, the various nightmarish deaths that occur throughout the series, Kim and Ron’s bodies warping into physical manifestations of their respective spectra, order and chaos
- Breather Episode: The one-shots that occur between and in the middle of the two longer stories. Very much welcomed and needed.
- Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: Sensei and Frederick use their lives to cause enough damage to the Unshaper to release its hold on Drew.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer/Ditzy Genius: Drew. That is the reason that the Unshaper wanted him in its army.
- Chekhov's Gun: The Mc Henry laser grid, the Lotus Blade, adamantium
- Chekhov's Gunman: Many occasions, including Frederick up in the space station and Drew after he fell from Tiamat's transport.
- Chosen Ones: The Scarred Warrior and the Laughing Magician
- The Corruption: Normal people become creatures called Ravers, human in appearance alone.
- Cosmic Horror Story
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Too many to list, though the death via Mego/Behemoth bursting out of a woman's chest a la Alien ranks up there.
- Dance Battler: Kim /The Scarred Warrior
- Darkest Hour
- Dean Bitterman: The school principal
- Determinator: EVERYONE
- Did We Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?: This is how Tiamat's visit to Yamanouchi goes at first.
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu??: Monkey Fist does this to Tiamat by mooning her and slapping his butt. She vaporizes him a few moments later in a fit of rage.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?
- Disproportionate Retribution: What Shego did to Adrena Lynn just before ‘Thunderheads on the Horizon’.
- Dissonant Serenity: Shego turned Tiamat looks pleased as peach as the carnage at the GJ base is shown on the screen to the heroes.
- Drowning My Sorrows: How Sheila and Drew met.
- Earn Your Happy Ending
- Eldritch Abomination: The Unshaper, which wants to eat the Earth and, eventually, the universe.
- The End of the World as We Know It: The series starts right before the apocalypse rolls into motion.
- Enemy Mine: Everyone that hasn't gone insane or been 'recruited' comes together to fight for the right to stay alive.
- Enemy to All Living Things: The Unshaper. Literally.
- Even the Dog Is Ashamed: This is why you should try not to go on Knight Templar Roaring Rampage of Revenge Curb Stomp Battle binges.
- Explosive Leash: How GJ ensures that Drakken won’t try to screw them over when he turns himself in to get help for Sheila/Shego.
- Face Heel Turn: Shego once Sheila starts to dig her way out of the mental block.
- Fate Drives Us Together: Most of the main cast
- Fighting From the Inside
- Flashback Echo: Kim and Ron with their past lives. Crosses over with Bad Dreams.
- Four Is Death
- Fridge Logic: Discussed in the story as to how the Go glow actually works seeing as they all break some sort of universal law.
- Friendship Moment: Spattered throughout the series, even in the last few chapters of the last story.
- Gorn: It's described in such detail that very few could complain of lacking realistic descriptions.
- Genre Shift: From Slice of Life stories to action/horror.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: All of the villains associated with the Big Bad.
- A God Am I/Physical God: Tiamat; justified being the Avatar of the Unshaper
- Good Is Old-Fashioned: Hego thinks this is it and acts like a Silver Age hero, complete with prejudice.
- Good People Have Good Sex: Kim and Ron. A lot.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: The scars Kim gets after surviving Shego going nuclear in the lunchroom serve as a reminder to most of the sacrifices she's made for them. The scars she has at the end are echoes of her original life in the tribe. Mego also ends up with one at the end from damage taken as Behemoth.
- Grand Theft Me: Drakken, Shego, and the Go siblings. Specifically Shego/Sheila since she is used as the eldritch abomination’s Avatar.
- Harmless Villain: Drakken and Shego due to suppressing the desire to destroy the world that the Unshaper tried to force on them. They unconsciously nerfed themselves to try and save everyone else.
- Hell on Earth
- Horsemen of the Apocalypse: The Go siblings
- Humongous Mecha: One is built for Rufus to fight in the final battle with.
- I Am Legion: Wegoes/The Legion themselves
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: "You're still calling me Drew."
- I Will Find You/I Will Wait for You: It crosses time AND space to come to a conclusion.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Some of those that go insane begin to feast on those that haven't.
- Improbable Weapon User: Killigan and his exploding golf balls as well as his golf clubs.
- Insignificant Little Blue Planet: Because of this and the larger goal in mind, Tiamat begins a bit of a Motive Rant during her Evil Gloating. The heroes’ respond with Shut UP, Hannibal and give a "The Reason You Suck" Speech in response.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: Part of the reason Drew ended up so alone.
- It's All My Fault: Sheila believes this due to the Unshaper using her as its main Avatar.
- Kamehame Hadoken: Kim uses a ridiculously powerful laser blast to try and kill off most of their enemies in one shot. It barely buys them time as Behemoth regenerates, Legion produces more of themselves, and Abaddon is simply blasted off for several miles.
- Karma Houdini: Gil got off way easy considering that he willingly submitted himself to the Big Bad for power and the chance to destroy the world.
- Kick the Dog: The Unshaper attacks the last remaining humans using their former loved ones as the soldiers via Psycho Serum Mind Rape.
- Kill'Em All: The Unshaper’s goal for the universe is to have this happen.
- Killed Off for Real: Shego, Drakken, Gemini, Dr. Betty Director, Sensei
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Everyone forgets that the Go siblings were the heralds of the apocalypse save for Kim, Ron, and Colleen (via a magical loophole; she opts to forget in the end). Drakken and Shego also forget all their time together and most of the last several years. All they remember from that time is each other's name and that they love each other dearly.
- Last Stand
- Lawful Stupid: Hego until he gets further tainted from The Virus.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Even the most normal of people grab a weapon and get ready to fight for their lives.
- Ludicrous Gibs: Averted. All the gore and death is described in loving detail with the weapons doing the appropriate amount of damage.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- Mighty Glacier: Abaddon
- Mind Rape: Looking at the true form of the Unshaper or seeing into the future does this to some of the people in the story. Complete with mercy killings!
- Mind Screw: Incorporating the plot of this series with the canon series causes massive headaches for just how complex the writer managed to make everything interconnect.
- Mindlink Mates: Kim and Ron at the end
- Misfit Mobilization Moment: Applies for the regular students, parents, and everyday Joes that join Kim and co for the Last Stand.
- Mood Whiplash: "Are you all right?" "No."
- Morph Weapon: The Lotus Blade
- Mother of a Thousand Young: Tiamat discusses this being the case with herself to Sheila's brother before completely infecting them with The Virus. Also insinuates Incest Is Relative.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Sheila experiences this once she comes to her senses and begs Ron to put her out of her misery. He refu ses.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: the Unshaper, Tiamat, Abaddon, Behemoth, Legion, Leviathan
- Eucatastrophe
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: Kim suffers from this at the beginning of the series.
- No One Could Survive That: Drew fell 50 feet from a hovercar into a swarm of monstrosities. He pulls a Chekhov's Gunman later and helps to save the world with The Power of Love.
- No Periods, Period: Averted. The very first one-shot in the series is about Kim suffering from hers.
- Noble Bigot: Hego, though the noble part is still questionable.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Team Go, Drakken, Shego, Gil
- Nuke'Em: The strategy the heroes use to evaporate all of Lake Wannaweep. This weakens Leviathan enough to be able to defeat him.
- Oh Crap: Ron and Kim after they realize that Tiamat has begun to open the gateway for the Unshaper.
- One-Winged Angel: The Go siblings when they are further infected with The Virus and go through horrific transformations to become dragons to the Unshaper. Kim and Ron also fuse into a four winged being, the amalgamation of chaos and order, to strike the Unshaper down.
- Playing with Fire: Shego /Tiamat
- Power Glows
- The Power of Love: Somehow fitting amongst the chaos and blood spatter. This is how they defeat the Unshaper in the end, with Kim and Ron's love and Drew and Sheila's love working together to hold and slay the monstrosity.
- Powered Armor: Kim's battle suit.
- Powers Via Possession: That is how the Go siblings got their Go glow powers; they're all partially possessed by the Unshaper. The possession and powers get more intense as the story continues, culminating in the siblings becoming eldritch abominations themselves. Gil willingly lets the Unshaper warp him into Leviathan.
- Psycho Serum: The effect that the Unshaper has on the victims is compared to this, save addictive. Being cut off causes instant coma and possible death.
- Punch Clock Villain: Drakken, Shego, and most of the villains before the Unshaper further mutated the first two into becoming its generals.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: "You killed Sheila!"
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The leaders of the last humans, the Irregulars.
- Ready for Lovemaking: Kim to Ron to show that she trusts him implicitly and that he shouldn’t blame himself for her injuries.
- Red String of Fate: Definitely invoked in Ron and Kim's past incarnations finding each other and then being torn away by the Unshaper's manipulations.
- Reincarnation: A major theme in the story.
- Reincarnation Romance
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: This is Gemini's motivating factor for helping fight the end of the world. He demands to face Abaddon/Hego by himself to avenge him killing his sister Betty before he could. DN Amy also begins one when she watches the video of Tiamat blasting Monkey Fist into ashes and bone.
- Saving the World: Not just Kim's schtick in this series. Eventually nearly everyone gets in on it.
- Screwed by the Network: A bit harder to read now that changes in's formatting has removed all scene breaks (complains the author).
- Sex Equals Love: Starts to feel that way with Kim and Ron considering the number of times the story comes to a halt to let them go at it like rabid monkeys.
- Sex Is Evil: This is how Drew becomes infected with the Unshaper and becomes Dr. Drakken.
- Shout-Out: Includes:
- Mego specifically naming Aliens before he bursts out of a woman's chest
- Showing Off the New Body: Tiamat takes Sheila’s body for a spin. Naked. In a wrecked and burning GJ base. More Nightmare Fuel and No Yay than you’d think.
- Slice of Life: The one-shots before the descending of the apocalypse.
- Smug Super: Hego, Tiamat
- The Snark Knight: Shego
- So Proud of You: Kim says this to Ron after he spares Sheila/Shego from his Roaring Rampage of Revenge for permanently scarring and wrecking Kim’s body.
- Spirit Advisor: Sensei after Tiamat burns his body to dust.
- Split Personality: Drew, Drakken, and The Drakken; Sheila, Shego, and Tiamat
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Kim and Ron’s previous incarnations. Until they broke the cycle by destroying that which kept them all apart, at least. Then they upgraded to Love Transcends Spacetime for themselves and all their past lives.
- Super-Detailed Fight Narration
- Superpower Meltdown: Happens at the end of Bleeding Out to Shego and then at the beginning of Bleeding Through to all of the Go siblings, culminating in...
- Super-Powered Evil Side: All the Go siblings plus Drakken become monstrous versions of their former selves, though Drakken and Shego are spared the Body Horror transformations.
- Tarot Troubles: A fortuneteller continuously draws The Tower in one of the intermittent scenes.
- Tear Jerker: If you manage to get through this series without shedding a single tear, you have no soul.
- Unexplained Recovery: Kim via an Applied Phlebotinum of Nanomachines from Drakken which greatly accelerates and enhances her healing process after the nearly deadly attack by Shego.
- Viral Transformation: Infection with the Unshaper's energy causes mutations and horrific powers in the victims.
- Visions of Another Self: More than simple coincidence.
- Voice of the Legion: Averted with Legion themselves; they do not speak. Though Tiamat certainly has one when angered.
- Walking Wasteland: Wherever the Unshaper goes, death and decay follows.
- Wild Magic: What Kim and Ron tap into which was first imbued in them by the shaman of their first incarnation’s tribe millenia ago to fight off the Unshaper using The Power of Love.
- Zombie Apocalypse: Only part of a bigger, more horrific apocalypse.