< Blinky Bill
Blinky Bill/Characters
The main kids:
Blinky Bill:
- The Ace
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Brats with Slingshots: or a Rubberband.
- Determinator
- Foe Yay: One time he dresses up as a girl and flirts with Danny Dingo.
- The Hero
- Jerkass: At times he can be one.
- Kid Hero
- Lovable Rogue:
- Pet the Dog: Building Shifty Dingo a wheelchair after he breaks his leg in the wedding picnic episode is one of the sweetest things he's ever done.
- Trickster
- Ungrateful Bastard: Miss Magpie and "Old Man"( a cockatoo) rescue Blinky and the gang from a balloon hanging over a cliff. Even Marcia gives their teacher a hug. Blinky however teases her about her missing tail feathers, which she had plucked out herself so the rest of the town could follow her.
- The Chick
- Deadpan Snarker: Sort of.
- The Drag Along: The third series has her joining Blinky and Flap just so she can keep an eye on them.
- The Heart
- The Messiah
- Missing Mom
- Only Sane Man Or female.
- Panty Shot: Pink in the movie. White in the series, quite frequent.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Marcia's red.
- Team Mom: Especially towards Shifty in season 2.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: In the first two seasons she's the girly girl to Marcia. The third season has her as the Tomboy to the French Poodle Penelope and girly girl to Ling Ling the panda.
- Adorkable
- Berserk Button: He hates being called a duck.
- Big Eater
- Butt Monkey: Prior to Shifty joining the group
- Deadpan Snarker
- Everything's Better with Platypi
- Everything's Better with Penguins: He dresses up as one in the third series.
- The Lancer
- The Smart Guy: Before Shifty joined in season 2.
- Those Two Guys: With Splodge.
- The Big Guy:
- Boisterous Bruiser: Gets into a scuffle with Blinky and Flap in "Blinky Bill and the Film Star" after their heads are turned by Daisy.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Shades of this.
- Gentle Giant
- Kangaroos Represent Australia
- Nice Hat
- Put on a Bus: Inverted in series 3. Splodge, Marcia and Shifty stay behind.
- Those Two Guys: With Flap.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Hero: Type IV
- Blood Knight: Sort of.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- The Bully: Female version.
- Compressed Vice: The second season finale has her gain a fear of heights. Of course, given her behavior throughout the season, she had the humiliation coming.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Flanderization Most of her dialogue in the second series were insults at Flap, Splodge and Shifty. Usually labelling them "Dummy!".
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Jerkass
- Kid Appeal Character
- Kids Are Cruel: She can be downright nasty to Shifty at times.
- Flap was also a popular target for her.
- The Lancer: In season 1.
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Little Girls Kick Shins: Or bites them in her case.
- Mouthy Kid
- The Napoleon: Rare female version.
- Pet the Dog: Had her moments. For example she softened up when she was placed in charge of a baby mouse and freaked when she (the baby) crawled off.
- Plucky Girl
- Put on a Bus
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Nutsy's blue.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Nusty's girly girl.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: She has a BIG Kick the Dog moment when she bites Shifty Dingo in the Wedding Picnic episode.
- Her Flanderization in the second season didn't help. In the third season however she got better. Even acting as a leader to members of gang left behind while not being too bossy.
- Ungrateful Bastard: After Shifty Dingo saves her life with CPR she says "Yuck, kissed by a dingo" and then she punches him in the face.
- Shifty however was a tad quick with giving her mouth to mouth. She had only passed out from being scared of heights. (Plus the two are shown sharing a drink at the party at the end of the episode.
- Your Size May Vary: In the intro she appears a head shorter than Flap. In the series she can barely peek over Slodge's head while on his shoulders.
The Dingoes:
- Big Bad: In the first series he was the closest to fit the trope.
- Alternately, Ma Dingo could be seen as a Non-Action Big Bad and Danny Dingo as a Dragon with an Agenda.
- Cool Shades
- Deadpan Snarker: He certainly has his moments of snarkiness.
- Disappeared Dad
- Demoted to Extra: Apart from Shifty, he and the other Dingoes in the third season are nowhere to be seen in the first few episodes (which makes the plot about the Circus brothers locking the townsfolk in the school that much more ridiculous). But the writers clearly remember him in the finale because he and the others chase the Circus brother off. He however gets no lines. Bit sad since he was THE main Antagonist in the first season.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Happens in Blinky And The Film Star. See Foe Yay below.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Foe Yay: In Blinky and the Film Star where Blinky seduces him.
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's shown signs of this. Like when he was performing a magic act on the kids with a saw and they started pretend screaming, he got a horrified look on his face.
- Kick the Dog: He's done this a few times, most notably pulling Shifty's ears in the drought episode.
- Lean and Mean: Compared to Meatball
- Schemer
- Smug Snake
- Sunglasses at Night
- Those Two Guys: Rarely does his schemes not involve Meatball doing the heavy stuff.
- Cool Big Sis
- The Dark Chick
- Deadpan Snarker
- Disappeared Dad
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Pet the Dog: Teaching Shifty dance steps
- Adorkable: Not nerdy, but is very awkward and has his moments.
- Big Eater
- The Brute
- Disappeared Dad
- Dumb Muscle
- Fat Idiot
- Gentle Giant: In his more sympathetic moments. Notably pushing Shifty in the wheelchair Blinky made in the wedding picnic episode.
- Minion with an F In Evil
- Real Men Wear Pink: It's revealed that he takes ballet lessons in the Blue Mystery episode. Shifty Dingo refers to Meatball as a "Very special and sensitive person". instead of making fun of him.
- The One Who Wears Shoes
- Those Two Guys: With Danny.
- Ambiguously Gay: Not nearly as extreme as Sirol Crocodile but he has his moments like skipping around with a flower during the mothers day episode and showing an interest in hairdressing. Due to romantic subtext with Nutsy, he could qualify as a Camp Straight.
- Black Sheep: Of the dingo family.
- Butt Monkey.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Shows shades of this, in one episode he thinks humans eat plastic
- Cowardly Lion: He certainly has his moments. Especially in season 2.
- Disappeared Dad
- Everything's Better with Spinning: He spins with a flower in the mother's day episode.
- Fantastic Racism: Sadly, he's often the victim of it.
- Girly Run: In Blinky Bill's Mother's Day, complete with him holding a daffodil.
- In Touch with His Feminine Side: About the only masculine things about him are his baseball cap and skateboard.
- Keet: When he's in a good mood, anyway.
- The Klutz
- Nice Guy: Season 2.
- "No Respect" Guy: In season 2 and the end of season 1.
- Precious Puppy: Also being The Woobie to make him even cuter!
- Promoted to Opening Titles: Season 2.
- Puppy Dog Eyes
- Put on a Bus
- Ridiculously Cute Critter.
- Tender Tears: He probably cries more than any other character on the show.
- Token Good Teammate: To the dingoes. Every once in a while, he'll act like a Jerkass but it's usually to impress his big brothers.
- Yes-Man: To Danny in a few episodes, one episode he's a Servile Snarker.
- Adipose Rex: In one episode, she's shown as this.
- Big Eater: Lampshaded by Flap in one episode. "She eats more than I do!"
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Large and In Charge
- Mama Bear: Somewhat, she's quick to shut the Mayor up when he doubts finding the lost kids.
The Adults:
- Butt Monkey
- The Mentor
- My Name Is Not Durwood He wishes the kids would call him Mr. Wombat. Blinky once went to call him Wombo only to correct himself when he brought good news.
- Butt Monkey
- The Mentor
- My Name Is Not Durwood He wishes the kids would call him Mr. Wombat. Blinky once went to call him Wombo only to correct himself when he brought good news.
Mrs. Koala
- Alimghty Mom: She is always quick to discipline Blinky and whatever she says goes.
Miss Magpie:
- Badass Teacher: Flying out into a storm while plucking your own feathers out for others to follow you sounds pretty badass to me.
- Butt Monkey: Blinky is quick to make fun of her missing tail feathers even after she saved their lives as a result of the above entry.
- It's All My Fault: Said word for word in the Blinky Bill and the Earthquake
Mayor Pelican:
- Butt Monkey: He's one of Blinky's favourite targets.
- Nice Hat: It gets squashed often, even in the intro!
- Let's See You Do Better: For all his flaws, nobody else wants the job.
- Ensemble Darkhorse:Quite a few people find him one of the more memorable characters
- Demoted to Extra: Quite quickly. In Episode one, he seems prominent and even gets star billing in the credits but is quickly shoved into the background thereafter.
- Demoted to Extra: He has a big and dramatic scene in the movie where he files Marcia to the Wood Chip Mill. He doesn't drop off the radar but he becomes a Living Prop with the odd line in the series.
- The Hyena: Laughs in practically in every appearance.
Season 2 guest characters:
Slick Possum:
- Badass Adorable
- Berserk Button: The closest he has to one is the projector being destroyed at the cinema.
- Deadpan Snarker: When Blinky fails to comperhend his jive-talk and later towards Shifty.
- Nice Guy
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Marcia even points out he sounds like Eddie Murphy.
- No Shirt, Long Jacket: Funny Animal version
- Pretty Boy: As far as cartoon animals go
- Puppy Dog Eyes
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Soul Brotha
- Vocal Dissonance: Is an adorable critter with Puppy Dog Eyes that sounds like Eddie Murphy.
Sirol Crocodile:
- Ambiguously Gay: Oh big time
- Real Men Wear Pink: He toughens up only a little, though at the end of his episode.
The Circus Brothers:
Baisl and Cyril Circus, the villains of the third series who chased Blinky around the world so he could replace their act whom Blinky rescued from them.
Basil Circus:
- Big Bad: Of Series 3
- Catch Phrase: "This is all your fault Cyril!" Often his last line in any given episode as its said upon his defeat.
- Fat and Skinny: He's the fat one.
- Jerkass: If he treated the animals in his circus better, the series may never have happened.
- Moral Event Horizon: The series finale has him willingly starts off a bush fire, just to catch Blinky. This is enough for his brother to ditch him.
- Villainous Breakdown
Cyril Circus
- Adult Child: He could easily be younger than Blinky.
- Character Development: He grows smarter as the series goes on and ditches his brother in the finale to join the fire brigade.
- Companion Cube: Teddy Pumpkin
- Too Dumb to Live
- Good Feels Good:
- Minion with an F In Evil
- Simpleton Voice
- Fat and Skinny: He's the skinny one.
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