Blinky Bill
Blinky Bill is the hero of a book series written by Dorothy Wall in the 1930s. The books inspired two TV series: The first one was a live-action puppet show called The New Adventures of Blinky Bill, which ran on ABC from 1984–87 and procuced by Richard Smith, the second one was a follow-up to the 1992 animated movie Blinky Bill: The Mischievous Koala and titled The Adventures of Blinky Bill. The animated series, by far the most well-known version of the character internationally, was adapted and produced by Yram Gross and ran for two seasons from 1993–95, with a third season (retitled Blinky Bill's Around the World Adventures) airing in 2004.
Blinky Bill is an anthropomorphic koala who lives with his friends in the fictional Australian bush town of Greenpatch. In the film Blinky Bill : The Mischievous Koala, Greenpatch is destroyed. The cartoon series is set after they found a new home.
The first season had the townspeople trying to get their new homes in order while coping with a family of playful tricksters and bullies, the dingoes. By the second season, the dingo family made their Heel Face Turn and Shifty Dingo was accepted into Blinky Bill's Five-Man Band, and midway during the second season a story arc formed in which Blinky and his gang got lost while on a school camping trip and had to find their way home. The third season had Blinky, Flap and Nutsy
- AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle - Marcia's name is pronounced incorrectly in the second series credits song.
- Animated Adaptation: The Adventures of Blinky Bill.
- Adipose Rex: Ma Dingo is one of these in the fairy tale episode.
- Adorkable - Shifty Dingo fits it to a T.
- And to a lesser extent, Flap too.
- Asshole Victim - Danny's schemes would often be undone without Blinky's help.
- Australian Accent: Most of the cast.
- Badass Adorable - Let's just say all 6 main kids Took a Level in Badass after the Extraordinary Excursion, Nutsy and Shifty Dingo deserve special mention, though.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals - The entire cast.
- Bratty Half-Pint - Marcia Mouse
- Break the Cutie: Shifty. And how.
- Butt Monkey - Many characters have their moments. Mayor Pelican and Miss Magpie regularly get on the receiving end of Blinky's pranks.
- Shifty takes a ton of crap from Marcia. She practically bullies him.
- Canon Foreigner - Tons of 'em. Neither Flap, Marcia, nor the Dingo family appeared in the original books, and that's only the more major characters the cartoon added.
- The New Adventures Of Blinky Bill puppet show had a few as well, such as Charlie Goanna, Eric Echidna and Sybilla the Snake, plus various (human) park rangers (as the show took place in Bollygum National Park).
- Cool Big Sis - Daisy Dingo
- Cute Little Fangs - The Dingo family
- The Door Slams You
- Dumb Muscle - Meatball Dingo
- Early Installment Weirdness - In the first episode, Flap is no where to be seen. Ruff the Lizard meanwhie fills the role Flap would have later anyway. Which is odd, because Flap had a rather large role in the movie.
- Easy Amnesia: Blinky gets it in the movie, after a tree falls on him, so that Wombo can conveniently fill in his backstory via Flash Back for the viewers before the main plot continues.
- Everything's Better with Platypi
- Five-Bad Band: The dingoes:
- Non-Action Big Bad - Ma Dingo. Subverted in that she CAN fight if she wanted but usually lets Danny, Daisy and Meatball do all the scheming.
- Dragon with an Agenda and Evil Genius - Danny Dingo
- The Brute - Meatball Dingo
- The Dark Chick - Daisy Dingo
- Token Good Teammate (sometimes Creepy Child): Shifty Dingo
- Five-Man Band (season 1)
- The Hero - Blinky Bill
- The Lancer - Marcia Mouse
- The Smart Guy - Flap
- The Big Guy - Splodge
- The Chick - Nutsy (also The Heart)
- Five-Man Band (season 2)
- The Hero - Blinky Bill
- The Lancer - Flap
- The Big Guy - Splodge
- The Smart Guy - Shifty Dingo
- The Chick - Nutsy (also The Heart)
- Kid Appeal Character - Marcia Mouse
- Sixth Ranger - Shifty Dingo (again, sometimes qualifies as a male version of The Chick)
- The Mentor - Wombo
- Gentle Giant - Splodge
- The Heart - Nutsy is this in general. Also Shifty Dingo from season 2 onward at times.
- Heel Face Turn - By the 2nd season, the whole dingo family
- Humans Are the Real Monsters -As shown in the movie and numerous episodes.
- Kid Hero - Blinky Bill
- The Kiddie Ride - mmm, giant Blinky on Bamboo Technology car!
- Land Down Under
- Lean and Mean - Danny Dingo
- Lovable Coward - Shifty Dingo
- My Name Is Not Durwood - Wombo's name isn't Wombo, it's Wombat! Why won't anyone listen when he says that?
- The One Who Wears Shoes - Meatball Dingo
- Plucky Girl - Marcia Mouse
- Recycled: the Series: The TV show is based on, and a continuation of, the 1992 movie (which is sometimes mistaken for The Movie, as the series is far more well-known, but the movie came first).
- Shrinking Violet - Shifty Dingo
- Six-Student Clique:
- The Head — Blinky Bill
- The Muscle — Splodge Kangaroo
- The Quirk — Shifty Dingo
- The Pretty One — Nutsy
- The Smart One — Flap Platypus
- The Wild One — Marcia Marsupial Mouse
- Story Arc: Season 1: Rebuilding Greenpatch. Season 2: The Quest Home (albeit beginning midway through) Season 3: Balloon Adventure
- Sunglasses at Night - Danny Dingo
- Sequel Escalation - Each series got grander and more plot focused. The first series was mostly self contained episodes which could be watched in any order save the last few. Series 2 had more a storyline with the gang lost but again you could watch most episodes in any order. Series 3 meanwhile was even bigger. Blinky traveled around the world in what was easily the most arc based (characters regularly left the group once home so one could easily miss such episodes) and there were actual villains for the first time since the original movie.
- Talking to Himself - The series only has TWO voice actors (one male, one female)
- Theme Tune Roll Call
- The Power of Friendship
- Trickster Archetype - Danny and Daisy Dingo
- Blinky in the third series aginest the Cricus brothers.
- Vocal Evolution: Marcia's voice started out slightly deeper.
- Wham! Episode - Blinky Bill and the Earthquake, the titular earthquake is really a mine cave in separating Blinky and the gang from Miss Magpie and their classmates. Then the episode goes on with a crazed Goanana chasing the gang out of the mine disguised as a ghost. Once out of the mine, it's night time. Meanwhile Miss Magpie is crying her eyes out while Wombo comforts her and the gang set up camp for the night, ending the episode with Nusty imagining all their parents worried sick. This sets up the storyarc for the rest of the series in what had up until then been episodic.